Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Neville’s Haze

Looking for recommendations for an available seed variety for straight up sativa high and fairly homogeneous. I have had some good results in years past from Neville’s Haze and C99 in effect if not consistency. I’ve tried local dispensary sativas and have struck out. Thank you.


Malawi from ACE and Lieu Hanh are my recommendation for straight up sativa high for people who love haze and who love sativas.


Tried Ace Malawi and Zamaldelica and they are good. Maybe I could have done a better job of growing but they didn’t take me there. I’ll keep my eyes open for the Lieu Hahn. Thanks.


ACE Malawi is hybridized so that may be why. If you were to try Afropips Malawi reproduction you may have a more profound experience. Also, look into cobbing to bring out potency/potential in the stronger phenos.


With what did they hybridize the Malawi?


M-14. That’s arguably the best combat rifle ever made. If you’re looking for a weapon to carry into the Zombie Apocalypse, look no further.


PCK I believe!


What trait of haze is everyone chasing?


I took cuts from the NHxOHxAPPSS today… As soon as there rooted I will flower the seed plants. I got 2 different phenotypes in this run. 2 plants have a soft velvet look/feel on their stems with small leaves. Super stoked to flwoer them


Main trait is the high.


Not sure if your still interested in the Malawi but thought to share this post by Musterfunk that gives a few leads on were you can find the real deal.


Howdy @hempy, what is the high like to you? The effects and perceived experience and such. Much love


Think TRSC has the Afropips Malawi repro. I’ve grown Ace Malawi. It’s definitely a very heavy handed high. Potentially plan cancelling day ending shit if overdone. I’ve got some S1’s of the Old Killer Malawi that I need to run more of.


The ones that make you feel small and interconnected to the universe as if an ego check. No ceiling, potent, and long lasting. Resinous. Fasciated stem. I think your question is awesome and great for the topic of discussion. Much love


Hiya Sbeanonnamellow the two main high types i seek out when growing and selecting in the Nevils Haze are the Thai type and the Colombian type ( HzA / HzC ).

The Thai high is a creeper it builds and builds then comes at you in waves very Acid like type high this is my favorite of the Haze highs.

The Colombian type high is very different it hits fast very intense racy then backs of to a strong high that has a touch of stone to the high.


Yes, the waves! I like those types too, they seem to have a longer duration than others and I can find myself in a better groove and efficient flow instead of chasing the bong around all day. Thank you for elaborating. Much love


My Malawi x Panama from ACE has been flowering 12 weeks and it looks like it still has six weeks to go. The flowers are a bit different to the sativas I am used to, which are Central and Southern American. It is smelling like green mango. If indeed there is anything extra there, I am sure it wil translate to the effect, but so far my plant is very long flowering.


That’s why we need to pick our own phenos. What these different strains have in common is that they were picked for someone - just not you…


I am not a big fan of the Colombian high but its part of the line so i kept both sides of the line intact and managed to do this with selective breeding not open pollination as most preach. Now i can pick what side of the line i want because both are there.

I agree that people should select for there needs and tastes after all their the ones smoking it.


I am so excited to hear the smoke reports on these!

My favorite effect in haze is not the paranoid trip or the heavier confusing stone. I prefere the anti-gravity really electric positively charged vibration. Sensation in the solar plex like cresting over the top of a roller coaster Pure energy spiritual medicine mind fuel.

Come on like taking a rip of coke with none of the down side. The Alpine 1.0 have been my favorite to grow for this reason. There is some audio distortion and light shade changes, but does not have the “call the hospital” hide in the corner effect of the original cut I remember of 5haze.

It’s an unbelievable mood enhancer. exuberant. For effect it, or it’s crosses are almost all I grow anymore. However, The terpenes are incomplete as a remember them, but. many are now over the record breaking .4 % ocimene that fills the room with frankincense on the burn.

In that sense it is multiples above “piff” in the incense category. Not to be that guy, but I didn’t even get what Piff is anymore. I thought it was incense. Frankincense to be specific, but now I see that as the description of all kinds of NLD’d that I know full well font have any incense factor… Piff seems to now mean. Not OG and that’s about it.

What the line lacks aside from 1 so far is the bright 7up fir needles that camphene potentiates. The whole project is working back to one cut that came out of a Nevil’s 5haze cut.

Has anyone found this profile in their hunts or have a cut of this type within his work? It comes on the haze side not the Northern lights side.

It is very very distinct. If you smelled it once it is never forgot.IMG_20220206_004306902