Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

if you guys have acess to high times articles like “Colombian connection” from January 29, 1979 or to article “Vintage Colombian Tasting” from July 1978… there are authentic reports about colombian weed from that time of peak of Colombian export to USA.

another good article is “Dope taster” also from that time, where they compare mexican weed and colombian weed:

" In fact, it’s unfortunate that more people don’t start out smoking Mexican dope these days. People who have missed Mexican and started off smoking heavy Colombian often have their cannabis sensitivity stunned into a stupor by the sudden strength of some Colombian varieties. But to start by smoking Mexican, one gets introduced to many subtle initial levels of a high, subtleties that can be obscured in big bong blasts of Lumbo. Mexican has a delicate up-tempo, mariachi-like rhythmic complexity that few “heavier” dopes can duplicate."

hehehe I think it is interesting.

now this is right description of colombians:

Most Colombian marijuana that reaches America is known as “regular” or “commercial.” It is usually dark brown, tends to be strong and heavy, and generally has a pungent, earthy flavor when relatively fresh. It may be as much as 60 percent seeds by weight. Consumers find it a reliable way of getting high, although some complain that it is harsh on the throat and makes them tired.
the finer varieties of Colombian can be divided into lights, darks, and reds. The lights include the highly respected Colombian golds, but not all grass that glitters is what it appears. Often, the color is produced by bleaching the marijuana in the sun, or even by an artificial agent. Connoisseurs say that the real test for gold is in the buds or clumps, which should reveal a “furriness”—that is, pollen clinging to the flowers and seed bracts. The golds tend to be stronger, sweeter, and less sleep-inducing than the browns.
The darks, or browns, are grown in the lowland plains, and their freshness can make the difference between commercial and connoisseur. Finally, there are the reds, the best known of which is Punta Roia (“red tip”). Almost tasteless but very high in THC, Punta Roja has a brownish-red flare on the tops of the leaves and red highlights on the buds. The reds have a reputation for being more spiritual or religious in their effect

user observer from 1978 says:

Regular commercial Mexican or American for everyday smoking. Colombian commercial for a downer effect. Jamaican for a heavy-lidded, almost opaque consciousness; certain kinds of Mexican or Hawaiian for talkativeness and gregariousness; powerful Hawaiian or California sinsemilla for a fast, deep stoned feeling, and Acapulco Gold for its exquisite taste, even though it’s not as strong as some of the others.Most Colombian is strong and gives you a better high than Mexican, although it often puts you to sleep. If you want to work, I suggest Jamaican; Jamaican is also best for parties. For mind-expanding effects, Mexican is best, especially Oaxacan; freshness is very important here.

so to sum it up: stupor, heavy and tired, downer effect and it can put you to sleep…

I always thought that heavy drowsy effect of NLhaze is caused by NL. but you see even colombian from around 1978 is reported like that…

another nice article about herb of yesteryear is from April 1979 and is called “hawaiian - the great dope hope” and author, very interesting for me, describes Kona Gold:

" On Kona Gold you really can’t even think because you’re so gone. It blasts you away, and it’s a great high. Only good Thai is similar to it, but even that doesn’t blast you away. This stuff comes in long, stringy strands, full of resin and smelling sweet, and you know it’s primo stuff. You look at it and smell it, and you just know"

interesting for me as I made kona gold x toms thaihaze aka tropical boogie:


My 3 (OHxONH)xGoji gals are 3 of the healthiest plants I’ve got right now. Not requiring much nutes and not especially sensitive to pH problems.

They are only in small pots, because they are just testers. But, real nice and strong so far. Good vitality.

They are 3 weeks into flower, so no smells yet, but fingers crossed i get one nice mom :crossed_fingers:


No selling of any kind here, even clones. Just trades straight up, plants under 8" in virginia aren’t considered plants when it comes to our 4 plant limit I believe. Also I think with the farm hemp bill clones are legal to sell and ship… I believe, I’m definitely not a lawyer and I probably wouldn’t take legal advice from myself so take what I say with a grain of salt


I’m a recovering addict myself, and consider myself a decent human, that being said I never stole or robbed people to support my habit. I might have done other shady shit but was never a shit bag. Being in an active addiction isn’t an excuse to be a trash human imo.


I don’t know what happened but if you sent the guy money you should try to message him again and I think he would make things right. I have gotten packs from the guy twice so far and am growing out the cbh bx and black soul haze now and the genetics do seem legit. But that being said the second time I ordered he did take his time sending them to me compared to the first time (3 weeks compared to 1 week) but I just kept messaging him and he did eventually send them out… Idk but I will reach out to him on your behalf just to see wth happened. I doubt the dude is trying to rip anyone off, he just seems kinda forgetful imo, like a lot of us stoners are…

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I mean dude your talking shit about is someone who is personally friends with Bodhi and many other breeders and just because he hasn’t sent you beans yet it’s been how long since you sent him the money 2 weeks? I mean it’s not like you sent him a few hundred bucks. you sent him a tank of gas and a burrito… The guy gives away his stuff to cancer patients and has helped a lot of people and has done a lot for the community in general. Maybe if you don’t go saying things like “I’m gonna wire a guys jaw shut…” over 50$, maybe then you would receive your beans. I’ve received over 150 beans from him so far for less than $100 so I’m very happy with having to wait a little longer the second order. and when they do show up in your mailbox I really hope you feel stupid…


I love haze!! This thread is amazing, some real beautys in here please let me know if anyone is interested in trading haze strains :heart::blush::heart_eyes::pray:


Sorry brother, I like there to be a chance I’ll see my trades grown out on Overgrow.
I’m sure some folks don’t care though, maybe somebody will reach out :+1:


When I finish mine I will trade you bro and grow yours you just gotta grow mine :slight_smile: @headybearadventures PS but my spirit weed project probably still be a couple years before I’m done :slight_smile:


Lol, that should be enough time for me :bear::+1::grin:


So I just reached out and he told me he is dealing with the loss of someone close to him and is moving admittedly slower than usual. I’m sure you will receive your beans soon.

In the future you should probably try connecting with the dude first before slandering people and making threats like that. I mean if it was me I don’t think i’d want to deal with you after that and would probably just send you your money back instead of sharing my months worth of hard work with someone so spiteful and ready to retaliate…


Do you have pictures of your kona gold please. Ive not seen a good one in some time. Along time ago in hawaii it used to grow big plants and go a lovely gold colour. Its been hard to find similar now.


It may be hastey to draw definitive conclusions on the characteristics of the Colombian lines via high times article without considering the impact of the (fermented) curing technique/ brick on the flower. According to Sensei Tangwena, the same flower can impart different effects if cured through different temperatures during malawi style cure (essentially what is purposely or inadvertently achieved via brick), and the colors can also vary from light to dark with almost every shade/variation imaginable. I have personally experienced this variability. I bring this up because the majority of anecdotes on the wispy sativa colombians do not have heavy, downer, sleep inducing affects.


Sounds like a junkie excuse to me tbh. And I asked for my money back and he told me to get fucked, so fuckem. I don’t believe him anyway. He’s dealing with the loss of a loved one yet has time to advertise and post his new cross everyday and drum up more unsuspecting suckers like me that he can just block

Day 87 of flower on the Ace of Haze! See how long she goesIMG_3330|375x500


I have a cousin of this just started 12/12 yesterday.
The Pink Floyd, also from mrNice. (CriticalMass x HzAC)


Well, I need to update this statement.
I found this morning that one of my Haze x Goji gals decided to start growing balls.
She’s now visiting with the eggshells and kitchen scraps in the compost bin. Hope they are getting along ok. :roll_eyes:


Right! Not all money is good money :slight_smile: just saying

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Tom if you need some help with all that lmk. Seriously impressive! I have a hard enough time keeping my 5 plants healthy start to finish. Can’t even imagine your workload, probably alot of 12 + hour days I bet. Nice dude…off topic but where can one get some ptk or deep chunk?

Mahakala…good show! Love all of your grows. I envy your genetics