Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Have you heard of purple plateau?

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Nigga whitey high yella. Screenshot_20230702-185140~2


Tell me all about it sweetheart lol


Dude, get a grip. Keep it together. You’re really not as fascinating as you think you are. I used to be interested in your gear, but the more I see you post, the more I’m like,”Pssshhhh… This guy’s an idiot…”


I am truly with grips in that I truly am. How your ass doing with the rest of it lol?


Looks like I’m going to have to catch the next release

I sent shit out all last month like 10,000 seed. These guys are gunna see what I seeing at 100 plants…this is just the way it’s gunna go down


Yeah but he reminds me of some of my buddies in highschool! :slight_smile: I think it’s funny as shit ! Lmfao :joy::rofl::joy::joy:! For real though he has gone over the same shit almost every other post ! I understand his frustrations and if you don’t I mean it’s really not his problem and he’s not on here begging y’all to buy his seed either so… I mean idk but just because he’s kind of a d#ck doesn’t mean his gear isn’t solid just saying


I’ll be interested once someone can make some selections. Not interested in random plant op’s.


Noted. Atleast 6-8 mos before any selections can be sourced from the 10,000 seeds released, imho


Evening Eve update. And “ease” to grow , lights upwards, lights downward, tie it up, tie it down and yada yada
And the journey it’s far away to an ending.
But she is very hardy though.
Good piloting for all of us!!! Positive Karma K+


never a smart idea to assume that people care about your opinion that much


can you say why? thanks.

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I am growing some A5haze cross now, and it awfully stinks. wet basement, stinky pungent leather garlic.

… I am sure that meaty livery garlic smell comes from afghan. real haze is not stinky. it is fragrant. it doesn’t smell like sweaty ol bitch who just ate garlic soup, but like fragrant freshly washed lady and teenage pussy… sweet sour fruity spicy very feminine smell… but never stinky… if you know real haze, you know what I am talking about. we know that terps has something to do with the effect, when it is strong garlic smell it just cant smoke like real haze. no.


What happens if somebody making selections removes or culls the runty mutants that ended up having the most potent genetics?


theres a guy on icmag who did great selections from it, found the 5%, posted pics and smoke reports in detail


Because no one should have to grow 10+ packs/100+ beans to find the goods.

@US3RNAM3 that’s called taking responsibility for your actions. Preferably you’d know the line enough to not do that.


I understand where you’re coming from. I wish that true heirloom landraces/lines were more readily available.

I’m just playing devil’s advocate. The tricky part is that we are often relying on breeders to make the judgement call. How many will grow every plant to maturity to test potency versus making a call to cull the “undesirable” plants to a manageable number?


It doesn’t seem like too much to ask for a “breeder” to find the five percent of plants that everybody’s supposed to be looking for and continue working with said five percent, rather than just doing open pollination after open pollination and telling growers,”Yeah, buy a hundred seeds and maybe you’ll find five good plants once you’ve grown all one-hundred seeds.”

I mean, especially if it’s only five percent, it doesn’t seem like it’d be too difficult for the “breeder” to find those plants and work exclusively with them. I thought that was kind of the definition of “breeding,” but maybe I’m wrong…


But wouldn’t it lose vigor? And doesn’t doing it like he does keep it from bottle necking the line? I’m not trying to be douchey I’m just asking PS it would also keep other less moral breeders from just stealing and renaming his work? I’m assuming