Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

The giant storm of '23. The taming of the haze. 160+ females x 90+ males.


looks good, it is not even burnt from frost a little


I’ll make 10,000 seed there. But I won’t grab the best clone :frowning:


:yawning_face: :zzz:


Is that after a bunch of culling or selective pollination? 10,000 seems low for that kind of plant count.


Good morning my friend, I really like this plant. what did you think there? still hold?
I’m eyeing the vintage Neville haze x Black vietnamise.
between her and Grand funk . What do you think is coolest?


Looking forward to it :fire::fire::fire:


hi, I liked it I kept tooth decay pheno for a while, but I lost it in the bust… it was not close to haze enough for me, it was just like skunkhaze, skunkhaze is not fuely usually though, but more turpentine…
I tried many skunkhazes, like super haze, titans haze or OSH cut, and I think this chacos opus, respect, was up there with the best skunkhazes.

well while both of them are south asian genetics oriented, they offer different psychoactivity, NH x VB is half colombian practically, punto rojo dom… while grandfunk is a lot of thai, mother is 50% thai and toms haze male brings another portion. grandfunk is much more easy to grow and has superior terps, mainly lemon musk spice. is more energetic and contain shorter flowering phenos, very close to toms haze, aka citric thaihaze, in some aspects, some traits of toms haze are extrapolated in GF. NH x VB is all long flowering, more sativa than nevilles haze so it needs some advanced growing skills, terps are more old school floral incense earthy, vietnamese phenos can be green mango incense. colombian/NL makes it more dreamy and denser with classic stupefying, little narcotic, shift of consciousness, while VB compesates it with clarity and brings luminous aspect to it, some instrospective anxiety too… grandfunk is more jittery nerve shaking and electric funky boogaloo. one guy told me that when he smoked GF, he felt like he walked in painting, everything was like in painting :smiley: you tried nevhaze hybrid, so maybe it is time to try some toms haze hybrid like GF.


I don’t think I’ve ever smoked a real haze.

Any advise on which haze strain to buy from What is the difference between a normal sativa and a haze?

There is a good haze thread on here that discuses haze and its variations.
Sativa is a general term to describe plants with specific growth characteristics while haze is a name that refers to a specific group of breedings and there resulting offspring.
I see a lot of people using haze as a descriptive term but it is a name not a description.


the closest to real haze they have, is ACE purple haze A5… it is colombian dom.

there were guy called Madjag, he tried to replicate his own haze,crossing zamal with thai and other sativas, I dont remember which ones, and… I think he failed, like others. it is not so easy how it sounds. also haze as polyhybrid of mainly colombian, mexican, less thai and south indian… was not created intentionally. they just grew seeds from imported weed in Santa Cruz, and it crossed together, then skunkman tried to preserve it somehow, he got some different lines from making F2 of it.

I grew malawi gold for example, if you grow 50 females of some sativa you will get the one… honey pheno of malawi is exclusive. it is strong and psychedelic, yet it is not so complex like original haze, and it is not so multidimensional. I like malawi, dont get me wrong. but it just cant keep it up with toms haze. and If I prefer malawi gold over super silver haze, amnesia, ghost train haze, A5haze, G13haze, NLhaze? oh yes, I prefer malawi over them, but I prefer original haze from Tom Hill over anything… hard to explain, the best is to grow them all like I did…

or take durban which is very known, it is active energetic sativa, but it is not so strong like thai or colombian, and it is not so trippy like original haze.

sativa realm of effect is too wide. there are wonderful sativas, but today many are polinated by modern indica varieties unfortunately.

I grew ethiopian highland, old timer haze, congo genetics, durbans, malawis, oaxacan79, oaxacan x michoacan, black vietnamese, laos x mango haze, I cant remember it all. I prefer REAL haze as I like strong, complex and multidimensional psychedelic effect. but still I am talking about 10% or even 5% pheno… not about average phenos. comparing only the best. to think you get it from 10 seeds of inbred line is illusion.


Forgot to mention due to circumstances out of my control I can only flower for 10 week max. This is one reason why I’ve stuck with autoflowering strains. Anyways, do you think nepalese jam or bangi haze would be a good choice?



bangi haze is good, but it will not take you close to real haze… it is close to durban, it is congo genetics mainly, it sure has that congo speedy weed character.

if you flower good haze hybrid from cut, you can flip it to 12/12 or to 11/13 right after it is rooted, it will get bigger 3x or 4x, or some wilder ones even 6x size of the size before flipping, then you will flower it for like 12-13 weeks…

now bangi haze from cut, you will have to veg 2-3 weeks at least to get good size, and good yeild, plus 10 weeks flowering, it is 12-13 weeks together too… just different style of growing.

from seed it is all problematic with sativas indoors, everything is longer, as it takes time to reach maturity and be ready for voloptious flowering. sativas tend to be big, but indoors from cut it can be manageable.

every sativa I grew, first from seed and then from cut, was better to manage from cut… it is because of the cut is mature plant, it is hormonal mix is ready for flowering… sativas have phase of early flowering, when it is not really flowering yet, with cut you can skip this phase particularly. all of them were quicker from cut, with chunkier buds.


I can talk mainly for my varieties, so for example sour diesel needs 77 days, but that cut needs some vegging, for good size I like it needs 4 or even more weeks of vegging, my grandfunk cut needs like 2 weeks of veg maximally, it gets good size, then after flipping, it shoots long branches out and it stretchs like 4x or 5x, so I get good size and yeild, it needs 11/12 weeks to finish, my cut, there are also long flowering phenos in GF. if I count it, it is quicker than sour diesel for me.

few times I grew hazes(from cut) next to diesel, with same time of vegging, and sour diesel was dwarf plant hahaha compared to hazes. it needs different treatment.


With everything you’ve said I think maybe I should grow a mostly sativa leaning hybrid rather than a true haze. I have to shut down the grow every 3 or 4 months due to apartment inspections. Even though it’s legal here. This is why I can’t grow more than 10 week flower.




@mahakala I tell you what that is absolutely stunning! :slight_smile: And the next seed I buy will be Grand Funk! And you can take that to the bank! For real though bro beautiful work


true haze is long flowering… it is tropical variety. there is some reason for long flowering. theory says that breeder can breed it. to outcross long flowering tropical weed with subtropical shorter flowering weed, make F2s and find phenotype which is short flowering and has the effect of tropical variety, inbred line based on that phenotype … well some stated they did… I have never seen it though. for example DJ Shorts Flo is such attempt. short flowering with sativa like high. well dont get me wrong I like it. but it is not up there with those longer flowering phenos… the effect has sativa characteristics, and is wonderful. yet well grown tropical variety like thaihaze is just different level. I try to work with thaihaze, and found out that 12/13 weekers of F1 hybrids are the best solution - compromise between short flowering and tropical quality of the effect - for me, and I shared it and it showed that not only for me…

of course I missed few times, like in case of hawaiian gass…

when you see this in description of haze:

“Contemplative development, with a hashy feeling, and a pleasant, relaxing stoned ending, that will have you quickly looking for food and a sofa, to finally rest calmly with your mind disconnected”

you can be sure that it is not true to haze… haze keeps you clear energetic high for hours without any sink into “relaxing stoned ending” you can bet there is too much of subtropical cultivar influence.

it happens to me with hawaiian gas, after initial kind of thaihaze effect, it sinks into relaxing stony effect after some time, not couchlock by no mean, relatively active but relaxing floaty feeling… not true to the haze!


Tom hill haze
