Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

DBMH= OGK x Mango Haze) x Sour Dubble x C.banana…


You guys keep tearing the scab off the sore and posting about things non of you have any involvement in while blaming me and then at the same time blaming me for bringing set drama to this thread that you and others continue to flame.

How am i bringing drama here when you and others are posting about it and i am not ?

If you have something to say to me Topic say it so i can respond otherwise move on and dont continue to blame me for things i have mot done


They look really nice Hapi and look like a long flower is ahead of you.

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? What are you talking about, did you forget you meds again lol. Ive not said a single word to you in any post. Ive not withdrawn any post?. This is exactly what causing drama is.


She’s gorgeous, and looks really good for 13. You’re not in my state, I’m guessing… :crying_cat_face:

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I’m in Cali. DBMH was shared with the community a decade ago. She is out there


I think your the one that has forgotten his meds Hammer wow.

I polity posted and asked what was the make up of DUBBLE BANANA MANGO HAZE but after i posted i spotted your post that cleared that up so i deleted the post.

Nothing sinister in my post my question had been already answered so i deleted my post.

There was no need for such a nasty response.


Your on the internet dude… No one can read your mind. All I had to go by was this comment
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged). I had no clue what this was. Since I’m already aware of the drama you create that’s a pretty normal response.
If you want to argue please find someone else.


Look Hammer you keep saying dramas i create yet i am the one being nice here and just trying to fit in while being constantly provoked.

You could have PM me and asked what i had posted instead you attack me insult me and again blame me for causing drama i did not start.

Move on.


Haze sucks


And the sh!t stirring goes into full swing :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Sounds lovely man… What made you keep her around so long? 13 years is a while. She must have some special qualities.

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I thought about trying to bonsai train one in a circle loop, has anyone tried this to get a denser canopy and/or reduce stretch? I’d imagine it’d take forever to veg though.

Thanks @TopicalWave . this is a remake of THH #8 , here are some old pics

THH #8 about 60 days in
yes @hempy your correct long flower, couple months left, salute
Appreciate it @Emeraldgreen
I get lil citrusy on dry pull,smoking lots piney, lemonine
last time runnig her. This is from C&C stock.
I have THH from “snow storm” stock running also. So I have to make room.
Hapi haze growing



It’s because you’re smoking hybrids bro. Real haze is even WORSE.


You always make me laugh


I am looking to increase the growing time for some of my types to take advantage of growing in the lower 30’s since day lengths aren’t long enough and make for a too short of growth period.

Longer flowering gives bigger plants in some types and might effect the high? Notsodog mentioned how the pure Afi/Pakis x Thais make it so hard to grow indoors since they rot and that’s true. Same types do well in this very very dry climate and are fragrant/greasy looking giant plants.


AceSeeds says that a lot about their strains - if they’re the experts, one can assume the longer-running phenos provide more interesting effects.


I’ve run a little Ace gear and it’s as advertised except for maybe that one controversy.