Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Best thing you can do is get yourself a TB external drive, and back up all your stuff on it. It will hold all your pics.
I had great memories of grandkids first fish and pics, when I got locked out of my Google account because I forgot pw,… and hadn’t set up proper backup account, phone number was really old…
Everything gone.
It’s out there somewhere…
1 TB drive.
Never again.


well if I know Tom Hill started with 80 seeds or so…

and Tom said, you can read it in my thread Juicy Woo and others - #213 by TomHill , where he said:

not sure how to understand it, if he hunts for keeper, he means or if he made som selection towards to 14 weekers too???


I am so high on juicy… so high… that I forgot what I wanted to write,

ehmm what it was?

oh yeah that mother of acid beauty is 17WEEKS plus one @Ur_Humbl_Nr8tor brother hehehe

recently I went through some old thread and noticed you crossed oth with F13, can you post pics of that wonderful breed here? I think you should share it here man, so beautiful… and just right one hahahaha


I bought the Grand Funk. If some of the other offerings become available in the US again I would be interested in Chocolate Funk and MindBlower. I will be popping the Grand Funk after my current round of medicine is grown.


Redundancy. If your going the external drive route. Get atleast two and two different brands. Just had a seagate 1tb external experience stuction on the head spinner shit. Quoted at 600$ for data recovery.


I’m from a time before smart phones or even internet and a small town where everybody knew everybody else’s business. Suffice it to say their attitudes toward cannabis (or drugs in general) were not the most progressive or tolerant.


Yes, def mirror or son/father/grandfather for absolute security with one stored off site in case of fire…

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No Grand Funk. There was a replacement pack sent out and it wasnt removed from the website stock. I am hopefully getting the Juicy Woo, if it is in stock and a freebie pack.


Ahh MAHA, that was a long time ago and I was in a sort of weird grow space. Had some issues and a bunch of beans went bye. Alas, those were some of the ones that didn’t make it out alive. I had a he/she F13 that was the most damn erotic smells ever. It started as a male and like 5-6 weeks in started throwing pistils. I had a ton of S1’s that I was hoping to go through and lock in on that aroma. Those went bye as well.

I have about 12 original F13 left. I want to get a hunt on with new Tom’s Haze Stock when released. That cross sounds amazing. I have 3 1/2 of 5 old pack Tom’s seeds up. The fifth is definitely a dud. Hoping the 4th one rallies and loses its helmet.

I threw the last 5 original DJ Blueberries on soil and three are up. I’ll run those this year. Next year the remaining F13 along with a bunch of Tom’s new haze stock.

Most of the seeds from you are up. All three Acid Beauties. Both Double Grand Funk (thought I had started three…but oh well). Two of three Juicy Woo. Looks like third Juicy was the dud of them.

Hehe. 17 weeks…I can handle that, sir. Bring it on.


I have ten females of F13 right now and soon I will chop, smoke and select the one or twoo… my favorite is the most sativa looking one, which smells spicy savory sandalwood with sweet citrus-berry… and second favorite is the one with deep diesel-berry smell, but I will choose the one according to effect, and hit it with my haze, thats sure :smiley: thats the plan…

if you get male of double grandfunk, hit F13 with it, my recommendation.


Good recommendation, MAHA. This year, it would need to be the old DJ blueberry’s I’m growing…but I can either keep a clone or save some extra pollen and try with the f13 next year. I’d be doing the same with the Tom’s Haze males if there are any. Some of the other sprouts as potential pollen catchers:
Ace Zenith, Green Haze x Thai, Super Malawi Haze


with blueberry I would go with haze x thai, as it is wild. my friend crossed oth with F13 males too… it is good weed. and very beautiful to look at… it is on dreamy side of things though. not electric.

is green haze x thai electric? I grew only purple/red cut from him. green old timer haze was like dringking coffee he said, and not interesting for him, but thats only his opinion of course.


just ripped a nice mix of some Super Silver Haze flower with Nigerian Haze temple ball hash… shit makes my brain tingle in the best way :brain:


I’m just now growing Ace’s select green OTH x A5 as a sprout along with some of your seed. I love the green OTH. It is coffee of the strongest kind when it’s good. Bell ringing clear high. The purple OTH lumbo leaning plants are fine, but they are muddy…fuzzy…more introverted. I need more extrovert weed, personally.


The green OTH x Meao Thai release from Ace years ago was something else. I have a few seeds left. That MT used was a cold hearted cocksucker. Cold sweat bead sort of high. Not really any psychedelia, just paranoia and tachycardia. I actually preferred the purple OTH x MT just because I didn’t need a baby sitter. I have some of those seeds as well F1 and F3.


I think DJ gear definitely needs to be reintroduced to its Thai ancestors. Give me pure green OTH whether that’s lumbo or not, I’d not dilute it’s very positive up effects…but the lumbo can be an anchor possibly in breeding out to things like F13 when you are looking for a big boost.


yeah I need you to grow acid beauty or excellent toms haze, so you can compare it to green oth. very 0curious about this comparison :smiley:

yes, I did it with juicy. though I am not the first one who crossed blues with thai at all hahahaha

only problem is when mexican gets into the mix LOL like Tom Hill said destroyer(which is MT crossed with lumbo/mex) smells like thai, but smokes like muddy mexican :smiley: hehehehe


I have some old Destroyer. Tried sprouting the first 10, but no dice. I’ve not smoked any…just gifted years and years ago.

Two of each plant from your gifts. All babies looking good. Slight variegation on one of the acid beauty per expectation.


Ah man, that sucks. Those are hard to find.


Try it with some coconut water.