Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

sorry If I was incorrect about it. there are more versions, as it is story from stoners :smiley: but some say it was ghani number one Nevil got from Skunkman. yeah probably mazar, which is from Skunkman. and that cross was made by NL crew, Greg got that ghani from Nevil indeed.


No worries mate :slight_smile:
Yeah Nevil did get Afghani #1 from Sam but he refused to use it.

I’ve not ever heard that greg and co made the cross themselves. I’ve only ever read from Greg and Nevil themselves that Nevil made NL1 himself and sent the resulting beans back to Greg. THEN they made the rest. I can’t track down the post right now… If Greg and co. also got afghani #1 from Nevil… :man_shrugging: That’s neither here nor there. Seriously doubt it was ever used in any NL cross because why would they when they had Steve Murphy’s afghan? Can’t say I’ve ever seen any afghani #1 in any NL I’ve ever ran. But I’ve seen Nevil’s Mazar all over it.


as you can see, I didnt say he used it, I read that he gave it to Greg and Greg and NLcrew crossed it with NL to make NL1…

but anyway it is off topic here and not so important. important is that NL1 is ultimate old school indica and crossing with haze, he got interesting hybrid, with strong frankies smells… but still only 50% haze.

@Wuachuma knows the story, he talked with Greg…


Bodhi Super Silver Hashplant.



Wow! Very nice


I think that cedar sandalwood and frankies chatholic church smells came from colombian gold… punto rojo was known to have incense smell too, but more mild one piney and fruity too… colombian gold was reported with some mild lemon too, some phenos, but mostly it was frankies.

and when that colombian gold dom haze got crossed with hashplant, that frankies smell got more raw and loud… so loud it smells through bag…

I got livery incense profile in oaxacan79 too… it is very similar, thats why I think that oaxacan79 is crossed with ghani too… meaty livery decayed flowers…

the most piney incense for me was titans haze though, which is skunkhaze. but the most frankies are A5 dom for sure.

my favorite hazes from Amsterdam were mexican haze(A5haze x oaxacan) from Dampkirng and hawaiian haze(hawaiian sativa x haze A) from abraxas… hawaiian haze was very pricey, I asked why and they said because it is 16 weeks flowering, I heard they lost cut and what now they have it is hawaiian haze x g13haze. still good.

it is shame that hawaiian haze cut got lost, it was haze A dom without NL…

I grew A5panama from ACE, in hope that panama removed that narcotic hammer head and offset which they call “leave you disconnected” … but no it was hammer to the head, and very devastating, when you are devastated, your psychoactivity cant go too high… A5 is one of the most potent varieties out there, but I have problem to call it haze… as it is not speedy racy, and for sure it is not clear :smiley: hehehehe. but sure it has its place as legendary afghanhaze.

A5 = NL5hazeA


sounds like one of those original cuts, golden like colombian gold :smiley: hehehe


so where it is? we want to see that.


Mullumbimby Madness outdoor full cycle
Photo taken about a week ago :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’ve never heard that Afghani #1 was in NL. I’m not the best cannabis historian but I’ve heard that it’s related to MLI, do any of you think that is true @HolyAngel or @MAHAKALA ?

Pz :v:t2:


I don’t think Sam is credible, here’s from the old thread with Nevil clarifying a lot of the controversy surrounding his dealing with Sam. He bought a bunch of old seed stock from Sam that was from original haze bros from the 60’s or 70’s. And out of the whole lot only got 7 beans to pop . Anyhow here is Nevils response from an old thread at mr.nice forums in 2010
As well Nevil kicked Sams but in every C.C. In the late 80’s early 90’s

After the first batch of '69 Haze seeds only produced 1 plant, I decided to plant the rest. This produced 5 plants A,B,C,D and E.
Plants B,D and E were females, of which B was the best. I tried all possible combinations and the best was B x C. BC was actually grown commercially alongside 5HzC1, so it was a 10/11 week plant. This fact alone indicated that HzB was a Haze Hybrid to something early. I suspect that most of BC’s quality came from Dad.
I planted the rest of the old seeds. One came out. O for Omega. It was a 1970 seed. I suspected that it was only 25% Haze with one parent being Indica. It too did not really pan out.
The males were the “goods”. Without those two plants, I think that all would have been lost. If I’d only kept a cutting of the first female, whose genotype was closer to male A. I’m start to get that sad feeling again.

Ah well, you can be thankful that the seeds fell into my hands, otherwise you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about.

Also here is a rare picture of one of the Haze Bros with the haze plant from circa late 70’s I believe, it’s the only know picture of one of them that I know of.

Read post #60 on ic mag questions for Sam the skunk man. From his own post he admitted selling Nevil the haze stock “seeds” not clones. Here read for your self @ToddMcC

Lets be honest Neville got the seeds from me, but he had promised me that he would not make pure Haze and sell them as such, I told him it was fine to make Haze hybrids with other varieties that were not mine.
He broke his word and started selling Haze pure and hybrids with my varieties, and I stopped working with him.
Maybe he lied to avoid the problems that accompany breaking your word? I can not say, but I know Neville did not meet the Haze Bros and did not get any O Haze seeds from them. Both the Haze Bros were close friends of mine and both were close neighbors for years, J lived a few hundred meters from my house until he departed to Mexico.



ehehehhehee I see that their have in description: “psychedelic” for mangobiche. so I am very curious how it will compare your toms hazes and black vietnamese in that category. really curious.


afghani1 from sensi seeds is different from afghani1 Skunkman had… two different things. afghani1 from sensi is indeed maple leaf hybrid… probably with skunk. I heard it from @Wuachuma. it was not in NL… only in NL1… NL2 was cross of NL and Hindu Kush, and NL5 was made by Herb Nelson, when he crossed BOEL Hawaiian with NL male…

what you used to get from sensi seeds as NL, was NL2 x NL5, not NL1…


Blockquote “I think that cedar sandalwood and frankies chatholic church smells came from colombian gold… punto rojo was known to have incense smell too…”

@MAHAKALA I’m on a grail quest to find the franky, cedar, sandalwood, nag champa, churchy type of pure landrace sativas… can you comment on how many of these phenos(%) you found in the Colombian gold? Whose Colombian gold did you see this with? From what part of the country? What about for the punto rojo line?

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Hopefully I can provide a good description for all three by years end, we’ll know in 5-6 months for sure, stay tuned.

Edit in : thinking Bout popping red snake x puto rojo and puto rojo (cannabiogen), to round out the year of Haze


has anyone come forward to give a description in thought on what that plant in fact was in that haze bros pic from the 70s…wish it was in daylight and you maybe could a get a better understanding…but it looks very young and plenty of growth left…and I bet my house the flowers would have grown bigger than any hazes you see today…that plant looks hybridised with something…its to full and bodied in stature to attribute to any actual haze you see today…and yeah so wish they had the sunshine out back then and wasnt hiding in the dark with dark glasses on…lololol…bless him…if I looked at that pic after 40 yrs seeing flowers…and I’m no expert by any means I would not call that a pure haze by any stretch of the imagination…maybe them dark glasses in the dark has significance 50 yrs later…shady even back then…lololol

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make it so


:smiley: good luck. I think that if threre is something we can call landrace, it has to be grown 100 years or more at least somewhere and without mixing with other genetics in, not sure with colombians about it. and not sure if colombians were pure sativa, thus CBD content in it…

I found it in private stock, it is not available, from haze lover from Texas… the line is very depressed though. from what I see he is using only males for breeding… there narrow leafers and but also broader leaf phenos…

but like I said colombian gold was greatly preserved in original haze. so all you need is seedsman haze, to pop big numbers, sure I know guy who stated he found frankies in seedsman. but dont think the smell will be loud as at NLhaze, no way… another guy from Canada, who grew both CG and seedsman said it is very similar. just seedsman was less leafy and not so raw, less hermies too…

DJ Short about colombian gold of yesteryear:

"The color and cure were unique, and the aroma, flavor and high were equally so. The smell was that of sandalwood incense, almost like frankincense. The flavor was that of a peppery cedar. It was some of the most unique tasting herb in the world, and the high was just as exciting. It was truly psychedelic, powerful and long lasting.

First came the great flavor, then the stupefying awe of the shift in consciousness followed by a giddy excitement and bursts of joyous laughter. Smile-lock and red-eye made it painfully obvious who was under the influence of this great psychedelic herb."

the real deal punto rojo, as well as trippy paraguayan, is lost imo… and it was rare even back in the days… it was more trippy than CG… some say it is in 90s haze… it is selection of original haze different to seedsman… I didnt find truly trippy weed there… I grew only few though.

cannabiogen PR is modern one and not trippy at all…

one thing we have to understand. colombians farmers dont give a fuck about preservation. and cannabis is not part of colombian culture, like in Cambodia for example, where you can see bowl full of buds in some bar… it is only bizz for them and mainly for export to USA back in the days.

colombian cartels grow it for profit, though productin of coke ran over it, and when colombian farmers could cross it with indica for better yield, they will do without hesitation, as it is about money for them.

thats why we say modern colombian, to make difference to old school one. and thats mean more indica in it and less trippy…


I think that vintage cut of nevilles haze I got from Sammy, is punto rojo pheno of NH. it has typical hysterical laugh of old school punto rojo, and it is trippy for sure… on cold side of things. it is not frankies though, it is floral sage/cedar one…

but I still think that heavy posi thai pheno of original haze is much… much more trippy than any colombian pheno…

at shulgin scale of psychedelic experiences, I would not give colombian more than 2, while thai phenos of Ohz can go 3 and that special one even 3,5 imo… no cannabis can reach 4 imo…

thats why I crossed that vintage cut of NH with black vietnamese to get it more close to 3 than 2… and it was succesful… for me south asian genetics improve it a lot…


mango vision(mango laos x black vietnamese)