Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I didnt have any negative feelings, just funny moments when I am in another dimension and people are tunned on different wave. I didnt say anything about feelings you described. LOL I just say that people noticed that I acted not standardly and funny confused when I was thinking what she wants from me and she wanted to do that quickly. hahaha it was fun in the end, but still I prefer to smoke in park for example.

now in your intepretation it seems like I care about what people think, not at all, I am not like that man.

it is fun to do something like for first time, while I did it so many times, smoke this stuff and it is like for first time. I found it funny.

note: I was not stoned at all, just trippy high.

buy what you want. the fact is that my thaihaze hybrids are not for everybody, if you want to get happy warm high, you have to go with mexican haze. I dont know you, maybe you would panic on thaihaze, who knows? me not.

with thaihaze you have to know your dose, when overdosing, it can be unpleasant. but you can always smoke less, right?

be aware of nevilles haze x black vietnamese, not for going to crowded places. not fun at all.

I was at jagga jazist performance and with boys and girls I smoked that nevilles haze which in cross that starcrash grows, and all of the them, except one girl who were dancing with me, dissapeared like in the middle of performance, too much for them, I enjoyed that trippy experience. I heard jagga jazist before, I didnt think it is soo good hahaha, galactic alien jazz.


dont know, where you got that thing about arresting? LOL kind of unfortunate misunderstanding it seems. I am sorry my native language is not English. or and more probable reason for his misunderstanding can be that I am in another dimension hahahahahahahahahah


juicy is not stony head, maybe some 10 weeker can be a little. but even hawaiian gas is stony, it is stony head, bit muddy foggy unclear head first hour, but zero body, it is far from “stoned to the bone” when your whole activity is reduced to basic vital functions hahahaha. so you are slow motherfucker and anybody can notice it. thats different thing.

I will not release hawaiian gas, it didnt pass the test, but there are still some interesting unusual plants in HG, yeah.

I got very introspective effect in juicy, deep focus to inside, to that point you are in psychedelic bubble. while at grandfunk I got party raving extravert type of high… like surfing energetic waves and very funky. if you hear some Funk on GF, you could start to dance… not so at Juicy, which is more trance-like with focus deeply inside.


For sure, dude. I’m just fucking with you. Talking shit. Whatever.

I actually AM still kinda interested in your crosses haha.


I put out my normal joint out and guy said: “thats for 5 people” he got panic.



Yes, they are pungent, sweet, sour, extremely smelly


So what’s Haze anyway?


Haha, this sound like me on shrooms. Had a panic attack when I was about to go to a cinema complex and the shrooms kicked in while I was in the queue for popcorn, I was freaking the fuck out. Felt like I couldn’t breath and the people where stirring at me. Got through it, payed and when we go inside the theater I said that I’m so sorry to my sober friends and told em I took some shrooms before going. They just a laughed at me, then they said that I was totally chill, they didn’t notice anything on me and that no body was looking at me…

Sounds like I was a rookie, but the worst part is that I’m very very experienced with psychedelics :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


@MAHAKALA … if you have pictures of the NHxTHH grow , please feel free & start posting them …peace


sounds like you got the best from haze smell, sounds promising.

I had NH x THH pics, but some muthafucka from icmag sent me some malicious shit and I cant repair my pc… and cant get to many pics I took from 2006… wish I saved it elsewhere… well when shit goes down, youd better be ready… and I was not…




Two words that scare the hell out of anyone really high or tripping: “they know.”


understanding is, if you stay hydrated, it will reduce the hand cramping.


Except that “they” don’t know. And even if they do, they don’t care.

I think y’all don’t realize just how self-absorbed the general public is. They’re staring at their phones and they’re wrapped up in their own lives. Even if they do notice,”Oh, shit, that dude’s super-fucking-high…” they don’t care.

Which is why I leave my house all like,”Blllleeeaaaarrrrgghhhh, motherfuckers!!!” every day haha… “You don’t care, huh? Well I’m gonna MAKE you care!” haha.


Some super lemon haze starting week 8


I think we are speaking the same way, MAHA. Both Ace and Tom worked with about 30 seeds in the OP…but Ace narrowed selection by removing earlier flowering plants…which is why my OTH grows take very minimum 16-17 weeks to flower. Maybe good, maybe not.


Sams Ohaze in 1979, photo from Mel Frank


Good morning. I saw this thread and since I was recently blessed with some Sugar Haze, thought I’d bop on by and learn some things about the Haze Craze.
Honored to be here and soak up the knowldge.


Or even better, ‘They’re coming…’