Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I see you think that if anybody will self 5% pheno, which is the most drastic way of inbreeding, that progeny will be all 5% one… it would be nice. but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. fact is that curve will be even worse than 5%… because of inbreeding.

it is total illusion about cannabis genetics and very naive, that you will fix it by inbreeding without loosing vigor for example.

it is just all panic, 5% but I think it can be 10% easily, is not that bad.

anyway I outcross 5% pheno with black vietnamese, to make F1 and avoid problems with inbreeding…

I dont see you guys are growing it. so maybe it is just all empty talk.


My opinion with breeding and making seeds IS to give it out. Shouldn’t we want everyone to have really awesome weed? Maybe if everyone gets awesome weed then we can find something even better.

I can respect reproducing a line. But I’d appreciate it better if the line was improved.

Garbage. Never said that. I said I’d be interested in paying for beans that someone did some selection with. Ya know, like your own work Maha. I’m not interested in getting the same line from the 80s or whatever that nothing has been done with.


I’m not a breeder, but I’ve read a little bit. I don’t think finding the stellar plants and working with those would cause a line to lose vigor, nor would it be “bottlenecking” a line.

You find the good plants and work with those. Kinda like the Luther Burbank philosophy of,”Accept the best, reject all others.” Selection is the main part of “breeding.” Why keep introducing inferior genetics into any seed line?


fact is that orginal haze was originally F1 line, not inbred line, and that is where all that fame came from…

some from NLhaze F1, it was bomb, now when it is inbred, it is not that good like it was… and will never be, unless somebody makes F1…

Tom Hill preserved it, which important the most, without it I cant work with it… but inbred line will never behave like F1… never. any inbred line.


They don’t want to have to work for it, I could see if he was selling them at 10$ a seed but he’s not he sells them at 2$ a seed which to me implys that a little work still needs done


it is fact that naturally with landrace, it works like that, that people take seeds from plants they like the most…

but it doesnt mean that occur of that favorite pheno will appear more frequently in next generation, more likely less.

just try to grow any inbred heirloom, for example big sur holyweed, it is like F15 generations or more. it is very very locked there and most plants are just mild, it is very hard to find some bomb elite individual and that is like with any inbred line.

look at skunk1, when it was new, everybody found keeper, but now? it is very inbred and it is hard to find that elite keeper. with any line.


but selection was done before, skunkman positronics. now Tom preserved it.


tom hill lazy lol yall lost me. im sure i gotta pop 100 beans of this shit passing around here before i find something equal to the 1/20 in THH.


See and this is what I was thinking, but if one was to F1 hybrid that selection would it appear in the F1 generation? Thanks

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Lmfao :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: bro! You crack me up! That shit is too funny


it is not inferior, that first. that there is 5% pheno which is above all and kind of different category weed, it doesnt mean that rest of plants is garbage, not at all…

and secondly, when you use minimum of plants for another generations, you will see decline of psychoactivity for example. just try it and you will see… it will get worse, not better. thats how we work with inbred lines, we preserve it and then we make outcrosses with it etc. but the way you imagine it… it will go down hill. good luck with selection.

I saw Mac made selection, but never heard anybody would find that 5% pheno of it. only in Toms beans.


it will appear in better cuve, but transformed. nothing is ideal in this world man. so if you want to experience pure haze, you have to grow pure haze.

thats why I always thought that better than inbreeding haze is to cross with same quality thai landrace. now just to find it hahahaha and first generation will be bomb and uniform. second will be all variety and third we will see that it will be harder to find keeper, in F4 even more if big number open pollination will not be used.


What selection? They said themselves they just mashed things together every year. They don’t even know what or when.

Tom has preserved the line so well it’s apparently the exact same ratios as when he got it 30 something years ago…

This is called bad selection and a falsity. If somehow more numbers magically gets you a better pheno, there was a pair in there that did it. One seed can only have two parent plants.


Just so I’m clear, you’re saying that continually using the “best” plants from each generation of seeds or the plants that contain traits that a breeder is looking for will result in the subsequent generation(s) expressing fewer of the “desirable” traits? Really? Okay, that’s interesting, never heard that before.

But how much of that has to do with the majority of so-called “breeders” just not knowing what the fuck they’re doing?


okay show me any inbred line where you dont have to grow more than 50 females to find that elusive pheno???


That’s five percent, just FYI.


Bingo…washed lady, teen pussy, rose water to me also. No dirty stank on Haze

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This is an interesting point! That tells me that the ones that make that 5% is not a plant that you would normally keep, the parents or parent of the 5% is more than likely a cull , just an observation PS upstate used to talk about this all the time but it’s only a theory


Indeed. Best pheno of Evening Eve is damn hard to find. The closer thing I’ve got was making f2 to search for recessive traits thus saving time… Cuz time with those kind of ladies is a tough matter.


With those ladies you should be praying to still be alive when the offspring comes :grimacing: