Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

yeah it is crap hhahahahahhaha. tom hill line contains lime green pheno. what Nevil said about it:

“I haven’t been paying attention to what Sam the Skunkman has been saying.If he is saying that his lime green Haze was crap , well that’s true too. If he is saying that he gave me a Haze cutting, well to be honest, I can’t remember, but if he did it was crap. I seem to recall that he entered his lime Haze in a Cup, if he did he got his arse kicked.”

hehehehe :smiley:


is this haze thread? I am talking about haze.


Yeah I’m super off topic over here. Here some of that Columbian Punto rojo dominate

NorthStar #4 (5hzc1/sensistar f3) x (5hza2/89nl5)


so Nevil says lime green haze is crap. Tom Hill says lime green heavy thai posi is “the best”. we can discuss it or… and that is better possibility. we can grow it ourselves and see ourselves. I grew that lime green phenos, I agree with Tom. what about you guys?

lime green:


That grandfunk looks and sound fantastic, along with most of your work Maha. Hoping to get some of it before too long as it’s been decades since I’ve seen anything like that :slight_smile:

You’re out here speaking the truth on haze and I’m all for it.


looking forward to your comparison of it vs. your favorite haze stuff…

it was my goal to get proper toms haze hybrids to people.=

I see no problem when I open my fridge and I see jar of nev haze and next to it jar of toms haze… they can be there next to each other, no problem there haahahahha


Listen to the Pot Cast and Tom mentioning several things regarding why he mainly did OP with the haze.

First, he had read (quite correctly) in the early days that doing that selection work is the quicker way to bottlenecking a cultivar although in the end all of ‘‘em are going to degrade over time. Large #’s of plants in OP slows the line degradation down.

Second, he mentions your normal instinct to cull the runty gnarly looking plants in selection could be killing your chance of hitting a home run in things like quality of the resin gland itself and effect.

So keep the line as broad and open as possible for future preservation and then do the hard work in growing out sufficient quantity of plants to find the 5% keeper. Then, unlike what Tom’s done in the past, clone the fuck out of that special plant and put it in peoples hands to keep it going. Rinse and repeat as necessary for finding the gold, but periodically refreshing the entire lines possibilities through OP.

Pretty much the antithesis of what most seed ‘breeders’ do these days. That’s why I’m so stoked on (hopefully) getting hands on a grip of Tom’s 2023 seed release.

It’s why I also respect what Ace has done with the OTH. They keep the pure form as open as possible (though they’ve done more selection than Tom which may not necessarily be a good thing). Then they find their favorite females and breed everything else into them for their commercial seed pursuits.


I mentioned earlier in this thread or another one that the green varieties of haze is where it’s at (IMO). I enjoy the red, purple even blackish Columbian hazes and they are sure pretty plants…but the high is muddier, more introspective while at the same time giving dissociative feelings. A good green haze is like lightening fingertips and hair standing up on end. The static you feel after a spring thunderstorm. It can noid you out a bit, but is an amazing outdoor and social experience once you get to cruising altitude.


These dark columbian hazes are very nice, but I can’t wait to crack a jar of this years green haze


Thanks for the breeding strategy. It would have taken quite a while for me to understand that by sifting through the various threads. This sounds like a sound premise for advancing the line. Best wishes Tom.


I always thought NL was haze…from the Skunk #1 line…:slightly_smiling_face:

Skunk #1 being from Sam’s original Haze.

I want some of Tom’s Deep Chunk…:grin:

For the crowd (Local Cali strains :fast_forward: Sams first haze/Neville’s Haze :fast_forward: Sam’s Haze :fast_forward: Skunk #1,Original Haze :fast_forward: NL(from Skunk #1))

:arrow_up::arrow_up: ---- thats Sam’s work too…

You ask why someone hasn’t changed their strain in 30+ when only 5% are keepers? BECAUSE the strain is the keepers…the other 95% contribute to the 5%…further like all marijuana, you smoke it…5% across the board as smoke is smooth sailing :sailboat::sailboat:!!!



I’d speculate that Sensi Seeds sells Sam’s Haze labeled as Skunk #1.

Greenhouse sells Sam’s/Neville’s first Haze…AS Neville’s Haze !!!




Sam had nothing to do with NL and skunk isn’t in NL either.

Skunk also isn’t haze.


Ok…cool bruh! :wink:

Maybe NL isn’t Skunk, but it’s haze…the implication being it is from Sam’s Haze…

Skunk is haze…I disagree w/ you…


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It’s the cyclical argument where we go back and forth and then agree that there is no such thing…they are all just plants…given to us by the higher being…:wink:

Don’t worry dude, I’m not at the bar…the implication being I’m not the guy over there on his smart phone…


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No shit!


Not his cool new sneakers !!! :rofl::joy:



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Skunk is Skunk, not Haze. Skunk is a combination of a Mexican Sativa, and Columbia Sativa, and Afghani.

Haze is pure Sativa and a combination of Mexican, Columbian, Thai, and Indian.


Not a pure haze. But got a couple (original Haze x original Neville’s haze) x Goji OG babies.
Excited to flower these out in the fall and see what awesomeness is to be found in here!!


Bangi Haze has NL, but also Acapulco. So its all about the plant you choose, but its not gonna be like a pure haze or even Nev’s Haze.
Reeferman is working with the Congo Red (parent of Bangi Haze) so those should be available this winter.
But if you want the real thing, I suggest OHaze or THH, and Tom is doing a seed increase