Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Could have split personality and if so it proves your point that it is subjective if you believe the first part of the persons story?

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The need to stand out from the herd is a biological impulse, people underestimate the degree to which they are influenced by it constantly. Almost doesn’t matter why people say what they say, that guy is a salesman though, we all are in some way.

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To be ‘noticed’ yes…yet never straying too far from the ‘safety’ of the ‘group’…
The more real you get, the more unreal everything else is.
— John Lennon



This comic reminded me of some of the discussion here sometimes. Hope it gives a chuckle to a few of you. :slight_smile:

*Disclaimer - This picture is just an attempt at some comic relief. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this comic are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.



So far I’ve learned from this very informative thread that Haze sucks and it’s totally overrated. Oh yeah and by the way all weed is basically the same and anyone who says different is a snake oil salesman. I feel so much better now that I’ve been informed by such authorities on the subject.


Welcome to ICMag! :man_facepalming:


if i put 3 things together and call it bushka weed ,
then that is pure bushka weed ,
the pure just indicates there is nothing further added than the 3 things i added in the first place ,
i think thats overlooked by earlier posters that you were replying too , who think pure means it is only 1 thing , not a mix …
i agree with your statement , 3 sativas together , still make a pure sativa in my books …


Yes that’s what I meant, the autism makes me think you know what I am saying and I never figure that out. I throw the horse over the fence some hay. RPN calculator :joy:


hahaha ,
yep must be the same area of that spectrum for sure ,

ive grown nevils haze a few times outdoor here ,
i never got these legendary 20 weekers ,
despite using seed directly from shanti pre 2012 .
here is a pic of one i grew a few years back ,
maybe they prefer growing in the great outdoors and not being overfed with chemicals ,
i think the maximum flowering time was more like 14 weeks , maybe even less , the longer flowering plant was grown more than 10 years ago , even then , among that seed i found an earlier one like this picture below …


Hazes (anything sativa) seem to flower much faster outdoors. I had some 18 week indoor that I put a clone of outdoor it seemed more like 14 weeks. Outdoor nicer all round taste, effect, and more solid, none of this grinspoon running a lot of us get indoors.


and you are not vegging them under 18/6 for any period of time when you grow them in the tropics outdoors right Wally?

That would probably be another reason some people think that they have a 19-20 week flowering plant as they veg under 18 hours of light and then switch their timer and think they are flowering from day one.

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normally no stocktont ,
that one was a cutting though if i recall and may have been revegged ,
they get a bit of a shock when they go outside and flower pretty quickly as a result ,
but yep i think there is a vast difference growing sativas outdoor to indoor ,
particularly in a tropical setting with organics vs indoor where nothing is natural …


Definitely agree


Wait wait wait I learned that haze is the only true good weed and it’s packed full of psychedelics but only if you smoke the true pure stuff that isn’t really available.

I don’t doubt either of these things necessarily but probably the truth lies between them. That’s why I wanna grow some haze! Oh shoot now I’m getting suckered by marketing. DAMN!


People’s life experiences are not gonna be the same even if you live next door to each other. How we interpret the quality of anything can be very different. If someone doesn’t have the same experience doesn’t mean it’s not good, different, or fake lol. The quality I prefer is from outcrossing haze. I’ve not found a Haze I would call a long term keeper so far growing them indoor… IMO haze is much better used for breeding purposes. This is where the long term keepers will be found IME,.


Poly as in Polyhybrid.

In reproductive biology, **a hybrid is **an offspring produced from a cross between parents of different species or sub-species.

Polyhybrids, **crosses between different hybrids.

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Here and there some strains can have a different effect but a lot of people get away with marketing garbage off another persons work that way. You are enabling them by not holding some standards.
Wedding Cake is a great example. There is one wedding cake, not Barney’s farm or S1 or ruderalis fast photo etc. and how you really know given different environments is you smoke it. Otherwise we’re all just dudes sharing photos claiming we all got the top flite herb.


All of us old Haze heads called it pure Haze since forever. It means the same as original Haze. I think you always knew that but just wanted to make it an issue for nothing. It’s not like everyone didn’t know it was a hybrid from the beginning


I never made it an issue Chara others have i know what i grow.

People over look the story told by Sam and if we are to base the facts on the only sauce then the facts go like this.

Haze at F1 was and started off as a Hybrid then each generation after that a different line was added that would make it what ? (Polyhybrid)

List of the different Haze listed in High Times so what of these is the Original Haze ?