Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Todd is doing just fine. I have never heard him “talk shit” about other people. He has always presented facts and I’ve found his advocacy work immeasurably beneficial over the past 27 years (that I’ve been watching). His haze from Sam is pure. The hybrids he makes are appreciated by many (me included). Thing is, I don’t see a whole lot produced by Tom except for internet drama so far.

The last thing we need is one more breeder bagging on another. This is sadly yet another red flag waving around Tom Hill. My previous post calling this BS out was deleted by mods.


Haze is the Unicorn of weed. Period. Who has the truest form will always be a matter of debate. There’s only a handful of people who offer what MIGHT be the real thing, so I say to any hunters of Haze, just go into it with an open mind and try everything you can and form your own opinions. I will say Todd’s O. Haze is definitely good, better than most, and does carry frankincense smells, (though not the most common), which is what a lot of people (in the states at least) are looking for, as well as some very heady effects. Tom Hill’s has long been reported as the being super trippy however, and is POSSIBLY more true, as Sam has been a little sketchy throughout the years. In all honesty, there’s no need for drama. Both can be good, and the proof will ultimately be in the pudding. There’s a real possibility that nobody has pure o haze anymore, not even sam, and that everything out there is the product of some cross. In which case the whole Haze Wars would all be over whose is the “closest to” the original, mythical strain. I don’t know, but I look forward to getting the opportunity to try some of Tom’s. Especially being straight from the man himself, that’s a really exciting thing.

I’ll add that in my limited experience, totally agree that Haze should not be crossed. Good ones are like the best weed ever, and can only lose something through crossing. If you want a breeding tool, go with chems, as they seem to consistently “up” whatever they touch.

Sorry to drone.


I think Mr Hill was only stating his opinion on the topic of haze and some other people who in turn have stated their opinions on haze. No one has to agree with his opinion but I for one think he actually earned to have a strong voiced opinion on the topic of Haze, if I like it or not is not relevant to that discussion. I don’t want to argue with anyone else for voicing their opinions on Mr Hill, people have been voicing their opinions on him and his different legendary varieties for decades, but I also want to make it clear that there are some of us that really enjoy his input be it at times, a bit rough around the edges, lol. I think everyone that gets offended by anything Mr Hill writes or the style in which he writes should listen to the interviews where his laugh kind of gives away that he might not be so damn angry as it may come across in writing or maybe I am just damaged by reading too much Hunter S Thompson that I kind of love that sort of aggressive and sarcastic way of expression.

I agree on one point though very much, I haven’t been able to get some of that haze from Mr Hill and I would love if it was much, much more available and more people grew it and other people’s haze too. Let’s not forget that 5% that many haze heads seem to talk about, we need a lot of people to find those 5% females. Let’s unify and grow as much haze as we can get our hands on and then get to see multiple of those 5% plants.

Just my opinion//carry on…


I know this comment will be hated upon. But I’m a through and through sativa lover and I still don’t think haze is the pinnacle of cannabis. There is alot of better sativas out there in terms of effect. I’ve grown THH and its not the most potent haze, nor the best haze out there. It’s good and it got interesting phenos for sure. But I don’t see why you would bother inbreeding THH, if you’re not Tom himself. He have clearly made something he loves very much and hold dear to his heart. It’s the best strain for him and I respect that.

I’ve followed Tom for alot of years and he have made me laugh alot and I would never dispute his knowledge. There is no red flags with Tom, he’s just himself and you get what you give. Dumb questions get dumb answers. He’s also entitled to think and say what ever he wants, just as you and me. So why is it different from if you are not a fan of someone particular? Is it just because he’s a world renowned breeder?

You have probably smoked alot of weed which ancestry dates back to Tom, we all have.

So you don’t have to call anyone out or waving red flags around, he’s here on OG. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Pz :v:t2:


Just calling it as I see it. One breeder bagging on another is not productive. I’ve learned to judge others based on their words and actions.

I enjoyed listening to the Pot Cast ep also, and I learned some things from Tom, but I also have no problem calling out abusive or questionable behavior.

Three posts calling other people (who are not here to defend themselves) “full of shit” and “talking shit” is abusive and questionable in my book.


abusive? questionable yes for you but where’s the abuse in any of this? it’s opinions on pot.


So if I’m a breeder and say I don’t like Rare Dankness because you have 75% Hermies in their gear… Shouldn’t I say something? Shouldn’t I be able to express myself about what I find in their gear? If I don’t get what’s promised to me, should I be quite just because I’m a breeder?

Nah, you see everyone have the right to say what ever they want to whomever they want. As long as its not threats upon their safety.

Is Tom particularly good at discussing topics, questionable?
But I don’t think that he’s abusive nor have questionable behavior. I mean damn… We are talking about illegal drugs here, both you and I have met abusive and questionable people. Tom is not one of them.

Pz :v:t2:


Here’s my own creation amnesia x nevilles. Pungent black pepper, damp basement smell, lingering frankincense smell when combusting.20221114_071433|375x500


it’s all deleted now so many of us will never know (or remember) for sure, but I recall someone rather innocently suggesting they thought there was some deep chunk in tom hill’s haze, and then tom responded by screaming and cursing down the guys throat for the crime of being incorrect. Was really weird, and yeah abusive


This is the exact comment I replied to, calling it out the first time, and then yes. It all magically disappeared.


I left the original OG, ICMag, THC Farmer, and I’m starting to be on the fence about RIU due to this kind of thing. I thought the new OG was supposed to be different, yet here is one of the cats from the old OG stirring things up again.


guys I don’t know what to say but we have totally different ideas of what abuse is but I can accept that you have that opinion, you just might have to accept that Mr Hill has his opinion, weather we like it or not is not even secondary…


Yeah i read that and as I said before with Tom. Dumb questions will get dumb answers… It’s been this way for years with Tom and he won’t stop. It doesn’t matter how many times he gets time out on icmag.

@GrownAtHighAltitude Yeah I get it. But do you want OG to become a Chinese forum where people with a different view how to express them selfs are being censored? Where we have social score on everyone and if you would dare to offend someone you are out… Atleast I don’t want to be a part of something like that. In a free world, the words are totaly free and if you have to censor, you are not free anymore. Remember that! :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


a screaming cursing tantrum isn’t a “dumb answer” it’s an abusive reaction. Being wrong about a strain’s lineage isn’t dumb (nor a question btw) it’s an honest mistake, that was phrased calmly and politely. Honest mistakes should be met with honest corrections, not angry butthurt ones. Being internet famous isn’t a reason to excuse that behavior. :v:


But what if that’s not the way Tom sees it? I have an autistic little brother and hes views how things went down are not the same as my views… Are my views more true? Are my views more true because I don’t got autism?

I don’t care about clout… I care about free speech.

Pz :v:t2:


Just don’t get him going about Shakespeare!!



I agree on free speech, the idea of deleting information and hiding things away has never sat well with me, and people in general should be able to handle banter without feeling it too personally.

But about the autism? C’mon. You can excuse any bad behavior with that reasoning. Tom can see it however he likes but he was a majorly unreasonable jerk and it’s as simple as that. No ifs, ands, or buts. Maybe he was having a bad day idk the man but it’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation that ought to be followed with an apology :wink:

but this is getting waaay off the topic of haze plants :v:


You do know that Tom have Autism right? It’s very hard for a non autism human to even comprehend how they feel and how they view encounters with other, over the Internet and irl.

What I’m telling you is that you might not feel its OK or raising red flags. But the fact is that this is Tom, if you want him around. Stop complaining. Just saying

Pz :v:t2:


Could this be one of those social distancing instances…? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Maintain a 6 foot perimeter…:joy:

…I remember this Polyhybrid Sativa Line from the 70’s that was real great…anyway there was a guy that was going to do a real work over on it to put out some great stuff, he was going to put the project on hold for a number of years and start it at a later date. Anyway, in the meantime he got bored and finished the project but didn’t tell anyone, letting people assume it hasn’t started.

I heard the result is a real nice haze…:grin: :drooling_face:

Thought I’d add that in there, :wink: :beers:



Count me in too.