Planet of OZZZ

Hello everyone! Welcome to my world.

I’m a new member under this account, but have been around the forums and growing all kinds of things since the mid 90’s. Was on the original OG but only lurked back then, much of my time was spent on ICmag but participation there seems to be dropping and I miss the interaction and activity of a public forum.

With that said I’ve been a busy bee over the last few months, so let’s do a little recap of what I’ve been up to and what I’m working on now.

In June we moved into a new place, and Mrs OZZZ and I came to an agreement in which I would have a mostly dedicated space for my horticultural hobbies.

I come here during a transition period in my grow room design….

Currently I’m running two 4x4 Secret Jardíns each with HLG-600 Rspecs and 6” AC infinity fan/filters.

For moms and clones I’m running a 4’x2’ multilevel propagator tent, with two dimmed vivaspectra xs1500’s (moms) and some random under the counter 6500k LED strips for seedlings, clones, and temporary moms while I’m pheno hunting through them.

Also, I have a 3x3 with an HLG-550 Rspec out in the garage that gets used from time to time if needed to finish plants off or separate males.

From time to time there may be an outdoor plant or two…. And other various projects like hot chilies and so on.

I’ve been an organic soil grower for 20 years or so, but am currently experimenting with coco and autopots. So far I’m loving the combination and am seeing fantastic growth on a test plant in veg.

So much so that I ordered in an 8’x4’ tent, two HLG-650R Diablos and a network of autopots that allow me to run up to 16 plants for pheno hunts (2.2 gallon pots) or disconnect half and run up to 8 - 3.9 gallon pots, or various combinations between the two sizes of pots. After my current seed run I’ll be switching over to the new equipment.

Without further ado let’s get into some pictures shall we?

A quick recap over the last few grows. I’ve been growing a lot of NLDs and other various pure Sativas and sativa hybrids.

Oaxacan x Panama

Doors x original Haze pheno #1

Doors x original haze pheno #2

ACE seeds Honduras mid flower


The studio setup for photos is so good. How long did those plants end up flowering for?


Welcome my friend, looks awesome! Well done! Looking forward to seeing what comes out of your grows. I’ll definitely stick around!

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That doors x original haze is super interesting!


That OxaPanama is how i imagined White Widow before i saw Whitw Widow :grinning:


I’m parking over in the corner and taking notes!!
I love that photographic light setup too.



Thanks everyone!

I had to await for admin to approve my initial post before continuing on :call_me_hand:

I also took a stab at some pure original haze, and a Tom Hill Haze x Original haze, although I must admit this is my first time trying such extreme pure Sativas indoors and admittedly they aren’t very happy. Will adjust on the next run as now I know what they like and now I know what they need.

Original haze looking great in veg

And in early flower

And a bit later into flower

They are currently showing hefty clawing from a previous 1.1 EC feeding. I gave them a break with a RO water flush, a top dressing of worm castings and reintroduced liquid nutes at a very conservative 1.0 EC… where they will stay until harvest. I’ll need to get some updated close up pics soon


Tom Hill haze x Original haze is handling my heavy handed feedings better than the pure original hazes

She’s a straight octopus…. 10,000 leagues under the sea stuff right here (in early flower)

And all three plants at current condition struggling through towards finish

Closeups THH x Ohz


Currently I’m also working through ACEs Panama line. I just completed a 9 female pheno hunt out of their breeders pack. The Breeders pack separates the phenos into seed form with three lines. The Panama Leminy/incensy, Panama Green, and Panama pink/red.

Out of this run, Panama red #2 was kept as my keeper, as well as a very nice and resinous Lemony/incensy pheno with beautiful lemony astringent terps. Smells like lemon pledge furniture polish … lemon up front with a chemical bite on the backend. Seems like if you inhaled to hard on the jar you might burn your nose hairs

Here’s some random pics of the different lemony, green, and pink/red phenos

And a few cola wet trim shots off my red #2 keeper

A nice nug off red #2

And a little popcorn nug from the lower larf, yet she’s delicately pretty


So crazy looking. If I was more of a sativa guy I’d be exploring some of these as well. I love the look , style, feel if the old school genetics and some of the outliers can be absolutely RIDICULOUS!! Excited to watch this thread, I truly am !


Now that’s right up my alley! And exceptional looking finished product @OZZZ Top Shelf my friend, TOP SHELF :raised_hands:t2:


Well thank you kind sir!

These extreme tropical types are very challenging, but through challenge we grow and improve…. Pun intended! :heart_eyes:


Great job so far with such extreme genetics. Really cool looking expressions. I ran a few Panama red a number of years back and love the pink and magenta pistils :heart_eyes:

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You have me sold on the Panama red. I literally just added it to the mist obtain list. . Love the pun as well, my kinda guy. :facepunch:t2: The pics and then the smell/taste description are 100% right on my pallete .

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Some honorable mentions, the seed plant Doors x original haze #1 and #2 (left), Oaxacan x Panama (front right) and ACE golden tiger (right rear) looking elegant in early flower

DJ short blueberry…. Must not be left out as it is quite literally my all time favorite strain. I have a few projects to get to first, but part of the reason for the new 8’ x 4’ tent is to do a 36 plant blueberry pheno hunt. The right pheno truly is anxiolytic in nature. Great euphoria and so psychologically kind.

DJ short Flo

…… and a very NOT psychologically kind ACE killer A5 Haze. Trippy, psychedelic and aggressive hold into your seatbelt effect.



I think that about catches up my most recent projects leading up to now.

Currently at present, as mentioned I am testing out coco coir and autopots. I put a clone off my panama red #2 keeper into a 3.9 gallon autopot as a test plant to see how it goes.

So far so good feeding Canna A/B base at 1.2-1.3 EC. She will be flipped before long, but I have a seed run going on in the other tent right next to her, and males are dropping pollen. So she will need to continue vegging for another week or two…. We will simply grow her BIG…. Shall we? Haha

…. And the ACE panama seed run, at around week 3 of flower. I will be separating the red and green/lemony seed lines as much as possible. 18 females and 6 males total will be OP’d


I used autopots about 4 years back with great success . They are a great investment. I bought the bubbler domes as well though which was insane for root development. Was what lead me to try RDWC in fact.


Hello @parttime

The Honduras ended up being yanked because she hermied on me, but to be fair I think I need to reinspect that particular tent for light leaks. It seems I get one from time to time in only that tent, and not the other.

The hazes are still in flower at around 12 weeks, and I expect another month at least out of them.


@MWgrower @TopShelfTrees1

Thanks guys and thanks to everyone else as well! Truly the best hobby in the world, and now that it’s legal it truly is a great time to be alive. Amazing genetics available everywhere. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Can anyone answer me a few questions about coco and autopots? As mentioned this is literally my first plant ever in coco.

Firstly, do I need to worry about the plant getting rootbound?

Secondly, I’m using the canna coco A & B line right now. Information is all over the place. Some say to add cal mag at full strength always, others say with these specific nutrients (canna A & B) that cal mag is not needed as the canna coco A/B already has enough of it.

With this plant I started off at 1.0 EC with half strength cal Mag, and the canna A/B. Before long I got the beginnings of calcium deficiency.

I upped the cal mag to full strength AND the overall EC to around 1.2 and it went away. My ph has been in the 5.9-6.0 range.

Then…. About a week ago…. I read the labels on the canna A and B products and compared them to the cal mag label. The canna A/B has 4.5% calcium and 1.1 magnesium whereas the cal mag has 3.2% calcium and 1.2% magnesium.

So actually the canna A/B has more calcium. So I thought we’ll hell then… I’ll just drop the cal mag altogether…. Then increase the level of base nutrients. By this time the plant is getting large so I went canna A/B only at 1.3 EC (ph 5.9) this was about a week ago and today I’m getting calcium deficiency again…. As well as some clawing.

So this tells me two things:

Firstly…. Simply upping the A/B gives this plant too much nitrogen, hence the clawing and also it doesn’t seem like it’s enough calcium either.

So today I mixed up some new nutes at around 1.2-1.3 EC but with full strength cal mag added again (which will reduce nitrogen in the solution as well).

I’m pretty sure for this plant anyway that’s the sweet spot under strong LEDs (currently running at 500w around 3’ above the plant).

For any of you using the Canna COCO line… are you adding cal mag to it?