Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

And we’re off


Here’s an older pic:


Happy Daze :+1:


No they aren’t.


No such thing as a free lunch, huh? Or a…free word salad?


Poke there bear and eventually the bears gonna snap back. What I mean by that is the lineage has been beaten to death on various boards over the years. He’s been attacked. He’s said what it is over and over. Eventually you’re probably gonna lose patience with the old questions that can be answered by a few searches. Don’t like the answer? Don’t worry about it, move on. I’ve had interactions with well known breeders that put me off. Complete dicks for reasons I can’t explain. I don’t support those people with my dollars.

You ever notice that your older friends and family seem to give less and less fucks over time and have less and less of a filter? It seems society is getting more and more fragile to these types. :man_shrugging:

Back to the Haze shall we…

Golden Tiger x A5 (Ace Seeds)

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango (WallyDuck)

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple

5gal, water only supersoil/living soil about 2 weeks into flower.


It’s a big deal to me. If it has been crossed out to DC then show me some 7 week phenotypes lol. They just say it been crossed out because it still throws purple like haze does, and this throws their fragile minds for a loop. Regarding Todd. He told everybody on some podcast that I egoed out and named the one I grow Tom hill haze, that’s a lie, I’ve never called it that. Told everybody I picked up from posi in '96 when clowns like him worked there and had hard ons for crossing out from narrow pools, thats a lie got it in '94 before all that crap ensued it come from Sam and he has said as much. If I search online somebody saying haze 19 is the only known ancestor, that’s a lie no haze 19 existed there yet. I am super tired of all your guys stoner ass bullshit lol. I won’t stand by and have folk lying about me man.

That Colombian heavy haze is for squares man. That Thai heavy shit blows it away. Sam been saying the same for decades too. That is the truth. And I don’t care how any of it makes you guys feel this way or that.


Given what you are saying, what is your opinion of the Authentic Genetics Haze ( Their seeds came from Sam but they claim 100% Colombian genetics. Given that all Colombian genetics in the 60s/early 70s originated in Southeast/Southern Asia, does a Thai component really matter in a Haze? Did Sam have two different Hazes given to different people. It’s all a bit “hazy”

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Oh that’s going to be a fun run so excited to see what you find in both those! @Hapi


I solved my issue with the ignore button. At my age I take shit from no one especially when I’m not the person who initiated it.


Or you could just, you know, ignore that which bothers you, naturally, without an “ignore button.” I mean, at your age (however old that is), I’m sure you existed before “ignore buttons” were necessary. Or even a thing. You know what I mean? What’d you do back before the internet when someone said some irritating shit to you? Personally, I’d either hit them or ignore them, but you can’t hit anybody through the internet haha, so there’s really only one other option: ignore them, sans a special “button” or whatever. Just don’t respond. Laugh at them if you want; that’s what I do.

I’m not talking shit, I’m just saying… It’s the fucking internet. And you’re “talking” to a bunch of people you don’t know and will never know. We all are. Who really gives a fuck what they think or say? It’s not like I’m going out for drinks with anybody here or having them over for Thanksgiving or helping them move or whatever. So who fucking cares?


With all this bickering on a weed forum makes me think some folks ain´t smoking the right kind, or not enough of it at least. People should just chill. The world has enough drama as it is already, don´t you think…? Do we really need to add to it?


Well dude your right. I cant punch anyone who really has it coming online,including the ones who keep picking at it eh ? So the ignore is the easiest way to not waste time on useless chaff. Its why RIU is a farce. And at 60ish I dont suffer fools. Man the ignore button makes it easy.


You have a van right? I’m going to need a van :joy:




Kiss my ass…a bunch of post just got deleted with no questionabke content in them…

Nevermind…I posted in the wrong thread.



“The Original Haze is a late-maturing variety from Central California and was almost always grown in greenhouses, allowing it to finish in December or January. Original Haze was always connoisseur stash, and even in the 1970s it sold for as much as $200 an ounce. Original Haze is a pure sativa stabilized hybrid arising from crossing all of the best females with a male of a different imported sativa variety each year. Starting with Colombian/Mexican hybrids grown from seeds from the first crop, a South Indian male plant was used as a pollen source the second year, and a Thai male plant was used the third year. Depending on which year Haze seeds were collected, they resembled either Colombian, South Indian or Thai plants. Original Haze varies in taste from citrus Thai notes through the gamut of sativa highlights to the deep spicy purple Colombian flavour most common in Dutch Haze cultivars.” RC Clarke

“RCC had it right except for OHaze had many males used, over many years, Colombian, Mex gold, O Haze, some Thai, a little S Indian.” SamS

Yes, Sam has released several variations labeled “Original Haze”. The stuff Nevil got I believe to be heavy Colombian, the stuff at Positronics and TFD was heavy Thai, and now we are back to this heavy Lumbo again with Agseeds sounds like. I’ve not grown the latter, not gunna grow the Lumbo heavy stuff when I can grow the Thai heavy stuff, lol.


Thanks for that information. I would assume Oldtimer’s Haze was the Thai Heavy based upon my experiences with it. The Lumbo heavy seems to have shorter flowering times, too.


I have to pick up a friend from the airport that day. Er, I mean, I have to work that day. No, wait, my dog has a vet appointment that day. Or something haha.

Dude, I don’t even know how many excuses (lies) I have at the ready to avoid helping people move haha.


“Look we’re friends but not helping you move friends.”