Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Ooh dang! GOTS ta B Mocareful! Lol

Atlantis is a city in Georgia. It’s hot there. And dry ironically.

I made the sacrifice for the science, one time someone said the earth was not the center of the universe too. For the sake of the humanity we have to be ridiculous sometimes.

All of that to say that cash app is not the evil Tom, and can greatly help to spread your love in seeds ^^


Hey we’re not dealing with facts here we’re trying to start a movement! People want easily digestible sound bites not easily disproven details! Join us!

And who says the earth isn’t the centre of the universe? Obviously a moron.


I’ll admit it’s the first time I’ve heard of mammoth rape and ass injecting pot seeds lol PS probably more plossible that they ate pot

I’m in. The just the name of “Mammoth Haze or Antartikhaze” please me as fck. Can only grow in high PH of elephant compost aside a Maple tree ^^


Again, I’d love to see complete mapping of the cannabis genome to know where different cultivars originated.


Antartikhaze is an awesome name that I will definitely steal for the next appropriate cross I make.

On a slightly more topical, and even true this time, fact I’m not growing any haze at the moment.


Citing Joe Rogan as an authority on anything is comical.


Lmao Randall Carlson PS it’s just a short video lol

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Yes hosting fear factor certainly qualifies one as an expert on serious matters just like being on another reality show qualifies one to be pres…

Oh wait I can’t say that.


All Randall videos are like 6hour looong form

Scientists believe the Sea People were from eastern Europe at a time when there was a very severe drought happening that pushed those people into finding a new home as theirs was literally collapsing.

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Carlson is nothing but a Youtuber.

Scientist spends eight years in college and two of that writing a thesis to get a pHd in their field, spends years of research to publish a paper reviewed by peers in order to demonstrate authority in field. Their theories are widely held in the scientific community.

Idiot Youtuber: “I’ve done my research and that’s BS.”


Filibuster. That was a very interesting 5 minutes and now you must hear me blather on forever.

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Let’s make it a Dutch-commercial-chess-move.

So we have an oversee fight and we are officially opponent and ennemies on the Antartikhaze. Who have the genuine ?

I can make it based on a Jack Herer + a couple of landraces. Best way to look legit for our respective bigots is to use the same base at least. Or they will never insult each others in arguing they are in the right side of the force, and sales will drop.


I’m sorry I seem to have created a thread derailment , sorry lmao :joy::rofl: but it is kinda funny “it’s alive!”


Excellent I fully support this artificial rivalry. It will only serve to grow our reputations and we can build tribes around it who will fight to the death for us.

But don’t get the Dutch involved they’ll just hybridize it and ruin it for everyone.


Lmao too funny

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They will afghani-skunk it for sure ^^ Best case is to start from the same set of seeds (i can do it) and to manage the drift respectively. Let’s split the selection on color or terps. Your is more authentic because purple (not enough cold here) + smell like mammoth poop. Mine is more authentic because more dark green (clay soil very high in K, vineyards) + smell like mammoth poop.

At one point we both approach Arjan and Berner, that will conciliate them. Then we get another turn of hyped sales.

But at first we buy an article on High Times or Forbes, good investment. Just talking about fossilized mammoth shit and our shared passion for its use as skin medicine.