Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Of course, I know little about it, but I follow… :slightly_smiling_face:
It seems to me that selfing could be a good tool to check what you actually have.
Let’s say you get a good plant in F3. With selfing, you can see what it’s made of, in which relationship the traits are, see what’s dominant, what’s in a co-dominant relationship…
Diagnosis :slightly_smiling_face:

You can probably get valuable information that you can use in further work


Yes exactly. You can also find a mother which is part homozygous and use it with say, a F3 male to make the line ready for outcrossing again. Or you can go to S3 and have a 70-90% homozygous plant which will unite into hybrid vigor if its crossed to another homozygous 70-90% plant.

Pz :v:t2:


I know people have mentioned the light green pheno that THHZ throws and I had a question. Is this little unicorn all green with no red in the stem or the petiole?

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What is your definition of a F3? For pheno hunting to find the keeper and then Self it is S1 seeds, then grow out S1’s and hunt for the desirable knowing there is a good chance of finding a highly desirable plant/plants despite cross-over being involved. Find the desirable (S1’s) and they are F1’s(?) and cross them to??

Still have the desirable P1(female/females) that was/were selfed.

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3 different “lines” of ohaze growing


The math sounds good but the way gene inheritance works invalidates the theory.
You have no way of knowing what genes were inherited and which ones were not with out the use of genetic markers and lab assisted breeding.
Anything else is a random recombination of the genetics with often unpredictable outcomes.


Does this invalidate the recurrent selection process though? We are trying to increase our chances of getting a desirable type. Assimilation of desirable genes can move in the direction you chose by selection pressure or technique but no guarantees?


Yes this is true, but in the progeny you will be able to study to which extent the selfed plant is homozygous. If the mother have doubled a genetic pair, it will show in every single progeny. It’s had to judge stuff like chemovar since it’s very complicated. But stuff like branching, bud density, stretch, height, leaf type, some terps, etc… So it’s very useful.

Pz :v:t2:


@LonelyOC and @Heritagefarms just wanted to thank you both quickly for comments, mucho appreciated… Don´t have the time now to concentrate on dissecting what you guys said, feeling a bit stupid for falling into fem seed hype thinking it is something that it isn´t. Appreciate the clarifications. Explains a lot, and frees me from thinking it was my fault somehow as a grower seeing different phenos and excpecting uniform plants from each seed…

Back to the matter at hand, HAZE.


They definitely serve a purpose I just take issue with how they are marketed as a copy of the mother when it is really a portion of the genetics being represented.
Something will be lost in the process no matter how you go about it. Clone only are clone only for a reason, say it’s a mystery bag seed but turns out to be a stellar plant , you can never get the fathers side back into the equation if it’s unknown and unavailable , all selfing and outcrossing you do will just be moving further away from the original mix. Now if the father didn’t contribute desirable traits this could be a good thing but again clones are popular for a reason.
If s1 seeds were that dependable large commercial grows would not need clones they could just self a few of there favorite lines and grow the seeds out saving tons of money , they dont do this for several reasons , one of which being it will not be true to type.


I totally agree with you and it’s despicable! A S3 is not a copy of a clone, and can look and smoke very differently then what’s its made of!

@Kimes sorry it got technical. But @Heritagefarms is right, S1s of clones are a scam if they are advertised as some type of copy.

Pz :v:t2:


Great for bringing this all up! I just realized what you are saying but doesn’t make situation better but what you are saying finally is true. @LonelyOC and @Heritagefarms

That is why transgressive segregation is possible


I believe this thread is like botanic immersion, but more useful.
I didn’t know those definitions… I recently bought from herbies G13 Haze regular Barney’s Farm hope to clone them in future. Is it going to be F2?


It’s interesting a lot of sites advertise there g13/haze as g13 crossed to haze when in reality it’s g13/skunk crossed to a Hawaiian sativa.
So in reality no relation to the haze from California and a skunked up version of g13.
Barney’s has this info on there website but most others don’t explain this.


Csi has deep chunk


Thanks @Hapi ! DC :grinning:




Wow, a thing of beauty. What sort of scents/aromas are you picking up off her?

Can you specify the parents? Couldn’t find anything on DF13 Haze.


I know its an older post, but, spot on

Im an autist myself and it sucks how my passion or ‘helpful’ interjections get misinterpreted by normies.

Those of us on the spectrum have a unique way with science - and plants. Just, we kind of suck in the eyes of normal people with our social skills. But I get along perfectly fine with other autists and medicine men.

I was on a forum in Seattle and posted about how plants prefer organics over hydro and everyone took it personally. I tried explaining im on the spectrum, but they just mocked the shot outta me for that.

TL:DR, we autists have a unique perspective that’s worth considering and ignoring our ‘abrasive’ delivery.


Thank you for that info.
Nobody has put it that clearly that it was Lumbo only the first year, and that other lines were introduced so immediately. Other people try making it sound like it was pure Lumbo for a number of years and that only a couple people have Haze that includes Mexi and Indian.

I grew out a bunch of Corky’s NL x OTHaze x Kerala and I couldnt find any Lumbo, it was more like a Bx of Indian sativa. It was one of the only Haze outcrosses I fell in love with.