Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Why direct that at me Shade i have no bone is this fight or dose any one but Sam and Nevil.

Not every ones going to get on that is life.


you,. tom, maha, plenty are getting in on the drama but tom sees the big picture. he told you here what hes doing and you didnt even see it man. cmon now. ive seen norcal dudes everywhere ive been, i know it when i see it. you need to see it brother.

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you know that saying, dont know what you got til its gone. the purity test works until you realized all your left with are a bunch of nerds and theres an army of angry foreigners charging at you.

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I have always gotten on with Tom i like Tom as for others that dont like me its their problem not my problem. People need to get a grip like i give a shit what Maha thinks or says honestly.

I know what Toms doing and he knows what i am doing.

I hate to be the one to brake it to you but California was not the only place to grow good cannabis.

We share with friends we also have and had a cannabis culture for a long time to.


whats tom doing?

i can give you a hint if that helps

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Why would i post up Toms business ?

You can keep your T shirt i have plenty.

Why are you being a dick Shade ?


you seem plenty comfortable with flaming him. but ok well let that simmer lol.i can almost guarantee you that you wont like the outcome though.

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hempy, you are the keeper of the origin story. think deep.

I have never flamed Tom you must have me confused with some one else.

Dont play games shade spit it out tell us all what has you so bent out of shape so we can get back to the topic of Cannabis.

welcome to the thunderdome hempy. youre not supposed to know whats going on. i feel confident in saying you have no clue though.

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ok heres the clue. who holds the keys to both lines that started the first line? there is only one person who does.

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ahhh so you realized what real power looks like eh?

Thanks for the laugh Shade i had to screen shot these for prosperity lol.

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my guy, i literally solved the riddle for you.

whats ironic here is you brought up the post about sam wanting royalties in the first place ,
then go on to say its between them anyhow hahahha ,
so why even bring it up ,
oh hang on , it gave u a chance to say you were friends with nevil
and that sam used to post on a site you were part of ,

narcissist much … its pretty pathetic man ,
seriously , you could contribute properly without being so engaging ,
so provocative , then so defensive ,
at the end not knowing why anyone is even having a go at you,

stop posting such rubbish if you dont want folks to question you about it ,
like all the breeding of haze was done in holland ,
and sam wants royalties for his seeds ,
then you post something sam said that totally contradicts what you have said ,
ffs man ,
and dont tell me to give it a rest either ,
you are the one who needs to give it a rest ,
stop beating that same horse you have been beating for decades mate …


I didnt bring it up others did but why let the truth get in the way of a good old School hempy bashing by Wally lol

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so here u are bringing it up ,
you should get another hobby than trying to created dramas and shit fights on the internet hempy ,
you cant even keep track of what you have said a few post previously …


Don’t want to take part in the bs drama but just wanted to make a comment about the royalties that his royal highness and self proclaimed god SamS would like to collect (of course only jokingly cause he is such a nice guy).

Even if he would like to he could not get royalties (even if we assume that he was important in alleged “breeding” of Haze) because Haze is not a strain according to biological laws and plant patent laws.
Haze is not homogenous, stable, uniform and distinguishable (like none of the other so called “strains” out there) and therefore would not be accepted as a strain at UPOV and could not be patented and therefore can not receive royalties.


Haze is not a variety according to biological and plant patent laws. just wanted to make that clear once again.

“Hybrids” made with haze are not hybrids.
Only true breeding strains (which have to be, by definition, homogenous!, uniform!, distinguishable! and stable!) crossed together are true f1 hybrids