Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

It breaks my heart knowing so many who claim to want quality smoke and won’t grow anything but feminized, usually semi-auto seeds.

I don’t have anything special, but I’ll share an an above average 12 weeker and they get surprised with the quality.


I do it with the bandaid haze. Put the pot at one side of the tent and bend the main stalk down with twisty tie wire or fishing line and tie it to the oposite side of the tent when you flower (you can veg like this too just dont run out of space). Keep tying the branches down to whatever poles are closest. You can do 2 6 footers and have the pots on opposite sides facing eachother, if the plants are shorter put the pots in the middle. Keep ratcheting down the stalks each week until your worried the roots will snap (always do it after watering). Any small branches that pop up above the canopy or fall too far below should be tied down or pulled back up with line (tie the other end to closest tent poles or other branches). There will be a spider web of tie downs it is neurotic. You should end up with a stalk at nearly a right angle. It looks like a SOG but with just one or two plants. This is just LST but i do it this specific way as I was flowering with a 4 foot T5 and wanted the 6inches of light to hit the whole plant. I hope that made sense lol


It’s no way of thinking, it’s a lifestyle to share our best joint, weed, seed and clone with our brothers. But not with those who want smoke the joint alone. These always need to be the very last to get the joint, when you want everybody can smoke on the joint you are sharing.

Also better your genetics die forever with you, than getting degraded forever by others.


3% of general population practice psychopathy. That means on average 3 out of a 100 people are psychopaths if the numbers are correct. Can’t really fix this so we need to accept this for now.


Although severe psychopathy affects just about 1% of people, some research suggests that close to 30% of us have some level of psychopathic traits.


Truth be told we all have this ability, some don’t know or have the awareness of this. Like everything it has a bell curve that we all know. CG Jung described the process in “THE RED BOOK” where you learn to recognize who you truly are. Zazen does same thing.



“A man who conquers himself accomplishes more than if he had conquered 1000 armies” - The Buddha-


I have always dreamt about a Fu Manchu that I could whip over my shoulder with a huff. Perhaps when I turn grey.


regarding this issue, i totally agree, harvest testing and some days ago I started to feel weird,I will detox this next week.
At a glance dreamy and druggy, days passing by I started to feel the same feeling even sober. :frowning:

for instance she was acting astonishingly IF i was in sunny day listening Bossa Nova (dunno why) yesterday the climate got cold and cloudy, damn all the good vides turned to nightmare lol


I mean for me I didnt even know where to find someone to get a clone from(or honestly even consider it as an option). it was easy to google weed seed and find a source. Plus a huge amount of the info Ive come across are youtubers who have grown from seed and then used their own clones… idk thats just my noobs perspective


Hi @Streckles . I have always had to buy seeds. My state has only now become legal (December) so moving clones through the mail was definately not a good idea. If the seeds are well made they make great smoke. :grin:


Most still grow under a non-legal environment, so it is understandable people take precautions.

Good cannabis comes down to good genetics, and then you still need to run the seed and select threw them to seek out the best you can as modern genetics are hybrids or poly hybrids, so selection is key.

That is why keeping clones is important what I may like others may not, then you have to factor in the HYPE.


TopicalWave and Upstate
Please allow me your thoughts, I am coming into indoor growing which is new to me. My last outdoor growing was in Vermont and I had an Afgan that was from a family that kept it alive until the older brother passed on. If I were to start the AG original haze in the 48x36x72 Tent and grow them until May after the last frost and plant outside, would I be able to harvest in the fall (October 15h would be pushing it)?

I am also open to a haze hybrid too from your perspective TopicalWave, can you steer me to as close to an original you suggest (strain) and what seed bank do you recommend?


Thank you so much, I am compiling you notes and understand perfectly what you have written. Several other growers have given me fantastic advice and this is what this old timer needs since I was out of growing for quite a few decades, last I grew was an Afgan Indica outside in Vermont. The plants were a classic shaped and the smell and the buzz I will always remember. Now that I am 62 my energy and creativity need a boost and haze fills the need. When I began smoking herb is was mexican, then we started to get the Columbians, Jamaicans and Thais.I remember the first Sinsemillas we started to get sometime in the late 70’s and it messed with our heads not having to get the album cover out and a card, and sift the seeds out! Now, like the rest of us all wouldnt it be nice if we saved those seeds which we probably threw pounds away!


Thank you Upstate, I would love to have a mentor who Is possibly close to me in Latitude too. Perhaps there are strains for outdoor in the haze family you have had success with which I would naturally love to know. I am in NH so I grew outdoors in two areas across the river in VT last year. My Niece in VT will let “uncle” grow in a tent, which is exciting! My wife is disabled and a chronic pain patient so I grew indicas for her, and I supply the girls in my family as the patriarc by default when my Dad died and love every minute of it. I have never grown indoor but want to give it a try, and hazes are the medicine for me as I need a boost in energy, creativity, with euphoria as I am worn out from lifes challenges being an older dude. Several other growers have given me great advice and I am compiling everyones knowledge into a document to follow. If there is another way to contact you please advise! If you end up taking me on as a student and I grow something worthwhile, happy to share!


Unfortunately Vermont is too far north and a Pure Haze would never finish. Even most Haze hybrids wouldn’t finish.

I also have some Purple Satellite (Oaxacan Gold x Baglung Nepal) x Big Sur Holly Weed from Vermontman - a breeder affiliated with ACE seeds who has bred his sativa dom work to specifically grow well in higher lats like Vermont. Cant beat seeds acclimatized to your own region from a guy in your own state.

Let me know Ill send you some in return for a 20$ donation to charity of your choice. Just send me a receipt! :slight_smile:

Who’s haze is the most original or pure is a loaded question in this thread haha. Gotta be careful in the haze thread.

I am partial to Maha Kalas work, but he is a friend so I am biased. Maybe someone else will chime in.


Right on. Weed wants to be free! Nothing feels better than giving out good genetics for free, except maybe seeing other people grow and enjoy them.


There are many stories and various sources for VB, some say it’s hybridized, some say that there is some Yunnan indica in it. Some people claim to have been the person to breed it originally. There are versions of VB in the states and versions of VB in Australia, both good but distinctly different. @Upstate and @GREANDAL made a cross between the Aussie VB and the 1972 vb that looks amazing and is worth checking out . The VB’s I’ve grown personally in oz have all had black stems mostly with growth habit where the lower branches get as long as the top, so they end up with a star burst shape instead of the classic Xmas tree shape.
Part of me believes that VB is was/is a myth that didn’t exist until after the myth developed.
And I say that as someone who has spent a lot of time obsessing over VB.