Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

BIG FACTS HEMPY ! Wish I knew where to find the viney, string of pearl 24 weekers!!

Boycott the fake 14 weekers


I know you donā€™t like to even talks about OTH as a part of the haze legacy, Hempyā€¦and thatā€™s fine. But it is truly wispy, 20+ week lumbo thatā€™s a lot closer to true original haze then most haze type crosses today. I donā€™t think you can even dispute that. Iā€™ve grown a fair lot and tried it indoors (less than ideal and truly pearly type results). It does great outdoors here in SoCal. Iā€™ll put up photos periodically here. Yes, itā€™s not haze touched by Sam and Nevilleā€¦but still much closer to the old school growth and effects I think you are referencing. Those 50/50 hazes you post pictures of sure look spindly haze. I often wonder how they would look outdoors in your OZ sunshine. Dreams.


Iā€™m not so sure Old Timerā€™s doesnā€™t have Indian genetics in itā€¦


OTH x A5 Haze last year

These finished early December if I recall. If A5 is NL5 x Haze and OTH has no haze in it, then this represents a 25% haze type.


Iā€™m not the only one that thinks it, UHN even OT1 said his line is not Haze.

The thing that bugs me the most about the OT1 sativa line is the person that managed to preserve it and then passed it out for free being WolfMan never seems to get a mention or given any credit for his work and time.


I found them in my Nevils Haze but apparently going by people like Maha this is not Haze, itā€™s norther lights 5 lol.


Hey Hempy, Iā€™m happy to throw mad props towards OT and Wolfman any day. dubi and Ace have opened the doors for me to explore those genetics, and I thank them too. I do believe that the similarities between OH, OTH and THH in certain characteristics canā€™t be denied and that thereā€™s way more to the tale then any of us knowā€¦but that just opinionated speculation based on the fact that Iā€™ve grown all three lines. Iā€™d grow NH, but Iā€™d prefer to get hands on older genetics ad I donā€™t trust what Iā€™ve seen from new stock.


I think respecting the origins while acknowledging the nature of colloquialisms and their roll in the evolution of language is a fair balance.

People should know what is behind the terms they use to better understand why it is used.

Iā€™m 29. I donā€™t know shit about fuck, but I love the passion behind these arguments.


OT1 grew Posi Haze did you know that ? If you ever went to Vic Highā€™s old forum you would have read that, that was one of his favourite lines. Itā€™s all there in the BC forum archives if any ones interested in looking.

I was offered the OT1 line from Wolfman at the same time 10 others were that included Dubi I wanted no part of it in the Mr Nice Forum at Cannabis World.

OT1 didnā€™t call his line Haze, WolfMan named it Haze and to be honest it may be a great line but if it didnā€™t come from Sam then it canā€™t be Haze mate itā€™s that simple.


Yeah, well I will call it OTH because thatā€™s what itā€™s known as these days. Iā€™m not going to call it Old Timers ā€˜notā€™ haze :laughing:. People can make of it what they will. I find similar growth habits and definitely aromas and effects, so thereā€™s something to it. Agree to disagree and Iā€™m fine with that. Please remember that ā€˜hazeā€™ as a term was being used in Southern California before and likely after Samā€¦He should have called it Samā€™s Haze :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


By the way, Iā€™ve read tons of shit on these forums, but nothing from Vic High or BC forums. Is there a link?

BC forum was Vic Highā€™s old forum, it closed a long time ago, if you run a search you will find the archives, and you just need to dig and read to find the info youā€™re wanting.


Iā€™ve read a lot of copied posts from OT1. Iā€™ll dig if I have the time. What I do recall is him stating the seed lines were NOT the same BUT they could have been from early day field scale genetics that share similar pre-cursors. Since my experience shows similarities, thatā€™s what I tend to believe.

No beef with you Hempy and I think in years of posting on these forums Iā€™ve been fairly respectful of youā€¦and you of me. Whether thatā€™s from IC as Ur Humbl Nr8torā€¦or here as UHN or whereverā€¦ letā€™s keep it that way even if our opinions diverge now and again. Stay safe dude.


Double post

Itā€™s not personal mate, I just feel the facts matter and a linesā€™ history / heritage is important, Itā€™s what identifies it from every other line.

I donā€™t think calling every line of similar looks and quality a Haze would be beneficial to anyone, lest of to the line its self.

Just because a line is a sativa, donā€™t make it a Haze.


looks like a duck, quacks like a duck :man_shrugging: Sounds mallard enough to me


Run a Poll and ask people what they think, I bet more think as I do about this topic.

So a Swazi or a Malawi or even an unknown Mexican is Haze by your definition of Haze then ?

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Canā€™t disagree or agree with you on this one, Hempy. One of those enigmas that no one is likely to ever solve to anyoneā€™s satisfaction. I will make sure I am cognizant of the efforts of everyone involved over the years and the likelihood that we will never have an answer thatā€™s satisfies us all. I will also keep calling OTH by its current name and we can say it is definitely not the same genetics as what Sam sold to Nevil back in the 80ā€™s. I started smoking in 84, so did not smoke those original imports. Happy to admit and be clear about that. We smoked Mexican imports and corn field local grown genetics that came from Meigs county. Not a lot of chance to have smoked any real haze or Thai back in those midwestern US days.


Well if you look through the BC archives you will find a post from OT1 giving away for free an unknown sativa line to anyone that wanted it, The seed was old and may not of germinated that line was taken by Wolfman and then Wolfman called it Haze OT1 did not call it Haze.


love the NLD leaners - he ainā€™t wrong tho, that it is an NL5 haze hybrid

any idea where to find the old 20 week o haze seed? seems like toddā€™s has some skunk in it.

never heard of wolfman, thanks for the backstory relating to OT - only heard of dubi getting involved and offering it commercially