Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Nevil found a super fast Haze plant in the seed batches he bought from Sam did you know that ?

Even after HzB was crosse to HzC they came in at 10 to 11 weeks.

HzB and HzC were both from pure Haze seed.


If breeders/chuckers are not growing other people’s work they are doing themselves a disservice. If you don’t know what kind of quality others are making how can anyone say their work is the best lol. Id stay clear of anyone making that claim.

Broad leaf plants from Sativa genetics happen often. I just popped some A5h s1 x Sowahh. These plants look like Maple Leaf.


I want that extra late (new years) haze for $5 dollars please. Haha


i wouldnt worry too much man ,
most of us understand what is meant when folks refer to haze ,
some people get pedantic and jump up and down over such insignificant stuff ,
just because they dont really have much else …
for me and im sure most , the name haze covers the south american sativas grown by guys sam knew ,
who at some point , maybe the end , maybe halfway through their breeding of it , named it haze , the final product is haze ,
anything further , haze x thai , haze x indian , haze x northern lights ,
those are not original , or pure haze and should be listed as such ,

its crazy we even have to have conversations like this even , but some folks have poor reading and comprehension skills , and things need to be said over and over and over ,
its likely it still wont ring any bells or sink in for them ,
but just so long as we all understand what we mean when we say “haze” …


Ace seeds has some decent offerings. Tom Hill popped up with a haze run recently, someone might make more of his beans. AGseed Co sells a pure haze, but its not a grail haze, and he doesn’t tote it as one.

That’s one of the problems with these long flowering strains. Most people won’t risk 20 weeks to potentially grow hay.


Then You must have got very different Nevils Haze to me as all my seed go 19 weeks in flower or more and even the flowers look more sat even in the F3s grown out doors or in.

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Impossible since I got them from shanti who’s uses the same parents as you have been saying for a long long time ,
They were acquired before 2012,
The main difference is where they are grown and what they are fed which makes no difference apparently according to you but I’d disagree, your plants look like they get a lot of nitrogen given the colour and never show any signs of fading like sativas often do towards the end of their life plus it looks like you defoliate addi g further stress to them other than they are already under in such an unnatural environment,
So yes im certain all those things contribute to the flowering times and end product also…


My F1s went 19 and over 20 weeks in flower and they look nothing like the flower you posted.

My F2s all went 19 weeks even when flowered under 7/17.

My F3s grown out doors in soil in pots again flower 19 weeks.

As long as the plants can fully mature in the environment they grow in it should not matter were they grow as the flower time / high and taste and the rest is determined by genetics or has science got that wrong ?

My plants sativas get a extreamly light feeding threw flower.




F3s grown out doors in pots in soil.
Fem 1

Fem 2


weird hey ,
cause these are from shanti , so definitely the right recipe ,
you have said many times , shanti has the parents nevil used ,
and his nevils haze is the same ,
so why are mine so different ??
must come down to a happier environment ,
cause u cant have it both ways can you ??

science is fine , you dont seem to care about science,
it says , the better the environment , the happier the plants ,
the better the result …
i see everyone else say the high and taste is always better on outdoor grown stuff ,
well except for you that is , because u are stuck indoors it seems …


Did you miss the post of greenhouse grown f3 literally right before your post?

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Wow what a nice specimen! Greenhouse looks very special and you can grow very nice plants in them. That will be my next project to build one of these bad boys… Hey don’t mean to delete messages when asking you questions but no shade on you just me being me. I like your pics they seem like a lot of time and effort went into these projects. Are these pics of your greenhouse and genetics?



you mean me??
did the poster say they are his plants ?
im not sure if the post was directed towards me for any reason …

I think some us have vastly different ideas of what a Colombia leaning haze is. For me it is that rich thick robust leather or fresh sawn teak for the 2 shipwrights that might be here lol. I’d refer you guys to Clarke’s description in the origin of the species he nailed it. I’ve not seen it since a couple Adam coffee shops mid 90’s, not in anybody’s camp. I still have hopes for that mango a5 side coughing up what I am describing though. For sure none of that NYC stuff seems to.


Yeah yeah this is correct. The tropical varieties seem to, upon inbreeding depression, die at cat piss. The broadleafs die at grapefruit. When you reach either the line is over. Then some Spanish maiden takes it over and further ruins it, for profit. :joy:


The outdoor grown F3s were grown by a friend but the seed were made by me.


The piff all lean to the HzC side Tom or Colombian side the 5HzA mother of Nevils Haze looks like this.


I only care about it’s presentation in the pipe man


I haven’t come across the cat piss my self all i set out to do was preserve what i already had and i did that in the F2s then in the F3si set out to lock in both the HzA and HzC side and i did that to.

Nevil talked about the cat piss to but even with extream inbreeding (selfing) i never saw it.

I have inbreed a Thai 10 generations i never saw it.