Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

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I’ve heard it’s hard to find decent plant from Tom hills haze, someone said 70 % hay 30% keepers

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Neville stated that he had different haze from different years from Sam but the 69 vintage was best and that’s where haze A and haze C males came from

That’s not what I found when grew out around 50 of em and none of them were hay! But in the end I didn’t keep anyone of em since they are not for me. I was looking for the most extreme sativa highs and it didn’t cut it for me. They where grown organic and in 8 gallon fiber pot, switch to 11/13 after 5 weeks. They became real beast.

Pz :v:t2:


Dunno if this is true, but a pheno of Nevilles haze became my favorite haze. Also as trippy and hard as some African cultivars! IMO the African cultivars beat most sativas I’ve tried in strength, speedy high and trippyness.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah just what I’ve heard, I know ace seeds have some of Neville’s work haze wise donated from someone who was about


The carrot pheno of Ace Malawi is just devastating, it’s awesome! Haze wise nevilles haze is the most potent real haze that I’ve tried to date. If that’s what you are after.
I got multiple purple haze from THH which would have been real nice breeders. You could also easily spot the purple males which makes it possible to go a purple haze route with ease if that’s something one is after. Don’t get me wrong THH is good, nothing like hay! But at the time, it wasn’t what I was after. I would like to grow THH again sometimes and S1 a good mother to really look through the genetics.

Pz :v:t2:


Check out Toms interview on the Potcast.

He tells you himself you’ll have to dig to find the great one. It’s going to be like that with most haze lines.

Grow at least 100 seeds


I mean I get it, but 50 TTH took a space of 50m². It’s not something you can do in a normal grow… If this is the case I would have got something from 50 plants, which I didn’t. Sometimes I think it have something to do with “One man’s trash is another man’s gold”. We all react different to cannabis and for me none of the females gave me the rush and trippyness that say Swazi Gold did.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah think they do a5 haze x killer Malawi. Used to be little coffee shop called city high opposite green house on same side of canal in Amsterdam that did some nice Neville’s haze.
About 7-8 years ago did some c99 from female seeds. Had just moved into house and wanted a quick fix by going feminised. Felt the mixed more haze to make seed version. I had the pineapple and grapefruit pheno but some where quite hazy but almost watered down.
But you would have a joint and think that’s nice but nothing special until you fired up again. 3 joint’s and I was crooning, absolutely no ceiling.


Yeah I’m not that fond of A5, the nl5 introduce some come down to the haze which is something I try to avoid. That’s why I like the Neville’s haze. The A5 cross to C hides that come down very well but is still just as strong which makes it superb :ok_hand:t2: Dunno if Killer Malawi would do the same since it got abit of borderline come down of the PCK cross.

If you like C99 and haze you got to try the C99 x Neville’s haze crosses! Found a mother and it tested right above 28% thc, it was amazing.

Pz :v:t2:


Sounds nice, yes the ac x’s supposed to be nice. Electricity is killing me at mo though so not sure when I will run hazes at moment



Do tell. Any ideas what Thai landrace was in there? Haven’t had a lot of Thai yet…What were the qualities of the Thai vs the qualities of the Colombian high dominant plants?


That’s far too generous. I reckon the great ones come around at a rate of 5%. And I was merely repeating Sam’s brutally honest description before me, read Hapi’s post down in that “other” category. I find it to be accurate. The honesty turns some folk off, but not me, I was like wow here’s an honest description in a world full of cheap dates and bullshitters lying about a keeper in every pack and blablabla.

I can see growing 50 and getting shutout, that would suck, but it’s possible. I think mahakala in that juicy woo thread in the lab stated growing 40 before finding her. When you find one, it’s blast off time man, there will be no talk of brain chemistry receptors being different or any of that - it cuts right through all of that jibber jabber and rocks giant swaths of the populous right down to their core - same like the great Thais of old did.

With hybrids, you can move the mean value curve average up quite a bit, this is basically what Nevil did, and Sam recommends. The problem is that top 5% loses quite a few notches in quality upon crossing out so I’ve given up on all of that. That’s a young man’s game, to each their own I reckon.


That’s not so bad. With most land race varieties I find a good plant out of 10 . A great one one out of 20 or 25. It’s worth it for a great plant


Sam said he gave them (“haze bros”) golden Thai stick around '75. One guy like it and the other not. I reckon the posi seed comes down from the guy who liked it because it is a dead ringer for killer Thai bud.

Generally speaking Thai vs Colombian. Thai is a far more clear and cerebral high. Colombian can be downright lethargic in comparison, very reminiscent of the low quality Mexican of my youth.


Don’t take me wrong about that Lumbo heavy haze man, it can be extremely good grass and well worth hunting through. But yeah I do prefer the Thai heavy shit.

Haze hybrids have dominated for decades due to folk being able to find a market for these type of compromises. Well, that all seems to be coming to an end at least around these parts - it’s time to break out the big guns.

And yes selfing those 5% would be a solid plan. You’ll see plants that are excellent and mostly heterozygous genotype, and you’ll see plants that are excellent and mostly homozygous genotype. This latter type, upon selfing, may give rise to a population where excellence occurrs at a far higher rate than 5%. Then you would truly have an improved haze line.


Not everyone is. There is a growing number of purists dedicated to keeping it that way. :ok_hand:


The is what I got from Allard, you take the line which has enough variation in it and start finding the best 5% and get about 10 females or 10/10 males and females. Since you can self the 10 girls and 10 boys then you have some variation and ultimately the ability to make the lines more homo-zygous and still maintain vigor! Grow the selfed stuff out and pick the best 5% of each then do the crosses. Grow them out and pick the top 5% and then self them grow them out cross keep 5% and self them cross them self them cross them. That is a big project don’t you think and a hell of a lot bird seed yes?