Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Are your almost dry buds able to hold their form? If they can you can take them off the stem and just lay them out on some paper or in a paper bag. This will create more room and get rid of the moisture in the stem.


I was going to ask what the flowering time was on those, wasn’t sure if the c99 shortened it or if the zoid kept it lengthy but this is a good answer!

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Besides “Plant MORE”? :rofl: hanks for dropping the comment! Yeah, this being my first ‘real’ Haze experience (grew out Karel Hazes a year ago only nto have monsoon drown them!), I’d do a lot of things differently. My LS mix is probably much stronger than these would have liked…I also didn’t hold back on fert’ing during veg or flowering which may not have been to their liking. I’d LOVE to see what they would do directly in the ground, but we have a real bad case of termites here on the island (lots of old coconut trees) and they manage to get into everything with my good mix in it! Last year I grew the KH in 20/30/40 gallon felt bags and did massive LST/HST training on them…the results were great, but at the end of the season I assessed how much extra work they all took to do all that training and said 'the hell with that!" Fun, but a lot of work! Of course the shorter, stouter plants handled the winds better. :call_me_hand:


Great point @Emeraldgreen ! Now I just need to figure out where to buy those old fashioned large brown-paper grocery bags! It’s only a small 1.5m x 1.5 m tent, which is fine for the little girls, but taking down 6 or 8 of anything at one time means really crowded conditions in there. I’d buy a bigger drying tent, but I’d need to hire a D-9 to come in and make a ‘flat’ spot for anything bigger! :joy:



You can always take it down in stages. Top colas middle and finally lowers with a large leaf removal so less plant material needs to dry


Haa, haa, haa! Have you seen the way we’ve been timming-on-the-bush with the FrankenBubbles, LSD x Blue Sunshine, etc.? :joy: Even so, I’m a bit scared to check on the Lemon Skunks this morning!

Here’s (mostly) last year’s Karel Haze LST’ed about this time. These beans were started in the beginning of August, and so were about 2 months old at the time of the pics.

And here’s a shot of trimmin’-on-the-bush this year! :roll_eyes:



The infestation of termites in the environment definitely possess some challenges.

What lines are you finding perform the best so far.


wow sucks that you guys down in the gulf have an extended monsoon season ,
i know up in isaan territory its over by the end of september usually ,
though this year is a little different from all accounts , seems to be the case in many places ,

fingers crossed on some forgiving weather for your finish there man ,
you may have to move north east for a better finishing climate for those long season sativas , lol …


555! Thanks @wallyduck This is our ‘usual’ monsoon…for the first 20 years I lived here you could set your watch by the monsoon down here…almost always ending on Xmas eve, just as all the tourists start arriving for Holidays. But the last 10 it’s swung as much as 2 month’s early/late. Guess we better get used to it!



Jerry Springers ghost bookmarked this thread , lol


There are 2 pictures of Haze taken by Mel Frank being grown in Sam’s back yard / Greenhouse in California in the early 80s.

I can only find one but will try and find the other.


Never seen one like that very cool

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Was good to see Tom peek in. Been staying on the down low internet wise for a few weeks, but things are moving along.

Tom’s Positronics line from the last of the old seeds I had.


And the other one


Maha’s gear using Tom’s Positronics stock.
Acid Beauty’s


Juicy Woo’s

And the lone Ace Green OTH x A5


I don’t feel like it’s a debate at all, you have smoked good haze. It comes in many colors, some of the best was at damkring in '94, some people will remember. All of these different hazes are excellent. I like best the old Positronic stock I have lived with it for 30 years and it’s really good. That’s all I am really saying.


Everything else is bullshit. No matter my mouth or whoever’s.


So this is a pretty crazy, interesting, thread and I’m trying to track everything. But I’m very interested in haze genetics. Genetics. I’ve never tried it. What seeds would someone recommend for an indoor grower who wants to be done within a 15 week flowering time?


If they need to be haze genetics originating from Sam’s stock…the only real recommendation I’d give would be Maha’s more manageable crosses using Tom’s Positronic lines…but not Acid Beauty lol. That would be a long slog nightmare indoors I think.

If you want to try very similar type haze line to original lumbo side haze, Ace has a number of options…or the work they do with A5 and C5….though by then the amount of haze in plants is diminished.

I’m sure many others can speak to non-Maha options for Sam’s haze in crosses suitable to your desires.


Respect to hear you say that Tom. If someone says they have the ‘best’ anything I tend to roll my eyes and move on.

At the end of the day Haze and Haze hybrids are a nice step up or at least away from most things that inundate the market now. Enough chat about whose is best and let’s just share what we got.

I am loving MAHAs work with your posi line. I’m an indoor dude so for me, trying to grow a pure haze isn’t the best move for me yet… I need to learn even more about growing sats before I attempt that I think.