Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Yeah I kind of a two prong attack kinda guy. Open pollinate as is your duty then you can play all you like after with more intensive selection methods. I would just self the 5% top females. Boom genotyping done in one generation you’ll know all there is to know about her in one click. If you felt some kinda way about gynoecious seed lots you can use her as a recurrent parent in a backcrossing scheme to the same end and get male/female seed. But genotype her first and the quickest way is to self her and observe/rank her progeny. There is no extra points granted for taking longer to get to the same place. Going the full sib et al routes prior to genotyping is like throwing a bunch of extra hay on the stack you tryna find a needle in, it don’t wash.

Follow? The S1 progeny is a sneak peek of the exact same place you’ll be heading to using the same parent recurrent in a backcrossing program after several generations. It’s not a step you want to skip. The candidate may be excellent and heterozygous and no matter how many times you backcross to her you will be trapped in Mendel’s world of 25:50:25.


I am looking for a certain type of male but will be coming from the girls working their magic. I picked up on the incomplete flower thing and hermaphroditic behavior that Thais seem to throw. I find that the males that are producing the extra ethylene might be a consideration. Yes the proponent females! I think the sib mating thing has its merits but using all the variety from the crosses after selfing is a good route and Allard found it to be a good technique to find the unicorns or at least producing more oil for corn.


Hello folks, jumping in the conversation to ask your opinion on Hayz4Dayz from boneyard seeds. I have 2 plants outdoors in the middle of flower now.
These are the first haze plants I’ve grown and am looking forward to trying them out.
It has been interesting reading about haze in this thread.


Hahaha, maybe the haze heads need a kush break :rofl::rofl::sob:


Yeah it rolls out like this. Grow 100 haze bitch. Leaves you with 5 outstanding. Self the 5 and grow 30 each of their S1 progeny. H1 S1 has 1 of 30 excellent offspring, H2 S1 has 2. On and on no change of ratio until… H3 S1 has 14 of 30 that are outstanding just like mom. Paydirt mango, the H3 mother is both outstanding and has proven to be a mostly homozygous genotype as well - giving predictable results. Plug H3 into whatever breeding program you want now, she has proven to have high a breeding worth. This genotyping of idiotypes is the most valuable use of sex reversal sprays, though few take advantage of it.


Sigh, lol


We just ran through a hypothetical that improved haze keeper ratios by 10 fold. What, thats not good enough for you lol? All you’d need do is rinse and repeat selfing H3 or plug her into other programs. All this other is just mental masterbation looks like. Why the hell would you keep selfing to S3 when you are home at S1? To really guarantee driving it into the ground? Drug type cannabis is not corn. Better read the chapter on breeding plants that are clonally propagated, because drug type is so complex it may as well be an octoploid. It is closer to strawberries than corn.


Maybe I had better read Al some more for I am getting a feeling I missed something so… Yes it is not corn. Tom until I can talk more to you I have to bow out of this until I can find shift another gear.

Yes breeding anything is fraught with disappointment so always have something to fall back on. Wouldn’t take my gamest stuff out to hunt;for I would only be left with the curs.


For me it’s like this. I genuinely feel Haze is the best drug type cannabis plant of our lifetime. Nothing last forever in spite of what guys tryna cash in on old Lumbo or Indian are telling folk it’s gone baby, it’s over, it’s not the same as it was. Everything gets driven into the ground through breeding, that is inevitable. Our time would be better spent trying to figure out ways to breed stuff as least often as possible. Not foaming at the mouth looking to put a bunch of generations on something so precious.


Yes pretty much. Haze runs about 70% female though and you have no need for males during genotyping they are only extra hay and guessing work on top of the pile. Get rid of them too, get them out of your head, no need until later. If you find a haze female whose S1 progeny gives a ratio of 50% like mom it’s time to stop the presses and wallow in your victory period end of. And neither do you care about what male you use as a donor parent in a backcrossing scheme. By the time you are finished (BC3-BC5) the original donors genes are long gone anyway.


Well that is awesome, as far as making money hell I got enough, just not enough (GOOD WEED)! Thanks for the info just need the seeds. Well I would probably do an open pollination first so that I have a shit ton of seeds and then do the 100. Too much farming in my lineage so saving seeds is just second nature.


You can transfer all that to any library of elite clones other than true F1 that we already know to be heterozygous. Homozygosity can be found anywhere else. Step 1, self them and grow out 30 each of their progeny. I say 30 because this is a number in maths where statistics begin to have some merit. In all instances and in all selection method, homozygous parents will prove more prepotent/predictable than heterozygous parents. Would be very easy to just collect a grip of elite clones of all variety genotype them then rinse and repeat the selfing of the more homozygous parents. Or use them as recurrent parents in backcross breeding, same results.


Well when your ready let me know what you need for 200 seeds! I will be working on a Deep Chunk Project fairly soon and Baby has a brand new plan! Tom can’t thank you enough for all this; didn’t think I would wake up today and be ready, tell you the truth I thought it was going to be a real SOB, this bug has bit me pretty dam hard and really enjoy the process. I hope you are successful with your en-devours and keep having fun!

Thank you Tom


I’m stoked you followed it dude, right on.


I thought I lost you for a minute lol. Making up terms and flying through deep into every selection method like there was no tomorrow haha. The first step in any complex problem is to simplify. Epistasis, addativity, co dominance, these are a bunch of fuckers that limit what we can do with drug type cannabis within the realm of conventional selection methods. Sometimes we just need to learn to bite off smaller chunks of progress and pat ourselves on the back for not completely ruining everything. Believe you me, the latter is all too common. Almost as common as the ignorant joeblow who can’t wrap his head around why all cannabis is not epic, as if truly honorable stewards were asleep at the wheel.


Dont know if anyone else is aware that Piffcoastfarms has a killer selection of Haze seeds. He has a presence on Instagram. I will add a link if its allowed.
He has a number of NY Piff haze things he has been working on and if you go back thru his IG history he holds a lot of old school cuts that he hopefully puts back up in a few months. I want to get back a Cuban Black Haze and he has some really interesting things to take a look at. Plus he is a really easy guy to contact and communicate with. His IG account is the best way to see what he has up and coming I think and some beautiful pix of his work by him and grows from others who grew out his stuff.


Anyone done a side-by-side grow of both Tom´s and Todd´s Hazes?

Next Piffcon is in March btw in NYC…



Hmm…more like it’s a hash strain…and only 5% are used for the hash :grinning:!



Saw and Got a little bit of haze last night I can’t stop smelling it


I asked and about that time he hopefully will start selling a few clones again. He has an interesting list and I really want a couple of his old school cuts he holds. I also want a Cuban Black but he really has me out of my price range but I think I have a line on someone who got one and a couple cuts from it may be possible. If I were a cash cropper I could maybe pay the 1K plus but not for a personal small grower. Plus there is the part where it takes around 95 plus days in flower.