Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Has anyone had success with training long flowering sativas/haze for indoor grows?

The two biggest hurdles seem to be time and space. Time doesn’t bother me, but space is a big hurdle.


I have been experimenting with lights on and how it can help control stretch and even the look of the flower. Your not going to really speed up the period it flowers once they sex but you can keep them a lot more manageable.

It can also reduce the time they take to sex.

Same plants.

Flowered under 11/13

Flowered under 7/17

Both grows still had them flower for 19 weeks.


Wow, that’s fascinating! Did they smoke similarly?

Yeah absolutely. Flower from a cut, top at 5th node, and keep the container size small. I have seen people have success flipping shortly after the cutting is rooted in its new container as well.

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Remastered your photo a bit.


Would I expect something like a 6 or 7 foot plant as opposed to 12 or 15 using this method?

Because Afghanistan is farer away from Thailand than Tom Hills attic is from his basement?


Your gonna have to show some pics before I take you seriously… do you actually grow cannabis or are you just a computer warrior? Pretty much every post you make here is some sort of insult or disparagement.

Not sure why you hate Tom / exclusively post here to disparage people that you don’t think have “real haze”.

I would love to see your Skunk x Haze plants you were talking about that supposedly look more haze than Toms or Mac’s or Todd’s or Seedsman or whatever. Please share some of your own pics.


This is the way


If you can find a post where I say anything about how Toms Haze is superior or Neville’s is a “knockoff” , or am defending poor Tom from his attackers show me. And your right I’m not Toms “fan” and I haven’t been lurking forums white knighting for him for 20 yrs, he just a dude… I respect that he actually reprod some stuff but I don’t know him.

I actually enjoy some of the content Hempy posts… I was just annoyed one of his first posts in this thread was asking Maha this. Note Maha had previously been ignoring him.

He knew Maha well and has argued with him incessantly about true haze and Nev haze for years on another site… he was just trying to push buttons to get a response and start an argument. Similar reason to why Maha got banned here really. He doesn’t know when to stop sometimes. Why bring the same old argument here… there is already pages and pages and pages of that other places. I felt we didn’t need it here.

Your absolutely right. Dude is projecting so hard he should change his name to Epson. Really isnt worth my time. Sorry to everyone for being part of the problem cluttering up this thread with BS. He is on ignore now.


I agree man, all the arguing on this page makes it feel like ‘another’ site, and for good reason, it was started elsewhere before. That’s not what OG is all about. Some people say ‘everyone is entitled to their opinions’, but if those opinions are just the same arguments over and over with no resolve, then we get this argument loop we see on this thread, so all that was not helpful but instead counteractive.


Yeah I have had success in a tent growing Haze hybrids… Not sure if I would want to try a pure haze without more headroom. Keeping them to around 5ft. I topped and then used a net to train em up and I still had branches growing into lights that I had to bend/break.

But yeah especially if you haven’t grown a long flower sat before I recommend some sort of Haze hybrid over a pure one for sure.


This is when “you” decided the stretch was over. But THH has other plans #hopeitstopsat7

Hapi haze growing


Beautiful work @Hapi. How far along are they? Smells, resin coverage, were they from a cut or seed? tell me I want to live vicariously through ya bud!


Looks great. I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out


I dunno man, call me a bougie sucker of the sort @Chuckie was talking about, but that stuff looks real good to me… kinda like the Thai landraces I’ve grown from RSC. Does it really finish by 11-12 weeks? How’s the flavor/high? Who’s been maintaining seedstock all the way from the 70s? You’ve got me invested in the story of your “ugly” weed :slight_smile:


DUBBLE BANANA MANGO HAZE… Shes been with me for 13 Years now.


i like mango haze ,
and some good hybrids can be made with her ,
this looks like no exception hammer ,
good looking lady, can see why youve held onto her …


Mmmm very tasty looking. What’s the lineage on that one @hammerheadgenetics?


Thanks, buddy. Your MHXC5XMH has a date with her…I made some MHxC5xMH)x Snowman x Bio Diesel.