Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Those fan leafs look just like the Chocolate Heaven I’m running right now! Interesting!

Pz :v:t2:


My First time growing, they are from a open pollination done by CSI, he sourced them from Cannabiogen.
Cannabiogen describes Columbia Mangobiche as
"Cannabiogen Colombia MangobicheClassic Colombian line with a reputation for its tasty aromas and great long-lasting power. Of uncertain origins it is one of the few classic varieties that still endure for its excellent quality. Very branched structure crowned by long tails of flowers make its final production can be high. Flavors and aromas of mango and fruity, somewhat spicy, has a forceful psychoactive effect, cerebral and triposo at the same time with a certain mellow touch that makes the experience more pleasant. A classic among the best Colombian classics.

Limited Edition Seeds"
140 day flower, so might flip soon
@LonelyOC nice, I have to go check your choc heaven now, thanks!


I would disagree , super silver haze and what ever people are calling Santa Cruz pure haze are not the same thing so crossing one or the other to blueberry would not have the same results.


Figured I would post this here. I am working on a Haze project Stop by and give it a look, all critique, advice, etc appreciated.



Dan Chang - Thai


Hello overgrow. Nice to meet you. Couple pics of seedsman o haze via another forum member. I had 6 females. This one is the keeper for now. Metallic and hints of some spice. Goes about 18 weeks. Pics are 12 weeks in flower Will be pollinating this gal with bshw x Colombian (coastal seeds) and bushweeds Laos x o haze.

I will update with my haze adventures. Very much looking forward to Toms haze reproductions.



Here is a pic of the Laos x O haze. Was gifted the clone from a friend also on this forum who encouraged me to sign up here. Hey Qizmo. I think he purchased a pack from seedbay a few years back. The only seed out of the pack that germinated. It was a super stunted mutant and took a while to put on normal growth and then never looked back. It being flowered in less than ideal circumstances. Tiny 3 oz cup under 15 Watts led. Again, not ideal but circumstances forced my hand.


I like the combinations! I wonder if you intentionally grew in small cup to control something?

Yes I will be pulling up a chair, Toms Haze should be very interesting 5% Baby! Glad you are here and the pics are awesome!


Happy to see you finally signed up here.
Also glad to see you finally putting that laos x original haze male to work. I really should have taken pics of him when he was seedling. From what i remember he was stuck on first couple set of mutated leaves for nearly 6 weeks before snapping out it. In the past i would of tossed it after couple weeks but I think I payed way too much for that pack of seeds to not get anything out it.


Welcome to OG @trichonaut!


I’ve done 2 cycles with it. I absolutely love it. I also have an uptown brown bx from topdawg and I like the redline alot more. More of that spice than sweet. Definitely staying with me for a while


Hello all you Haze Heads! I come seeking knowledge and suggestions about Haze strains. I saw this thread and thought this might be the perfect place to go.

I have grown a few sativa strains over the 5 years I’ve been gardening but mostly find myself growing hybrids and indica strains. Well my best friend celebrates her 75th Birthday in September and the woman smokes like a chimney and to hear her tell it "If my heart isn’t racing and I’m not hallucinating at least a little it’s not great weed. So of course flowers I’ve shared with her when I visit she tolerates it, shares it with friends and partakes of some before bed. But what I want to grow for her is a wake and bake strain that has her heart pumping, her skin crawling, and her seeing things that aren’t there!
So is something like this something I can find on OG?

Oh I will be growing this indoors.

Hope you guys can help me out.



Ideally I flower the male out in a dedicated 2 x 2 tent, which is in an uninsulated basement. Its too cold in the basement till about April. Keeping it in that 3oz cup will keep him small and produce enough pollen to produce enough seed to test his progeny. He seems very stable so far. No intersex traits despite being wildly root bound and light leaks.


Yes, but what’s your climate like?

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Indoors climate controlled with heat, air, humidifier and dehumidifier. So pretty nice for plants.


nevilles haze thai pheno 17 weeker x various toms haze males


@MAHAKALA you got any recommendations here?


I recommend Grandfunk, the most electric haze hybrid on the market, at some phenos you can get cartoon vision too… with my pheno I get ringing in the ears with attack of eletric waves through the whole body, and it is quite jittery and jumpy too. hyperkynetic ENERGY!!!

grower from Illinois is running some in this moment:


grandfunk from different grow from Canada