Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Yeah, that bugs me when a winning sativa, isn’t. It’s like those top ten sativa strains lists. Why in the everlovin’ hell (and this comes from real irritation, people), are these so-called experts giving us lists of sativas filled with hybrids? That’s fucking dishonest. Just be honest when you’re selling those seeds. Your customers will appreciate it and might even come back.


Ace seeds if I’m not mistaken

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Hoping to find some nasty in this pack


Another note on these 2. They were triggered at the same time. I broke down whole branches of the haze to manage while only trained the NL lightly.

Selectively bred to their respective parents 3-4 fgen the entire populations fgen is equally different in associated profile and effect as well as flowering times. 8w vs 13+w.

This is to exemplify the results of sticking with a project over time vs bouncing around. Finding a project and developing it over time.

Isolations and relative stability takes years and large populations as well as very careful discerning selection. It takes really getting to know the types intimately and how they respond and backups. Reversing males. Etc. work.

Their are ghosts that appear. Specimens that will occasionally pop up that almost entirely embody the equivalent of the F1 encounters many generations back. Perhaps further than the male A or C we are somewhat familiar with.

I have learned so much working with just these 2 lines for so long, but I feel like the whole deck of understandings would be reshuffled in a different set of genetics.

I am testing all of my theories about how to do a full restoration with the original 5haze because I am familiar with it since the beginning. One of those is the principle fact that 5haze from Nevil’s care to Sensi’s care was radically altered in one generation. Only a year or 2 using the same genetics traits that were so prominent were buried unrecognizable.

Even the prize C5 or A5’s that may be floating around today are from after Nevil’s care and those who had both experiences all know.

So if this is true. That traits can be so completely buried the theory is that just the right combination can unlock them all in full glory as well.

Even pure haze as Nevil received them was considered to be a worn out inbreed result from my understanding.

There is a clue here. Selecting over and over just doesn’t work. The tension of pulling it all back apart and using ancestral ghosts in the same gene pool and recombination are some of the theories I am putting to the test of doing a restoration project.

This takes ridiculous amount of resources, plants, documenting, testing and years. It is so easy to take a couple good cuts and mylar and have a little business.

What it actually requires to do this is the worst business model imaginable. That is why it hasn’t been done. If I was paying someone minimum wage to do this the project would be well over 100k investment in the hole.

I think the primary reason we haven’t had the full restoration is that it’s not good business. If your one of these establishment seed vendors you make the same amount off a closet as a warehouse. If they have the warehouse they run the money cuts for flower.

The people who have the passion and dedication don’t usually have the resources or run out in the process. Or sometimes people have the right genetic material, but the processes or visa versa.

After an exploration of what is going on with it all, learning, experimenting and finally finding the right set 3 years ago I am certain that I will be able to fully restore the 5haze exactly as I had it in the 5haze and haze5 from Nevil’s The Seed Bank.

Then I can finally sit back with the worst business decision I ever made and the best smoke I ever had to console :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Either way. Haze puts a nice twist on everything



Graham’s Eyes, height stabilized. Now a long road to outperform.


In your opinion , which line was closer? TFD or Nevs?

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I am asking you cuz at the time I couldn’t sustain both so I crossed them

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Nice plant man… she looks ready to make some great herb. Happy one too!

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Damn they look good!


P420 x Sowahh all different plants. 1st pheno has the biggest cola. They’re all on 60 days.

(NH x OH) x THH x A5hbx x Mac) x (SD 07 x SD bx3 Karma)


How are those smelling hammer?


This its what i properly can name as Haze
Thai x Golli’s Haze


What is Golli Haze?


The thought of “pure” anything in cannabis seems like some human delusion. Even landraces, it seems they’re all just local chemovars and regional genotypes of one species of plant with a wild variety of variation. These things spread around the world by way of seeds with a variety of transport. But one of the biggest transports was the wind and pollen. :man_shrugging:

I guess I look at ACE as being a good breeder for nice expressions of worked landrace type genetics for breeders or extreme cannaseurs.

IMO, anyone breeding stuff that doesn’t have early haze or skunk is doing something the community needs


Golli Haze is Original Haze that was sold through the Flying Dutchman and grown selected and inbreed.


Its one of the true pure Haze that still around.


I’m not sure but Golli’s Haze isn’t come from from Flying Dutchman,but I need to ask to confirm this


Golli haze comes from seeds that a grower called “Golli” received directly from Sam, years ago…


All the seed sold by the Flyingdutchman were made by Sam.

While Gollis OH seeds he got shared by Sam in 2001, are probabaly from the same OH seeds the Seedsman is issued too, inbred 2x by Golli and once by you.