Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

The f2 VB supposed to be from Snowhigh ,
Got those from @DesertHeartGardens


good morning, here I am with 3 ECSD x Neville Haze in the vegetative, A cut that was selected in 2010 by a friend. These days talking to him I found out that the beans came from Chaco.
I’ve always loved this Diesel so much, now she’s even more special to me

she’s going to scrog soon, why leave them like that and pierce the roof of the tent lol


It’s a 20footer I’ve seen picks but I haven’t smoked it hes had it a long time I wish I had his contact info I have many questions for Tony aka brother bone


Cool. Got some green old timer and some Purple old timer × Malawi.



They off to the races now man.


@bluna 11 days later, the Doors (clone) is spreading, going to take some clones.


Really nice! The leaves are surprisingly wide I’d say, but that will probably change as soon as it starts flowering. Is the plant grown in dwc?

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Interesting, so does it show shortly after the 7th node developed or could it be still a while after that? And how consistent is this?

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The short:
Yes. Could be a while after that too. Consistency, I think would depend on a multitude of factors: Such as strain, variety, environment, feed.
Now the long:
I specifically quoted the breeder because I’m growing his (tho not named by him) strain, and any tips and tidbits to help me recreate anything close to his work.
Im learning that "Nodes and internodes ", in general internodes signal “when the plant has entered sexual maturity”. “Most Cannabis plants will become developmentally mature when they reach 14”-20” in height, 7 or 8 to 10 nodes of growth. At this stage the leaves and shoots at each node will begin to alternate, instead of opposite each other. Plants may begin to pre-flower, developing reproductive organs that allow determination of their sex. Im sure more experience growers can add to this conversation.”
Great question @Zett
Disclaimer: still researching, and learning, nOOb here
Hapi growing


So many people say to top after 5 nodes, next run Ill wait until 8 or so. I run reg seeds exclusively, so getting them sext early is important for my limited space


Another picture of C99


Amnesia Core bud


I typically see pre-flower at five nodes at the latest seven notes and that’s really strain dependent but can also be hindered by a lack of of phos and there are some sativa’s that won’t show sex til 3rd week of flower :flushed: I have not grown this personally I seen this on a thread here which is kinda crazy but it happens lol as far as a haze goes I top mine at 7 nodes if I’m only going to top it once now if I’ve got a little more veg time and I’m trying to get a more even canopy I’ll take it to 10-13 nodes and I’ll top it twice it’s really a personal preference and space thing :slight_smile: I love a good haze super silver Haze the cheese pheno is one of the very first selection I have made


Mango Hz and a few tester crosses of her(Headbanger and Dogpatch)
Thinking of topping them as they are going nuts and havnt even started flowering


I’ve been outta the loop for awhile and just heard shantibaba passed. I was just thinking about grabbing a pack of these, managed to find one seedbank in the states that still has the mr nice gear. Plan on slowly grabbing what they have left, just can’t decide which one to try first lol my last grow mango haze was one of the strains I ran and she was amazing. I was hoping I could find that in the states but no such luck yet


Nice find. I was lucky to get my Mr Nice gear from here. My “the Doors” came from @LivingBlackSoil , and I also have mr Nice NHS National health service edit in: from @who during the Veteransgiveawaylast year, (NL5/Hz x Skunk), if I cross any , ill keep you in mind
Hapi hunting


Yeah I was pretty excited. It’s a nice variety too

I would appreciate it man, I love growing out new stuff hunting for that special something. I’m hoping by summer to have a dedicated tent for males. My last grow I collected some pollen and made a mango haze x sssdh cross that I was really excited about but ended up losing the beans :pensive:


Nice find, and on sale!!! Win win

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Where did you hear Shantibaba passed away?