Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

But limit their pollination potential (i.e. chop most of it’s balls off) so they aren’t the predominate donors.


Two frosty Acid Beauty flowers. Both plants getting chopped in the next several days.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the US folks on here…


@Ur_Humbl_Nr8tor Ok thanks. Will do.

Beautiful plants too, Im tapped out on seed buying but will try out Mahakala seeds eventually.


Without a 1:1 mating and testing the progeny nobody knows what might turn up with your male that’s earliest to show compared to it’s siblings. A lot will speculate though, and some will even speculate upon others speculations. The proof is in the pudding. Early, late, citrus, or grape they’re all just different flavors and variety is the spice of life to me. In my opinion, it’s what your goals are and what works best for you.

I think there is value in the extreme outliers on both ends of the spectrum within a line. How much so would depend on how the progeny and subsequent populations perform both with and without those genetic contributions. It’s enjoyable to see your work with this line. Many blessings and much love


Seed bulk to preserve, look thru them, make selections and explore different the directions they present.
Retain enough seed to start over if I don’t like the choices I make later on.

Here are some Females at Day 23





Shiatsu Kush - supposedly a heirloom strain that hails from the Japanese island of Amami Oshima.


Malawi Gold x Grinspoon is the longest flowering variety I’ve attempted indoors. Only 1 germinated so far.


I have some lemon haze og f4 going but she’s nothing worth sharing yet

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Got started on trimming the green Juicy Woo after a Thanksgiving stuffing today.


I don’t remember what is P420, but it look like way too dominant for the sowah. Nice coat centered on flowers anyway, i def’ can smoke this ^^


p420= (N-HAZE X O-HAZE) x (THH x A5hbx x MAC).

Its a long process to get to the end high quality goal when working with haze. Lots of failures along the way. Getting lucky happens but not typical. I like my weed to be very potent with terps to match. Both traits are important. Sowahh is very potent…


These look phenomenal! What is the pedigree of Acid Beauty? What notes is it hitting?


@hammerheadgenetics thats a very interesting cross, we need more blends of all the hazes available plus some modern genetics to up the flavour and potency. Do you feel the cross is good despite the MAC (from the totally purist perspective) or the MAC adds a nice spin on the cross?


Definitely adds density and crystal!


I used Mac for the Colombian gold and to make males to select from

MAC=Alien Cookies f2 x (Colombian Gold x Star Fighter)


I have seen a couple stems twist like that but usually are from lst and the purple stripes are usually from led lighting or cal deficiency. Your plants look healthy as could be the purple can be a trait but usually the whole stem will be purple. Look under the bigger fan leaves is the stem all green where the lights don’t hit? That should tell you.

that branch is striped with a bit of a twist.


A radical example to maybe change your mind, i call it the “rhubarb effect”. No lst, no led, no cal-mag funk, soil … it’s just anthocyanins produced by an unbalance in sugars. A 15 bucks brix meter can permit to understand along specimens of the same progeny why some activate their defense when the lights reach a certain density.
It’s also important to don’t mix with the anthocyanins shown on surface used for photosynthesis, similar gears but not the same game.


I have only seen the steam twist like that once in over 4 decades of growing and that was about a month ago on a male.

The candy striping as some call it is genetic can be purple or can be red in Haze and it becomes more noticeable on the steams as the plant matures in veg or as the plant starts to flower under HPS or Out Doors.

You can spot it early on if you look close.

Males one has a the Red the other has the Purple color on the plants.


Hey, Stone. Acid Beauty is Tom’s Haze x Black Vietnamese (green pheno) if I recall correctly. Perhaps Huesos was the originator of the Black Vietnamese Maha grew out? I haven’t really had my nose in the plants for a week or so…but there are metallic blood like scents. Fresh sawn teak. Perhaps some chocolate notes. I’ll have more to say on that when I harvest and start drying early next week.

Here’s my ‘bluer’ Juicy Woo. Have a boat load of the green/silver one still needing to be trimmed…but thought I’d show these in comparison.

Once you trim off the purple/black fans, you’re left with a much lighter flower…but definitely darker than the other plant. Aromas are darker too. The silver-ish pheno is brighter more tropical sour fruit notes. This darker pheno has more blackberry, perhaps mustier aromas.

Both plants resin is the dry and sandy type. The lighter pheno resin is tackier and seems more prevalent on my fingers after trimming.

Juicy Woo lineage from Maha himself…

‘my juicy woo(my version of blue haze with mr shine) contains flo. namely flo 91 mother… I will test it this season hopefully… about selection of mother for juicy woo. I got one pheno which was something between flo and f13, but I chose juicy fruit smelling one as it packs some punch. thaish punch and I found such raw power unusual for blue line. and it perfectly fits to this concept to cross mr. shine with thai hybrids…I hope that mr. shine will awake thai in it. let test it!’

Can’t wait to smoke both of these phenos as well the Acid Beauties.


Those buds look tasty @Ur_Humbl_Nr8tor!