Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Here’s an update on the Deliverance (Thai x NH) it grew almost 2 ft in a week up ways.


I see the Thai in that one clearly, and the growth pattern definitely leans Thai.


happy with the amount of resin on those mango haze ,
shes a sticky girl …


I see a lot of Haze in them with some Thai mixed in.

The male Nevil Haze used was from the HzA side.


Soon you have to seek for real Thai.:pinched_fingers:

147,000 plants. The dude is so full of shit.


That is a grow factory fur buds. He’s making it sound like the whole thing is for seed production. None of that was built with his money. He’s just pretending it’s his new breeding facility. I can see right through that bullshit. Maybe they were growing 147,000 plants but I guarantee it wasn’t anything to do with seeds. That’s the total number of plants in the whole place and it’s for flower production not seeds


Aryan from strain Steelers can only operate in Thailand with a Thai Partner and I hope the government cracks down on that as the law reforms were meant to benefit Thai people, not greedy outsiders like Aryan.

The 147,000 plants were from all the Thai farmers fields he stole seed from.

Most local lines now have been crossed to a Thai hybrid called KD named after the guy called KD that breed it, that line has super lemon haze in it so most Thai lines are already tainted now.

There still are old school Thai lines still to be found, but not like it was once.


it seems like everywhere Arjan goes the local landraces get destroyed. That guy is the worst. I’m never going to buy seeds from greenhouses again. What a loss for the Thai people.


That’s what I despise most about him. He’s flat out sealing genetics and doing everything he can to ensure those lines are forever destroyed. He’s trying to corner a market on the finest land races which he’ll never release to the world in anything other than crosses he controls. He’s a vile corporate criminal, IMO.


Aryan is full of it, all his ever been good at is marketing and sales, he’s the used car salesman of the canna community.

Strain Steelers, basically steel farmers lines and then given them GHS fem hermaphrodite seed.

Aryan is like many breeders today, they are more about making deals with big pharma and cashing in instead of pushing for real law reforms and preserving what genetics are left.


Truer words have never been posted.


hey ,
ill just say a few words that i think need saying here ,
firstly , i dont support or even like ghs , and Arjan ,
but its not his responsibly to maintain any landraces ,
he is a businessman ,
he does business in order to make money …
Secondly , his input in thailand has made little difference to the quality or availability of any thai landrace seeds ,
this was already an area that suffered and the landraces we once knew were near extinction due to the eradication process overseen and ordered by Usa over 40 years ago , not Arjan ,
after 40 years of poor breeding practices , probably 1 on 1 matings , with little to no selections
i doubt there was much left of what once was the thai landrace before Arjan even arrived …

Its also likely a lot of the sativa growing there came from Laos brick weed ,
and this is the bit many seem to not take into account ,
the country right next door did not eradicate its cannabis , which in many instances was the same as thai , the seed have moved back and forth from laos to thai and thai to laos for eons , seeds know no borders …

Lastly , i dont see any breeders funded to maintain landraces ,
they do it simply to make money as far as i know ,
and some folks do it for a hobby …

i dont even watch any clips with Arjan on them ,
as i mentioned before , i hate his capitalistic approach ,
but i also know he is completely entitled to be like that ,
whether i like it or not …


And we can support his efforts by purchasing his products, or choose to reject what he does by refusing to purchase anything from him. We are as free to do that as he is to destroy cannabis landraces wherever he travels…


exactly ,
boycott his products and ignore his clips ,
and try not to say his name too often ,
even this is a way of giving him power and advertising him ,
and all of similar ilk to him , as he is not the only one …


100 % agree.


yeah yeah, that’s a good one

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sorry, that was supposed to be a scooby doo gif, but i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing…


all you haze doubters out therer, yeah, there’s some sucky ones… some REAL sucky ones, but when you get that good one, it is great… i’m on my thitd bowl, and i’m like, robotripping…


Yea, let’s give him an award for businessperson of the year and not post and expose him and his company for what he really stands for.