Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

That’s a good share!

There are very few with good representation of the Nigerian. Only one person I know of has the silk clone only. Beyond organics is the only one working with seed. JJ has his one cut of nigerian x5haze (original pack)

It’s a great cut, but isn’t itself the best representation of the 5haze side…Potpourri more on profile…I probably went through 20 packs before finding the Silk S and there wasn’t another one even similar.

The Nigerian Silk has many of the same mutations as what is in Nevil’s original work and selections.

As evidence of the mutations within Nevil’s original work Tropical’s 5haze f3- f5 shows these mutations in some, but I am told has lost the profile, potency and vigor selecting BLD and or inbreeding.

Shanti’s and other haze work from the 90’s on had made selections that clearly buried these mutations that did exist.

Again, take a really old cut of Nevil’s like CBH and bing, pops up with the curl leaf. Just a few selections changed everything.

I cross referenced the pure Silk mutations with Beyond organics and found many of the mutations were also coming from Nevil’s.

Silk S is that one in who knows how many that had the mutations of both Nigerian Silk clone and original 5haze coming together in one. Nothing else like it. It’s an ancestral haze that so far transforms everything it touches.

I am working toward making it available, but most of the Alpine 1.0 made available have already been lost to random situations like pests or culling because it was to big for a closest. I have limited amount so going the long route to preserve this line properly. It won’t likely get found again otherwise since very few both had the original 5haze and still have the genetic material to bring it back accurately to what it was then.


Right now the only ones I have available are Silk S x Soulmate, CBH x Buzzsaw, for haze dominant.

The Buzzsaw has an amazing profile when it comes through…it’s a C male type. Outstanding effect and smoke. It takes the CBH to a whole new level much like the A5t did in Bandaid.

It has produced metal, sweet floral decay, sharp piercing pine and fruit leather incense

This is what a Buzzsaw dominant looks like in Alpine 1.0. CBH changes it into the helical trident.


It’s all watered down derivatives of Nevil’s original 5haze by my nose and experience. The lore confirms it as well to if you break it down into deductive reasoning.

Dog Bud was as common in the PNW during the 80’s as RKS was in the Midwest. It was big op and readily available in its circles according to Gas. A total squat BLD with nothing Chem about it. Consider this. When was the chem '91 found?

We know it wasn’t another BLD that hit the dog Bud and made those seed. It would have been some seed acquired in or before '90 figuring a standard grow time. How many seed banks were around pre '90? How many lines were available at that time? What had won the cup and would have had any serious growers attention at that time?

When I tell people the real keeper 5haze was pure haze fuel like nothing out there, the best description I could give is to imagine the sharpest industrial fir needle frankincense make of chem they ever had and know that dog bud cut it down and mottled it a hell of a lot from what we had back then. Flared up nostrils like a metal winter.

So how many of today’s seed banks and flagship lines are chem based? How many awards?. Topdawg, Bodhi, on and on etc. You name it. I know what I had then and I know what’s out there because I was there and have been looking for 30 yrs no quarter. It’s all nocked down outcrossed inbred original 5haze for every wave since.

It takes not just a haze, but the right ancestral haze to coax it forward again. First. A person has to know what they are looking for. The Piff. What they had on the East coast. I ran through a bunch including the CBH. The Piff is not the 5haze I am talking about.

The one we had was all the frankincense hang time of piff, but it was in industrial haze fuel that coated the tongue and crystalize a lung. Nobody thought it was even weed. Cracking a film canister would overwhelm a floor of a house.

I wonder if shanti or others even ever had the one we had because they sure don’t describe or select to it. We only know what we have had and usually call it good when we find our own grail.

Anyway…CBH was of the old. When I outcross what I have I get the curl leaf of CBH. CBH is what curls the Bandaid…it doesn’t seem the A5 of today does this much on its own

This cross. The Silk S x Soulmate…what is it? It’s no CBH in it at all. It’s no Bandaid. It is effectively an ancestral haze that had the traits I was selecting toward crosses with Soulmate…Soulmate is more or less a Chem D bx selection…what I am saying was originally an original 5haze pack of Nevil’s.

What happened? It teased up all of the traits of a very early selection like CBH and then some. The difference is I am selecting to the cut I knew in profile, effect and every other way.

This one plant already has more of the crisp bite of chem fuel winter and metal then anything else I have had for a long long time. It’s pulling it back out of the BLD dog bud into the original 5haze we knew in Chicago which is not what they knew or select to on the EC. Not saying better or worse, but not the same type for sure.

The experiments are proving the theories correct so far. The Alpine works are diving hard into ancestral haze for 3 years. The nL works are diving equally as deep into its own selection criteria. Building a taunt genetic rubber band in both directions to snap it all back hopefully.

The RFK is the culmination of the 150 plant NL hunts. The outcross to Chem via Soulmate has snapped a revived version of NL side of Chem (if my theory is right) that is a flashback to the real profile I remember of old school NL. Breathed life back into the line breeding bx works.

I am not trying to be ego, I am passionate. I am sharing what I am doing and found through my life’s work. Many people have multiple breeding goals and projects. I have only ever been dedicated to doing and working toward one outcome for 30 yrs with a solid reference of where I am going and a relentless. Good enough will never be good enough.

I am not there, but I am closer to the type I seek that we had in Chicago then anyone else at this time. I am super excited. This has been haunting me for decades to not have it back and now I can see that it is inevitable. It’s been a lot of work, investment and risk to develop it to this point.



Thanks, Buddy… Back at ya. I definitely need to swoop some of your Durban poison seeds.


naw you don’t want any of those my brother, i threw out that entire lot. the other one i worked i sent all those seeds to a buddy up in canada. it was pretty shit and i was so disappointed, not sure what was up with it but it was total shit.

i have three durban seeds from CSI not sure what those would be like, ahh after that last run with the durban im in no hurry what so ever to do another one. very well could have just been me.

peace …


Thats rough but part of the process of actually putting in work :slight_smile:


Hell yeah. Respect :clap::clap::clap::muscle:


So I have been sampling some Golden Tiger x A5 generously gifted to me by @Fitzera . Some of the nicest sativa I have had in a long while. Its has fairly mellow typical sativa terps… green tea, pine, menthol and leather. Very smooth in joints.

But the high shines for sure. Its euphoric without being overbearing (I have only had small tokes I imagine tachycardia, nervousness ect might happen at higher doses), and fades with little to no burnout for me. Simply lovely stuff.


That sucks, I’ve heard nothing but good things about Durban poison. It is a pure Sativa so finding the good plants takes numbers. It’s def not you brother…

NHXOH)x APPSS… She reminds me of what A5h s1 flowers looked like at that age.


The Dutch Durban Poison is not real good at all but the old school Durban Poison that had the purple hue was the goods very strong cannabis.


I just grew 20 durban from mel Frank collection and they were terrible. Lots of cheese smelling funk. Not what I was looking for. Reminded me more of skunk 1 than the durban I remember.


the durban i ran …


Not sure if you’ll be much happier with the Durban from CSI as it is also watered down.

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Sam / Mels early Dutch Durban looked different to Jaws plants they had a darker green color and narrower more sativa leaf.

They were still not something i would consider even a mid quality sativa.


There’s a lot of Durbans around right now! Fleur Du Mal just introduced a new Durban line combining three accessions, and the Dutch Passion coop reproduction from @Guitarzan grew me some buds recently with all the lemony anise and morning clear high I wanted, it’s dutched for sure but still nice IMO and yielded excellently:


Original haze x unicorn poop in the back corner, had to remove the pullies and hang light direct from ceiling to get her to fit,lol, whoops!! Topped her and she just threw up another main cola and told me to fuck myself lol.around 7 feet and just stopped stretching, looking at 33 days here and she went 14 weeks from flip last run from 3 week old seedling, thinking she’s done in 12-13 weeks when flowered from clone but we shall see .All of the beans I’ve popped so far have been taken over by that cedar/pine forest smell the mom had. This will be the last run of this pheno because too many beans


I know this is an old post but I just found it and man! Parke-Davis was everywhere in that Madison Doctrine period, between the southern US hemp and cannabis plantations and their Latin American pharmaceutical safaris and agricultural stations. I have to pull up the ebooks I found of their multi-volume company history, I think I posted them somewhere here on OG before, maybe in a conversation with you? I also can see a pharma company bringing cannabis genetics around the globe to plant at a similar latitude but closer to home and in a nation they had more control over as a supplier to their US factories. Nice find there I hadn’t heard or read that before!

I would never discount a theory involving Indian, Portuguese or Basque merchant sailors and laborers, I do think that’s a huge part of the silent history of cannabis genetic spread from what I’ve been able to read. And you’ve heard my theories on the influence of the Bracero Workers program in bringing Mexican landrace genetics to lots of obscure rural places around the US through farm laborers and railroad workers here on work visas. I haven’t been able to find much about Indians in particular working on the canal construction, laborers were apparently mostly from Barbados with smaller groups coming from Jamaica and other islands and countries:

“While West Indians migrated to Panama to work on previous attempts to build a canal and for the Panama Railroad, the U.S.-backed Panama Canal project that began in 1904 attracted a much larger influx of migrant workers.”

“Laborers from Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Spain all arrived for work, but the bulk of migrant laborers came from the Caribbean island of Barbados.”

This is a 1984 documentary by Roman Foster named “Diggers” where he interviews surviving Panama Canal contract laborers:


Excellent info and conversation @Upstate and @Dirt_Wizard.
I appreciate the knowledge, research and education.

Kind of classes I look forward to attending. lol


Cannabis was a very valuable commodity and militarily important for longer than most country have existed.

Cannabis was spread far and wide with out it ships could not open new trade roots the slaves didn’t spreed cannabis the Greeks the Spanish the British and others did.


@hempy that’s a gross oversimplification of the history of cannabis distribution routes, look at all the various forms it takes and routes, it’s not just ships or empires: