Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Pure oHaze is 100%, hybrids can be 75%, 50%, 25% 12.5% etc. Mango haze is 50% haze in theory, a cross with it would be 25%, if you cross again with another non-haze we go down to 12.5%.
All the crosses Ive seen with haze of 50% or more give large plants with large spaces between nodes, they do not behave like indicas, they do not flower like indicas.
Have a great day you too


The mom used was Mango haze was hit with a C5 x Mango Haze male. I added my Sour Diesel x Snowman male to improve potency. With variations, some plants will be diferant. How anyone could see the % in haze is beyond my capabilities. Selections are the most important part when breeding plants. Being around for so long has definitely helped with picking plants to breed with. None of us have a way to test % so itā€™s moot pointā€¦ The only thing that matters to me is quality.


Mango haze * C5 x Mango Haze male (50% haze) * Sour Diesel x Snowman (0% haze), your plant is in theory 25% haze as much.

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Your percentage scheme is arbitrary


Just doing simple Mendelian math on the FNF if the description is correct
(Nev Haze x OHaze) x APSS
(((75% + 100%)/2) + 0)/2
175/2=87.5/2 = 43.75% Hazeā€¦ so nearly 50% pure haze.

As stated by Hammer, this is only part of the equation as using a very hazey example of NH would potentially produce more hazey progeny then using one that leaned more towards the NH spectrum.

I have no issues with flowering pure haze outdoors and taking them to mid-January if Iā€™m so inclined and the plants want to finish then. They handle the cool, wetter conditions just fine in my locale. Iā€™m more interested in whether this cross would do as well finishing a month or more earlier? Weā€™ve got plenty of folks here that donā€™t appreciate spindly sticks of pure haze both aesthetically and/or not conditioned to the effects as they are too numbed/dumbed up on dispo weed. Horses for courses as they say. I think what hammers doing looks amazing from a selection standpoint. Is it pure hazeā€¦nope but it would check a lot of boxes for folks that canā€™t grow pure haze or donā€™t want to commit to growing them. My two worthless cents.


Not sure what are you talking about, Im talking about a plant of hammer, c5*mH * mh / Sour Diesel x Snowman (25% haze), not (Nev Haze x OHaze) x APSS

And really my intention was just to call a spade a spade, I have nothing against hammer, in fact it is a nice well-grown hybrid, but far from 70% haze. I also grow hybrids apart from sativas, my point is when hybrids are sold / show as if they were 100% sativas for commercial purposes

Iā€™m reading the answers below and woooahā€¦ Im not going to debate with fan boys, it is an insult to intelligence to deny such basic mathematics.
Have a nice day :slight_smile:


To make things even more complicated. If you start out with a 50/50 indica sativa hybrid and you breed to letā€™s say to the sativa side for a few generations. Is it still a 50/50 hybrid? Can you manipulate the percentages by breeding or is it just defined by genetic inheritance?


Iā€™m not a commercial grower. 100% medical personnel. Anyone can scoop a pack of what I make. It helps cover the cost of power useā€¦ I do not sell many seeds. People can have opinions in no way does it make yours right lol. Haze and dramas go hand in hand. None of that nonsense will come from me. My garden is an open book. No one has to believe what I think. If you think itā€™s 12% I have no issues with that. I still disagree lol. Iā€™ve said all I can.

To clarify the Sour D I used was Bio Diesel = (Sensi Star x Sour Diesel Denver Relief)x (Original Diesel x New York City Diesel(Soma)


And the FNF from Hammer is nearly 50% by Mendelian math, thatā€™s all.


@gmike THANK YOU for calling out the hybrid malarkey that populates this thread, would be great to see some haze that isnā€™t watered down with indica.

Reminds me of all the Manuka honey being sold in the grocery stores that is mostly comprised of bush honey with just enough manuka in it to maintain the manuka moniker. Or maybe a better example would be when you find some brass thatā€™s gold plated but marketed as gold. You scratch the surface and you know itā€™s fake.

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Thatā€™s the right way to state the %. I appreciate that 100%. The maturity level is at an all time low.

(Nev Haze x OHaze) x APSS is different but both are excellent haze hybrids. Quality should be the only thing that matters. At least to me it is.

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Whose fanning russetmike? Iā€™m just doing simple maths on one of his crosses. Most haze varieties you see now a days are only percentages of haze (including Nevilā€™s). I guess if Iā€™m a fan that makes you an anti-fan? My point is unlike me, most people donā€™t have beautiful SoCal outdoor weather or the indoor set-up, patience, experience to grow pure lumbo type hazes like we see from Johnny C. Yes, THH can be grown indoors but I prefer it outside. Iā€™m growing Ace OTH pure again this year but I know that also gets panties wrung for not being a true haze. Many people like the effects (and bag looks) of the hybrids more than pure haze. So thereā€™s a majority market for those crosses. I have a circle of of folks that prefer them, so I would consider purchasing a pack of the FNF to see whether they can finish in my climate without any issues of PM or mold before harvest. Then those friend of mine that prefer hybrids have something to puff on that suits their needs. Seems they are suiting Hammers. Iā€™m just not sure what your actual beef is since no one is trying to say these are pure hazes. Good day to you as well.


I hate the manuka honey bullshit too, US. But in that regard, they are blatantly trying to sell it as unadulterated manuka when you and I both know that not to be true. I donā€™t think thatā€™s what Hammer is attempting to do here. Yes there are many posts on here that are haze in percentages only. Thereā€™s much debate about the purity of Toddā€™s and of MM as well. Hell, I hope to be posting pics of 10+ foot trees of pure OTH this year and Iā€™m sure that will draw opinion as not pure haze. Same could be said with the many THH seeds I plan to pop soon. As long as people attempt to provide factual information to lineage (something most wonā€™t do), Iā€™ve got no beef.


Regarding the manuka honey, there are tests to determine the potency/active ingredient concentration AKA medicinal quality and the ratings are listed on the bottles. So itā€™s not total bait and switch, itā€™s just the ignorance of the consumer may have them thinking itā€™s pure/medicine grade.

OTH, THH - i can see how you can question whether itā€™s pure haze but atleast they are pure sativas and arguably more closely resemble original haze than the present day commercial purveyors of original haze

SAME. I prefer Haze hybrids. Theyā€™re all hybrids to start with so who has 100% haze?. The selections I make lean on the NLD side. If you are in the USA and want to run FNF DM me ill send you some. :call_me_hand:


You are correct on that, US. At least there is testing and of course the price is a good indicator of potency/purity but not the only one. I was in NZ many years ago and had the ability to buy right at the farms (and it wasnā€™t cheap back then either).

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Hey, thanks for the offer. We are already chatting at the basement. Iā€™m UHN over there. Iā€™ll hit you up in the PMā€™s there and we can work something out. Iā€™ll give the FNF a college try in my avocado and citrus grove.


The F1 Mango Haze, being 50% Haze all acted and flowered like pure sativa the flowering times were from 16 weeks some went 19 weeks and over.

I think anything less than 50% becomes too watered down it can still be a great smoke and plant, but itā€™s not Haze where a 50% Haze can.

Early Haze - Early Queen x Afghan Haze is 25% Haze

50% Haze



Cultivators Choices Original Haze Description

OH= Santa Marta Gold x Wacky Weed x Colombian
100% Sativa but is an inconsistent hybrid. 10% are spectacular, 75% good, 10% poor. Truly superior sweet taste. High incredibly clear an up energy. Will not mature outdoors in Holland or northern California.



I get Thai and Colombian, but what I find interesting that few talk about or bring up is how Haze has changed in the past 20 to 25 years.

The look of Haze now to that of a few decades ago, and the flowering times.

Haze use to look a lot more vine like and flower 20 plus weeks now some are even coming in at 14 weeks.