Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

No. Because aa x aa = aa. That is not a hybrid. That is a true breeding inbred line until outcrossed. Again back away to the window in the sky and realize that you have either mostly homozygous or mostly heterozygous plants not absolute especially with drug type cannabis. The future will be dh lines - double haploids, where Aa becomes AAaa, a homozygous parent if you can halt crossovers. I am not sure if you are ready to talk reverse breeding.


That would be ok; I was looking at this


The aa is just for one gene correct but I am talking about replicating the complete chain of DNA in haploid form and then crossing it with itself to produce a complete and mirror image of itself.

That would probably eliminate cross over for same exact image


Ok guys there is something called crossovers. It’s where everything we know about breeding departs from expectations. When chimera said if cindy is not homozygous c99 can never attain homozygosity that was not exactly true. A small percentage of outcomes defy expectations, there are called crossovers. In order to achieve reverse breeding ie double haploid breeding sans crossovers so everything is exactly the same you need to halt crossovers. Advanced science is doing that with virus infection. Gnarly stuff. Over your heads. Don’t give me shit man fuck you guys :joy:


Are you then talking about tetra-ploids? Or some version of it? @TomHill

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No. Cannabis is diploid. But drug type cannabis may as well be octoploid because it is highly complex. Far more complex than modern science admits. You need a kazillion boxes clicking. Then some idiot with an IQ 65 says he don’t care about that he just wants all seed to be killer. React.


Some updates on my little haze (original haze x original nevilles haze) plants.

Again, these are being grown in tiny pots, and are not always happy about it… so they don’t look impressive.

These are just finishing week 7 of flower, so they are probably half way to done.

Small one on the left is leaning more towards its NL5 genes. Slightly wider leaves. More compact. Surprised at the very strong fuel smell from her.

One on the right is full sativa looking. Her smell is floral and, in the last few days, cloves!
Really, really beautiful fragrance!!! :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Tiny whispy little buds though. Probably won’t get much smokeable stash from her.


This is an Arjan Haze from my grow this year. Just hit it for the first time, I think yesterday. Got a bad case of CRS here, so it could have been the previous day. YIKES!

My excuse for hitting it somewhat early was it was a hazy day here, so I thought a haze might be appropriate. It was!

And a shot of a couple of harvested buds following a final trim (or very close to a final trim).


Good job @mota hope it is an awesome smoke!


Can someone point me in the right direction of haze to look into ? I want to grab a pack or two but there’s so much information.

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Catching up on this thread and while it’s filled with great info and even entertaining banter, it’s disappointing to see some of the posts that have been flagged :see_no_evil:. Toughen up some ladies and gents :v:t2:


Yup just so long as its all on equal footing.


Seems like nature was determined not to go around f**king it’s self :rofl: All of the complexities you are lightly touching on are what make my head hurt when somebody begs for s1 seed because they want a copy of the plant it was made on as if that was ever possible beyond cloning.


Maybe I have misunderstood something, but isn´t it so that femmed seeds of a killer clone are ALL same as the clone? Pretty much the idea behind femmed S1 seeds… Saves time and money not having to go through a bunch of plants to find that 5 % first to find the killer pheno. Beats me as why for example (add Haze breeder name here) hasn´t done the work already and published the fem seeds of the true Haze. For a breeder, it is still a chore to find the 5% breeder plants among hazes… For Haze loving growers out there, same applies.

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Nope. The idea behind feminized S1 seeds is to take advantage of people who think that. Unless it’s homozygous, S1 will be a pheno hunt just like any other kind of breeding produces, with perhaps slightly fewer variables involved because there’s only one set of genetics being contributed.


Thanks for that. Makes things less hazey to me now. :smile:


Making an S1 of a clone is not copying the genetics, its more of something like a F2. Where the genetic makeup of a plant is split into sections. As a customer this is useful because you only get females, but that’s about the only advantages. There is also lots of disadvantages with S1s aswell.

Remember that not all fem seeds are S1. For example Ace fem seeds are crosses, with one plant reversed and that results in that you don’t get most of the disadvantages with S1s.

I would say that selfing plants are a very useful tool for breeding. But it’s a total scam for the customers. Here’s why: if you self you get Aa x Aa (very simplified) this gives you 25% AA 50% Aa and 25% aa. The double recessive traits aa won’t ever show up in your Aa plants and there by being invisible for the breeder. This is just for one pair in the genome and you got potentially millions of pairs that change this way, so its almost impossible to get an exact copy of the plant. What you do get is plants with recessive traits that wasn’t dominant and expressing itself in the initial clone. So it’s a total crapshot! If you have 5 or 6 fem seeds, will you get the bad or the good recessive genes in these seeds, how many dominant traits do you get? Well you have no idea, but what you do know is that you’ll get something, somewhat close to the initial clone.

Since the genetic data controlling thc levels are in multiple autonome and effected by a broad range of genes. Selfing won’t result in the same chemovar as the initial clone.

In a normal cross Aa x Bb you atleast have the chance of the Bb to counter the recessive (a) and if it’s a good breeder, they will pick a male that counter the weak recessive a. Also you have a lower chance of end up with double recessive aa in a normal cross.

So why are S1s good for breeding? Well, in some situations it’s beneficial to go “through” the genetic makeup of a plant to find genetics you are after without all the other genes get in the way. It’s also effective to identify herm prone mothers and fathers.

Hehe I could write a long paper of selfing and when to use it :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


and plenty of us would read it :eyes:


Are any of you Haze Heads sitting on A5 Haze? Looking to make a trade with a guy who really wants that one…. any help would be greatly appreciated :pray:


Here is the problem , genes combine and express themselves based on which is dominate but recessive traits can double and become dominate which can be a good or bad thing and highly unpredictable things can show up.
When you take a plant and self it you are taking what was a combination of the mother and fathers genes and re combining (shuffling) the genes with the mothers side. This is what makes them fem beans is the loss of the male chromosome resulting in female genes from the mother on both sides of the equation.
But now that the mother is on both sides recessive traits can double , dominate traits from the male are normally lost.
Any time you breed the genetics are split and recombined creating different combinations of dominate and recessive traits. This is why two people will never birth out two identical children , there kids will all have similarities to the parents and siblings but will be unique in there own way.