Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Na. you are still making an opinion on pics from the internet grown by someone else lol… I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. No one has to believe any assessment of what I’m growing/Making. Ive been growing cannabis longer than most, so I have a good idea of what I’m saying is more likely than not. Im OK with my assessments on my lines. I’m OK if you or anyone else doesn’t. Those who think my lines are Guacamole/avocado can look elsewhere. I can’t add any more info than I already have… :call_me_hand:

The other sibling from the NH X OH) x APPSS.


I just had that happen to two different cultivars on my last round. Jager and unicorn poop. Jager normally finished at 9 weeks and was done in 7.5 and unicorn poop normally done in 10.5 weeks done done 8.5. Never had them finish this early before and I’m not always in perpetual motion in my garden but last round I was … Interesting!!


Ya, I notice it more when the older plants outnumber the younger ones. It’s always been something I thought was odd with plants looking done when they shouldn’t be. I will pay more attention to this. I dont think people see it much when they only mono crop.


@TopicalWave the conversation is mutually enjoyable. I totally agree with you that glandular trichomes are mostly used against the elements and predators, that they came to be before human selections. They’re cleverly placed around the reproductive organs of both male and female plants. I do think that humans have exploited this trait and selected towards types with more and more capitate stalked trichomes. A higher density per given area.

It’s rad that you mention tomatoes and other trichome producing plants. Your analysis and practical thinking is great and quite thought provoking. Here is some text from some of the literature where I was reading about the chloroplasts and such:

Fluorescence microscopy shows glandular trichome heads emit characteristic blue fluorescence indicative of the presence of phenolic compounds as previously observed in glandular trichomes from tomato, while glandular trichome stalks do not show this fluorescence. In contrast, chlorophyll autofluorescence (400-440nm excitation) was observed in glandular trichome stalks, suggesting stalk cells are photosynthetically active. In order to gain more insight into the unique function of the different trichome tissues a proteomic approach was undertaken.

The following are descriptions for figure images in the same Conneely publication:

In C. sativa, chlorophyll-a autofluorescence was present in trichome stalks and in the stipe cells that subtend the disc cell layer of glandular trichome heads , but absent from the disc cells. Distinction between chloroplast-containing stipe cells and chloroplast-devoid disc cells seems to suggest a functional separation of disc and stipe cells, which could not be further unravelled with the experimental set up. It is possible that the stipe cells are functionally more related to the cells of glandular trichome stalks, i.e. playing a role in photosynthesis and sugar transport. Stipe cells are typically found with disc cells following separation of the glandular trichome head from the glandular trichome stalk, which is not surprising considering they subtend the disc cell layer. The close relationship between the disc and stipe cells of Cannabis glandular trichomes is shown by scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies. Several chloroplast-specific and photosynthesis associated proteins were indeed found in the glandular trichome head fraction, supposedly originating from stipe cells, which is supportive of photosynthesis taking place in these cells.

There is even mention of the photosensitive chloroplasts being present in the capitate stalks to help provide the work as fan leaves senescence. It’s also discussed that the stalks height help allow light to reach otherwise less exposed floral tissue so that it may continue to contribute photosynthetically.

The work by Conneely, Sutton, and Livingston is incredible. I forget the exact publication titles but they should all be easily found by searching each author individually along with the keyword trichome. They’re all fairly recent with publication dates from 2020 to present. Phenotyping trichomes, feels like living in the future.


I also like the word ripen, it just sounds better!

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Mango Haze x C5 x Mango Haze) x (Snowman x Bio Diesel)

The Mango Haze x C5 x Mango Haze is from @wallyduck


I’m reversing 1 branch from a toxic truffle to hit my UFS18’s. Will be interesting.
Those tocix truffles are :muscle::muscle::muscle:…vigorous as eff!!

This was the pic that stole my heart…like looking at a topless Pam Anderson in the 90’s


Getting some snips of African haze 11 today sounds pretty nice suppose to be a 84-90 day girl it’s Malawi Gold X JJ’s Nigerian male from top dawg guess this cut won piffcon excited to give her a try


The hazes and sativas are making a helluva comeback, eh?! Are the other grow site and forums riu grasstown pumping stuff like that too, or is this an overgrow hype?


I think it’s just that people are really sick of cookie type highs. Diesel is also coming back


It’s not as prominent on RIU, but a few of us are very vocal and passionate.


Season finishing over here. Some fellows got impressed by that honey hash some guy named Cowboy Jon on Instagram is making.
It’s not my drive but anyone knows what are those machinery he uses for extraction?
Happy new year and great seasons for us!


I’ve seen your posts over on RIU.
I’m, @Bakersfield, not as active as I once was.


Love seeing familiar folk on the different forums! Lusidghost just joined up a week or so ago and started up his grow journal where he left off on RIU, fwiw

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Destroyer Haze - Mindbender Haze
2 weeks since flip.
It’s been a struggle to keep the basement warm during our recent -30f cold snap.
4 males have been identified out of 12 plants.
They have been removed and now I’m training to fill the voids.


Looking fantastic! Have you grown them out before?


Thank you.
No, these are my first run of them.
I picked these up from last summer while searching for some Destroyer genetics.

OldSog told me that his run of them were very much like a looser version of his Silver Haze cut, but the high is on a different dimension.


Hello everyone Happy NEW YEAR!
Hope everyone has a great year.

I was curious if someone here might be so kind enough to point me in a GOOD direction for authentic Nevil’s NLHaze genetics :dna: particularly Haze C .

Thank you all and stay blessed :pray:t2:


I’m speaking from my own experiences, so it’s not an absolute truth, okay?
MNS :Nl5 x haze,
A lot of people have had great experiences with MNS mango haze, I’ve never tried it but it must be really good,
Nirvana :sterling haze (regular version)
GHS Nevil haze,
Sensiseeds : I have had a lot of bad experiences with sensiseeds, however I have seen someone have good luck with Jack Herer and Nl5hz,

This is just my 2 cents,other growers may have had different and even opposite experiences to mine.
I hope it can help you.


Thank you Mr.WillyDread very much appreciated insight. I will check them out, I know shanti and Nevil worked together and I’m positive Shanti still has some of Nevil’s original stock, but the question is , is he releasing it in original form to the public or just watered down versions of it? I also know akbeanbrains had an original pack of Nevil’s NL5Haze that he bought from the seed bank over 30 years ago ( Not sure what F gen he’s in now?) also very interested in your Haze hybrids, and would really like to know where to get Golli Haze? …,thank you kindly again.