Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Individually, no. Combine the three and you’ve used the Haze multi-hybrid technique, though.

If you look at somebody like Snow High Seeds, they did Old School Red and Purple Chocolate Thai x Colombian Red and Purple, called it “New Haze Vol 1” marking it as a “5 way Haze”. It’s a valid use of nomenclature, IMO, as it is not claiming it in any way as the original Haze, but they are forming a multi-hybrid of Sativas which is the basic Haze process.


Yeah idk if it doesn’t contain Haze why bother to use it in the name?

If it was just the technique of out-crossing a Sativa to other non-related Sativa lines then just about all of Snowhigs seeds are “Hazes” :sweat_smile:

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It’s no secret Nevils Haze has 25% NL5 in it, but yet all the ones I have grown and continue to grow from the seed I made take 19 weeks or over to flower.

10 people were given seed at the same time Dubi got them.

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Haze for me relates to the seed that came from Sam, if it’s not related then it’s not Haze.


But what if Old Timers stock was related to Sam’s stock at field scale ‘before’ Sam got involved? Just saying…that’s the paradox. I have no stake in the answer, but it’s still worth pondering.


You do realise the guys that made Haze were just Gorilla growers, not brothers but friends that just combined their best lines to make seed for the following years grow, and they struck gold ? There was no field-testing it was about growing and harvesting flower.

The further you get from the original F1 seed the worse it is, Sam has said it many times, as has Nevil.


Where can I get some F1 Haze seed Hempy?


I bet Nevil took the last of it with him to his grave. RIP Nev wish you was still here to join us in this.


Hey guys. I am not a breeder. I am just an old “pot farmer” . I think we are all in love with the mythology of “Haze”. I say that because the real Haze plant lived almost 60 years ago. The genetics have been shuffeled so many times that any seeds you may have now are not the same plant. Unless Sam has been keeping a Haze plant alive in his closet all these years, It aint the same thing. I fully agree that the genetics are GREAT and even Sam has said that Haze is made for breeding and not for commercial growing. As a pure plant it has potential but until you cross it with something it serves no practical purpose. The actual Haze plant of 1969- 1970 was a wonderous moment in pot history but it is gone. I say keep making hybrids because that is all we have now or will have in the future. Who knows, maybe someone will breed something that is twice as good as the real haze. However, the history is fun to debate and I love hearing these old stories. Peace :rainbow:


Not the right place to ask. Also pretty new just take it slow this is a generous site.

Or here Landrace Expansion & Trade. Again you are new slow down let people know ya bud. Welcome to OG.


I’m afraid the genie is out of the bottle on that one. Many highly respected breeders have referred to their multi-hybrid sativas using the term “Haze” in the name even though there is nothing of the cultivar that you speak of within the new cultivar. That genie is never going back into the bottle.


Only if you suck at selection hempy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but seriously how do you make F1’s from 5 different varieties? that just doesn’t make sense, it was at most a polyhybrid that was later stabilized. I’m pretty sure the original stoners just made it up as they went along, and all these stories are just tall tales, like it or not haze has long since become a generic term. like kush and OG. Old grumpy pedants like us might bitch and complain, but the world, it just keeps turning.


Ot1haze grow like a haze.
Ot1haze smoke like a haze.
Ot1haze is a haze.


Hey noob, was being sarcastic in case you were NOT aware. :slight_smile:


The seed made in 69 were F1s and each year after that they made other seed by crossing that first Haze to a different line sativa line why you had different Haze.

Posted by Sam at cannabis world a long time ago.

So it’s anyone’s guess what gen Haze sold today is.


Ok I got you Hempy and so farther away from F1 ( which no one has today ) it got weaker .?

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I think the good plants become harder to find, more numbers might be a better way to explane it, but you also need to remember most of the breeding with Haze has been open pollination.


Maybe. At this point it’s anyone’s guess. As much as I am loath to say it, Sam’s stories are a bit…. well, too detailed to be accurate. Nobody in the stoner universe has that kind of exact recall of what was what all those years ago, and the memory gaps are just filled with more interesting and juicy details. I don’t believe a word of it, least of all anything Sam says . lol.


I know you have been around the forums for many, many, many years Hempy. What was Nevil like ?

Did you ever get to chat with him?
In my opinion it was really sad from seeing him go from a very successful pioneer, breeding , interacting with people from all over the world, through his seed catalogues. To living in a castle called “THE CANNABIS CASTLE “ helping people grow good weed all over the world, to being chase down by us gov to having to sell everything he had worked hard for to secure when only a few years before that he was a heroine addict. People later hiring HIM to be their breeder using him for to line there pockets and take over the market he created in a way, for him to look around and see ALL these seed companies pop up and combined being a billion dollar industry and then him dying broke and misunderstood is quite bitter for me Hempy. RIP Nevil S. It makes me want to cry :cry:


Bugger that, if Mother Nature made the best weed breeding decision we would all be smoking hemp lol.