Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

This particular one left little to want or improve in the effect or the olfactory. 10/10 effect, 8/10 potency, 8/10 olfactory, 10/10 on incense olfactory, flavor 6/10. There was leathery mango and floral to wood, but not something truly unique on flavor.


Everyone would want to smoke the 5% real haze if they had ever had it, but very very few want to do the work. Even if they say they do it’s very likely there will be disappointment.

I have had several complaints about haze taking to long or dominating to much space from people who were initially very excited and knew what it would do and take. I have been leaning towards haze heavy hybrids lately because that is what the average person really wants regardless of what they say. If they like the difference hopefully they dive deeper into it.

For people experienced with landrace, equatorial like the haze enthusiasts on here it’s different, but for most every week past 8 and every foot of canopy will have them crying even if it is fire.


I’m one of those people, very impatient. But I have one Laos landrace in a corner of the tent (soon to add two more) with a mix of faster hybrids and autos. I don’t see another way. Since modern hybrids seem to lack a lot in the effects department, I need to keep growing until I find what I am looking for. Then I’ll just keep growing.


That’s a great way to hunt. I’ve had many tents of land race hunts that I just couldn’t do anything with. 4 to 5 months of nuts and electric is more than most can afford.

Feathering in lanky nlds around the perimeter of a light canopy is making great use of unused space.


There are a number of folks who got their hands on those 100 seed packs, so I suspect there to be a fair amount of plant representation in 2024 from Tom’s new OP. I’ll likely go through a number of them and further OP along the way. Then start making selections looking for keepers.

It would make sense of similarities to old original NH as the original haze genetics used should be similar as well in both Nevil’s work and what came from Positronics. All coming from the original Santa Cruz haze work if we are to believe the stories.

I don’t let a lot of the ‘noise’ from the seed breeder or from other internet voices effect me all too much. I think my outdoor plants speak for themselves to their quality as far as growth goes. Do I have everything completely dialed in? No, not even close…but. My thoughts are that if the genetics have potential, they will reveal themselves in my garden assuming I do a proper number of representations. There are a handful of growers I have respect for that are searching very large numbers of plants even with hybridized genetics from established breeders. They seem to believe 5% is a reasonable number for the very highest quality representation (keeper clones) in those genetics as well. It’s not the ‘keeper or two’ in every 10 seed pack most breeders are trying to shill.

I ask you to share photos because you are very opinionated and I’d like to see what you base those opinions on. Right or wrong, seeing is believing. Not insinuating you do not know what you speak of, but I’m on a life-long journey of learning and the best way for me to learn is seeing what others have done or are doing. There is about 2% truth in what’s being sold on-line by so called seed breeders. Proof is in the pudding and I hope we will see in the next year or so what sort of proof comes from Tom’s new seed lot. Same could be said for supposed Squirrel Tail or any other ‘breeder’ seeds, right?


Regarding Maha’s work…he’s pretty early in the seed game…but he has posted photos of some of the plants he is using for breeding. Also showing photos from others who have run his gear. He’s more than welcome to show my photos to the community if he desires. I think mine are good representations of very limited numbers from his crosses. I see some good representation in others grows. Are there some complete hay phenos that we will never see due to genetics or bad growing technique? I have no doubt there are. Just try to keep an open mind and then base my ‘truth’ on actually rolling up sleeves and growing plants IRL.


THH snowstorm 2023

( left)

! !
Hapi Haze growing


Demonstration beats conversation
Clones from the hunt!

Hapi haze growing!


I can’t comment on your experience but mm s picture is anything but a representation of a nld , definitely a hybrid without a doubt.
And sure there are variations depending on where one grows but a narrow leaf plant with fluffy and airy sativa buds doesn’t become a broad leaf plant with hybrid looking buds…


Nevils Haze should not be broad leafed or have a short structure and they should be long long flowering.


That’s what I’d expect from the original work Nevil did. Again, I’ve not grown it so can’t say with certainty. It seems the newer ‘versions’ of Nevils may be broader leaf and shorter stature. No experience, but looking at your plants seems correct for what they should look like.


Those are looking great. That’s the new Tom’s seed gear? I’ll be following!


All the Haze has changed from what was around 2 or more decades ago most seem to focus on Nevis work yet dont look at the lines their growing.

Posi closed long ago so all their seed is from repo work others have done.

The Original Haze that was sold threw the Flying Dutchman has also changed long ago and any seed grown now again is from repo work done by others.

I haven’t grown the current Mr Nice lines all i grow are from seed i reproduced from very old seed i got some decades ago.


Tend to agree with all of this Hempy. Posi work is all from Tom. I’m not aware of others with reproductions of those old seed lots. It’s unfortunate others didn’t preserve the old NH line as it appears it has been selected for earlier finish and broader leaf expressions. I’m only going by what I see online and not from experience. I should buy some current NH work and see for myself…but I have so many seeds and plans already, I’ll leave that to others. If I could get my hands on known old NH stock, I’d likely change my tune and give them a try.


Some one is currently running a mix of Haze lines doing a big Haze run of current Mr Nice NH and if i am not mistaken Posi Haze and others along side i cant remember off hand how many different Haze lines but it should be a interesting thread to follow.

There are many out there with old Nevils Haze and old Haze lines that preserved what made these lines special i my self shared my repo work with a few.


from what i’ve seen THH seems pretty skinny, will post pictures later of a pheno I was lucky enough to try from a local grower


Yeah…my THH usually finish pretty thin. I’ve grown thinner and suspect there are thin ones in the new release too.

I’ll look forward to seeing your clone if you can post it.


Link that grow if your able, Hempy. Would like to check it out.


Malawi Gold x Grinspoon… I made a batch of soilless organic water only


What’s your soil-less water only recipe, hammer?