Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

a couple of late ladies planted at the beginning of feb in an attempt to avoid the wet weather in late flower , not sure thats going to happen , but they have tolerated the weather so far …
its nevils haze x c5 mango …


Stop being a drop kick Wal!

Didn’t you ever hear about Schapelle?

Kilo’s of domestic product exported to Indonesia!

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drop kick ???

i think its being a realist and not being into fanciful tales that dont make sense when one looks at the big picture …


Just sharing a few plants.

Starting from left the .75 gal is oaxacan gold seed i made
the next 2 front/back Santa Marta Columbian gold
next Bacou nanan
next 2 big sur holy weed front/bacou nanan back
next 2 oaxacan gold string of pearls was mother pheno/ columbian gold
next 2 not in tub oaxacan gold sop pheno mother/ Punto Como oaxacan gold 74’
next 2


lol. There is a big difference between surfboard bags being smuggled by people wanting to pay for their Bali holiday, and the organised production and shipment of bulk product to the US. Why would we import Thai sticks if we were producing way more than the domestic consumption? The whole extrapolation of the estimated production value of the crops mentioned is wildly speculative, let alone the speculation on the export market it was intended for.


the article is even called “the export THEORY”

folks can take from that what they will ,
but to me it means its totally unsubstantiated ,
and could well be “pipe” dreams …

there is no evidence put forth ,
its just a wild theory based on the fact they dont quite know how much was grown ,
is being grown , or what is being consumed by the local market ,
given we were importing stuff at the same time,
it seems likely they were drastically underestimating how much weed aussies could consume …


We consumed Thai sticks because they the US/Australian Cartel/ CIA were nice enough to import them in, its not complicated lol.

We had lots of hash and some domestics still when the Thai would always arrive.

As for Schapelle she didn’t smuggle a thing into Bali the Airport baggage handles that were involved in smuggling all types of drugs across Australia put the weed into her boogie bag but didn’t remove it in Sydney as they were meant to because they the Feds had a sting happening, and they were tipped off.

Her bag weighted 5Kg more at Bali than it did at check in at Brisbane.

Other travellers came forward with the same experiences, but lucky for them, they got through customs.


The book Australia Marijuana by Jenkins is a PhD thesis, you do realise that ?

He used information from Royal Commissions / Government inquiries and so on to write it.

A lot of the information gathered at these Government inquiries or Royal Commissions came from witness /accused wire taps you know the normal high level things done in investigations so no he Jenkins didn’t just make it up as he went.

I am really surprised people that claim to have a good understanding of the canna seen in Australia don’t know this history.


yes i know what a thesis is ,
its not necessarily fact though ,
it may be a story based on it ,
but thats all it has to be , as the one you have shown is …

“”"" A thesis statement is not a statement of fact. Consequently, you must write thesis statements that are arguable, not factual. Statements of fact seem easy to write about because, well, they are easy to prove."""

i also know what a theory is ,
something that is not proven to be factual ,
the paragraph you posted that mentions australia exporting to the Usa,
its titled “theory” ,
thats all i need to say …

please can we get back to the title of this thread now without these distractions ,
if you want to talk about aussie weed culture , make a thread about it or something ,
this one is about haze …


in an attempt to try and get things back on track ,
here is a bit of a shit picture of some late mango haze ibl i have ,
same as the ones i posted earlier , they were planted 11 weeks ago …
the front and rear ones are just small ,
but there are 2 there of reasonable size ,
ill update in a few weeks to show the buds forming …


Good to see you growing again Wally, but do me a favour, don’t single me out for blame when you’re also participating.

I have grown very tired of your negativity towards me over the years.

I would rather coexist than but heads continuously.


no one was singled out ,
but it was clear the thread was going right off course ,
on a matter clearly not any;thing to do with the topic ,
hence me trying to steer it back on topic ,
no need for any victim theatrics …


Nice too see you back in action Wal!

Connoisseur seeds - SSSTN

Late season grow


are u a topper ,
will you take the tip out nexus??

after so long doing it , and bending ,
i find it hard not to …


I prefer them un-topped … mostly for aesthetics and also because I don’t have much experience topping or training.

It’s very late in the season and has some decent side growth already but not expecting a huge yield either way.

So what are the main advantages or topping & training?

It seems the majority of growers like doing it that way.


ive just always done it ,
firstly to keep the plants low for when i was stuck in backyards etc ,
but also for space , it seems by far the better way to get yield , in a small area ,
the plants seem to enjoy it , and personally i like the final candelabra shape too,

this time , because i started late too , i was thinking of just letting them go and not training them
but im fairly glad i did now i see the results ,
there may be a pound on several of the girls , which is excellent for such a late start ,
i guess i should do a side by side comparison at some point just to see what real difference it makes yield wise …


Topping simply evens out your canopy and makes all the top colas roughly the same size rather than one very large main cola. The first picture is untopped, there is one large cola, many smaller side buds. The second plant was topped at the 6th growth node because it stretches 4X during flower and is a big yielder. Small yielding plants that are topped give tiny buds. Topping can make a plant easier to manage and increase yield with the right strain. I top only when I know the plant is going to over stretch the ight. I usually run every plant untopped first to see what it does and go from there.


A couple different haze ladies at *edit(I was off a week)65ish days 11/13. First up is Medusa, my mutant Super Malawi Haze, she has delicious strawberry candy powder smells.

Purple Zamal A5 Haze


I am so glad I seen this post Wally. Years ago when I was in London for a conference on harm-reduction ( a small Irony) I was sitting in a Chinese restaurant in Brixton with Old timer/Martin from UK420 he was talking about some Aussie outdoor that was around during a late 70s summer in some circles during a bit of a hash/African bush import drought.

He was pretty sure it was an Italian connection given the amount of them in London and Aus and the ease of importing/exporting between the two at the time.

It only came up because a Dread stopped us in Brixton trying to sell us the old seeded import bush that was prevalent then. But that is the only time I’ve ever heard an old head say they had anything Aussie outside of the country.

Old timer knocked him back gently and handed him a one skin joint from his own tin. :joy:


How’s that zamal contributing to the smell? You getting any of those sweet carrot smells?