Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Awesome, I feel the same, and if that is the case, that they are still in existence, it sounds like a worthwhile exercise to find them and release them from obscurity. If you know of any, I have some png.


I used to run an F2 line of DJ Shortā€™s original from Joey Seeds. I noticed he still sells them on Hemp Depot so I may have to revisit as Iā€™ve been craving the Blueberry terps.

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I cut down my Original Haze @ 13 weeks and have had it drying. It needs a final trim and to put it up for a bit but tried a bowl. It didnā€™t taste good lol but it was smooth, nice upbeat high my head/face really buzzing!
Still has that grape smell lingering in it, left a nice sweet sticky residue on my fingers when I broke the nug off the branch. Itā€™s one of the good ones


We got Colombian in Sydney in 1978, I remember it well. Imports came in ships via the Pacific Islands. The same routes are used for cocaine today. In those days even with Mafia grows the outdoor domestic market never kept up. Australia had very high prices for cannabis back then. When a drought hit I heard as much as $450 an ounce which in the 80s was a lot.


i thought the same re domestic markets being unable to keep up with demand , and hence us still importing as long as imports were available , particularly from the south east asian market ,

what are your thoughts on what was suggested earlier as far as Australia being a major exporter to places like Usa in those days , do you think this was ever possible given the inability to even supply their own market ??


Cool, thanks for sharing, any idea what might have happened to these plants? Are they lost to the ravages of time and passing fashion like so many have been? The more Aussie heirlooms I find, the more I realize just how good some of it is, so Iā€™m always on the lookout for more. :pray:

Seems exceedingly unlikely really doesnā€™t it? maybe some of it went to Thursday island, but it just seems to not make sense on either a profit level, or a logistical one. Imports from an expensive market like Oz, with limited supply even for domestic markets to one that is much better supplied by cheap Mexican brick weed etc.? Unfortunately there is little actual evidence, and just stories so I guess weā€™ll never know for sure.


If you read the book link I posted, it will all make sense, mate.

We domestically grew more than we could ever consume back then and if you think about it our harvest would happen when the US and EU would be getting ready to plant seed.

Supply and demand, itā€™s that simple.

An oz in 79 was $30 Thai stick was $15 to $20.


Those strains are probably hybridised by now like everything that came through, but Yantra used to sell what they called a Mangobiche from Vanuatu which might give a hint as to the smuggling route. I got a few seeds but yet to sprout them.


I read it bro, most of it is not new to me. It contains lots of speculation and suppositions but little by way of evidence.
Lots of conflating the heroin trade with four weed crop seizures and then drawing an exceptionally long tenuous and unsubstantiated conclusion. Just because itā€™s published on the internet, doesnā€™t make it true. Just saying.


a kilo in thailand at that time was $3 ,
i bet they sold all their stuff before anyone bothered with our expensive stuff ,
which seems like it was needed for our domestic market anyhow ,
its unlikely we were able to grow as much as asia , or south america at the time ,
its very doubtful we could compete or need to , with third world countries and their cannabis ā€¦


Nah, we were getting the stuff direct from Mexico and Colombia. The Mexicans were coming in since the early 1900s, and the Colombians originally coffee and banana exporters, then renegade pilots, surfers, film makers and smugglers, and then almost exclusively being straight from the underlings of Escobar in the late 70s-80s. Even our government was in bed with the drug lords of South America back in the day. Cocaine was the big money, but Mary Jane was definitely on their menu too. People can look that up, about the governmentā€¦ Bush senior was all kinds of corrupt. Anyway, we didnā€™t need anything from the deep Pacificā€¦ the drug bosses of S. and C. America prioritized the States because that was the easiest and most profitable for them. And the truth is, weed was already kind of normal in America long before the 60sā€¦ Personally, I truly think people have been growing weed throughout the US since colonial times, but I know for a fact there was all kinds of ā€œreferā€ as early as the 1930s in the US. Itā€™s pretty well documented. We were already very established in the grass department. Also Jamaica! Lots of Jamaican if you knew the right people. Jamaica monā€¦ donā€™t sleep on that Jamaican!!! Happy 420 all.


Do you have any idea of just how much cannabis was being grown in Australiaā€™s golden triangle where all three state meet NSW/VIC/SA Alone ? The busts they talk about were small compared to what was being grown.

The Griffith families were related to the San Francisco families.

I am really surprised you never saw Colombians Hawaiians and the rest grown here.


It was a bunch of CIA secret money making side hustles in order to fund their covert operations and avoid those pesky oversight committeeā€™s.


It still exists today in other countries, they had it great here until they killed Donald Mackay and his assassination led to them all being exposed.


As far as I can tell they must have a hand in the Mexican Cartels. Allowing the poisoning of the USA and I would imagine other 1st world consumers, otherwise they would be stopped.


Getting back on topic, I strongly believe this was Haze being grown here, but we called it tripping weed, not Haze.

As I posted before, the San Francisco families were related to the Griffith families.

This US seed was also grown and busted in QLD.


Legalising and Decriminalising cannabis alone would hurt their income base.

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As an American I always thought Northern Australia would be a great place to grow a few acres of Haze and other equatorials.
Not sure if I could handle all the things that can kill you there. :grin:


its probably best to stick to facts and things that can be proven ,
rather than theories and suppositions ,
there is no proof any of this you say happened or is , was real ,

if you consider we were importing cannabis at the time ,
as you said yourself , yet our domestic market cant consume what we are growing ,
its fairly contradictory ,
and as i mentioned , if the Usa was getting cannabis from third world countries at prices that wouldnt even pay for the fertilisers in our country , they wouldnt want to pay for our stuff ,
and thats not even taking logistics into account ā€¦
lets just stick to facts ā€¦


Back in the day, it was grown everywhere vineyards between the vines orchards between the trees I mean everywhere when I was a kid living on a farm it was grown down to the fence line in the late 60s.

I personally know plenty of old farmers now past or in their late 70s that filled their farms year after year,