Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

It’s easy… 1 bale promix HP + 1 bag Nutrient pack. Mix well. Water, mix well for 10 days. I add more Myco when used. Adding worm castings will help. I didn’t have any on hand. You can use any soilless medium with no precharge. Ive used this mix before with no issues.


So one 14lb nutrient pack per bale? Contemplating doing an indoor run this winter. Been a while. I can add in EWC as I’ve got some bags lying around from the outdoor season.


@Ur_Humbl_Nr8tor It seems like you’re not in the United States, so I wanted to mention that you can get the same basic thing through Black Swallow Soil in Ontario:


Yes, 1 of ea. This batch seems to be lacking enough perlite so I’m going to get some and worm castings to add later. Mixing when wet is a pita.

The site has more info


This pheno is stretching after 7 days flower I got 6". I like both phenos. We never know when a project will fire on all cylinders. The small leaf pheno reminds me of some plants back in the 80s. These would not grow vertically much and had some of the longest pistils ive ever seen. These would spiral wrap the flowers.


I am in the US. West coast…but I’ll check out the Black Swallow as well.


Yeah, I’ll do the mixing outdoors. I’m typically mixing up outdoor soils in the wheelbarrow. If I ramp up, I’ll have to invest in a powered mixer.


If you have to do a lot of soil you might find it more cost effective to use a 50lb bag of Dr Earth, that’s $90 and you can get it special ordered or shipped pretty easy. It’s a 4-6-3, stronger than the KIS pack, just add some rock flour of some sort, maybe some frass and EWC and you’re good to go for a mix to enrich ProMix or Sunshine.


I’ve used the Dr. Earth in my grove soil and outdoor smart pots, so pretty familiar with that product outdoors.


I dried out and killed momma (Cuban Black Haze) and had to pull a tiny clone that was outdoors and already flowering. Seems I managed to keep her in the arsenal… I didn’t think I was bringing her back, but she’s shockingly durable and adaptable.



so nice to see you over here brother.

always killing it too …


For breeding the greatest value of the Alpine 1.0 and Silk S may be tracking traits. It was the primary reason for selection early on.

who has spent time with nlD trying the almost impossible task of differentiating one land race from another or one haze from another in veg?. The only way to know what profile a selected male is going to throw is to completely reverse it. It’s all pissing in the dark or years of testing all makes.

To be able to differentiate NLD without having to get into BLD is potentially very useful.

Another observation in studying large populations in very few lines over generations is the ghosts or ancestral throwbacks. They generally pop up more accurately in successive fgen, though fewer. Also, They generally become as dominant as they were in the beginning. That is why I generally consider f3 or greater to have greater potential for breeding material if someone is willing to do the work. There is also a handful of disqualify disclaimers I would make about what I just said.

The perspective of working with hundreds of plants with familiar genetics over time is different then when I would just pop a few packs here are there and these observations are based on personal experiences with line breeding rather than hear say.

These ghosts are not all the same. They seem to pop up from novel first pairings sometimes generations before…sometimes maybe much further back into primordial roots. Sometimes selections in the opposing direction can pop up an even more accurate version of an earlier one

One example of how the mutations themselves can be useful. In the last larger Alpine 1.0 hunt from last year one of the finds was the 7up type haze, a totally different type then the variations of the population contain. She had very few if any mutations. In this case it could be useful for selection toward the opposite parent rather than silk by observing mutations in veg.

Another example of ghosts. When popping packs of Bandaid 2.0 some years ago I had a juniper pine tiny plant come up. In hundreds of NL grows across many makes I have never had such a tongue coating nL 2 type, not even in many NL 2 crosses. Doc said there is no way it could have been a mixed seed, but this plant had zero nlD traits let alone haze.

Here are some odd mutations coming out of Silk S x Soulmate…always a different display from make to make. First set of true leaves at 7 leaflets and 9 including fused. Some seed lines have none. This run will further understanding of how the traits are useful in progeny. The sol flowering one has the curl leaf of Cuban Black Haze in overdrive.

More to come, but at the very least it sure makes the wait of haze much more interesting. I wonder what the Silk S x Bandaid 7 would tease up?..


When you think about it this makes complete evolutionary sense. When New unassociated cultivars meet they bring all their best variants of morphology and terpenes to combat the environment challenges of both.

Cannabis is an adaptive marvel. However, It would be a flaw in this coding to not have true throwbacks fully in tacked. These ancestors were what aided in its survival previously in the first place. It is a way to throw out a genetic life preserver.

These are the theories and hypothesis that are Central to my own work and curiosities anyway.


@StoneGuru thank you this was very educational and has me reading on genetics now to try and understand better. Your Alpine Haze thread is very good and I’m glad you’re here on OG now, the Silk hazes are some of my favorites but they’re usually hard to find,any information about, good luck with your continued breeding projects and I’ll be watching!

P.S. for anyone like me trying to learn more about cannabis genetics, I found a quality PDF of the Clarke & Merlin book, but it’s huge (48MB) so here’s the external link:


I was showing you that for me the Thais Squirrel 2 posted by Zomia is a hybrid and that mms seed is more thai than his haters and cybertrolls compact Thai Hazes when his seeds came from the thais in thailand and the compact thai haze from amsterdam tourists.

10$ a seed to the thais to degrade thai landraces and create new ones. There they should be trolling but there they are fanboys lol

When median income in Thailand is 1/4 of California it’s like thais are selling their hybrid seeds for 40$ a seed compared to Californians. They should get sold 2,5$ when the income is 1/4 of ours, or for 1$ to preserve the landraces. Not for 40$ to degrade them.

yea i dont really understand your post man ,

which thais are selling seeds ?
are they even thai people ??

who is paying them to degrade thai seed?
cant they do anything they want just like anyone else ??

isnt it places like california and america along with holland etc that has set the stage for the very thing you are complaining about happening in the first place ???

mm got his seeds from someone in america who claims to have gotten them from thais ,
what ever happened between that and now ,they are not thai landrace seeds any longer…
that guy is a go to for misinformation , he doesnt seem to have a clue , nor care …


Thank you for that source, DW! I´m trying to get back to reading instead of binging on series or hanging around endless streams in YouTube.


p420 x Sowahh Looks pretty damn good.


Those look like headie hammers hammer head!


All were grown in 1g pots. Keeping them watered has been a chore. They got dried out often… The 1st pic is more hazy pheno.