Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

For some people it is difficult to understand what is written, on the other hand we talk about ghs, and if Arijan were to say that 2+2=4 someone would have to complain…
Well, make it easy :
-Am I saying that hybridizing landraces is good and right? NO, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG!
-But, It doesn’t seem to me that before Arijan the Thai varieties were “pure”, (as in Jamaica, or other countries visited by hunters)…
-a big BIG part of Thai weed comes from Laos, (not all, but a very big %,)
Arian & Co. are great businessmen, otherwise they would no longer exist… they have no ethics, and there is no doubt about this (but how many other seedmakers have it?)

The idea of ​​having to speak well of Arijan disgusts me, but sometimes some people have problems understanding, I see…


that is right ,
im pretty sure i showed my distaste of his ethics ,
and his love of money , it disgusts me too ,
so much , that i dont feel the need to even speak his name ,
as mentioned , and im sure it hold some weight ,
that speaking of them , gives them power , even uttering their names …

but as willy said , he has built a successful business ,
off t he back of naive and folks who know no better than to support him ,
if i mention him , or watch his clips , it really makes no difference ,
if i complain , the same , no difference will be felt by him ,
id rather pretend he doesnt exist , and give him none of my energy , good or bad …

however , he did not ruin the thai gene pool single handed , or any other , its just a drop in the ocean ,
unethical , immoral even and should be discouraged for sure ,
but things go on … as i said , theres a big gene pool of thai and similar to it right next door ,
but its the last time ill say it in case old mate gets word of it and goes in to ruin it for us all , lol …


I did visit his website yesterday and saw a lot of pussy wussy varieties on sale, but saw also 2 hybrids offered with Swazi landrace, one with a Kush and another with Cheese, both for €150 (ting ting).

Sure since the Thai government prohibited Cannabis in the hard way on demand of the US government, good varieties you once had are gone or diluted by poor breeding practices, but still in the 90s i could buy good quality minty Thai, which I loved to smoke. Even good Jamaican herb was available, which gave you flash backs. Two years ago in Rotterdam good uplifting Thai was available at a shop, but i must say its rare.

Can we blame the ghs guy all of it, of course not. I said it before, what is gone, will not come back, but what is left, will soon or later also be contaminated, unless preservation programs will be started for future generations.

In 2009 i grew Parvati from RSC and I had 3 phenotypes in aroma, orange, hash and sweet carrot. People who grow Parvati for the last few years i don’t hear about sweet carrot anymore. This is the same to be on topic again with Haze and the Nag Champa incense ( i’m burning at the moment).Since the early 90s never seen again. Seems to be found in Golli Haze i received some seeds from a friendly grower, but not in the other pure Hazes.


I am growing a ‘Ghost Train Haze #1’. Oddly, it has produced a leaf that is strangely shaped.

I have grown this plant for 10 + years and have never seen this happen before. Below is a normal leaf for reference.
Im not freaking out. Just curious. Any comments? Has anyone seen this in other Haze hybrids?


This is why I’ll never understand people who refuse to release pure lines “to protect them”. From who??? The people who might pass them around for free? The whole “tightly held cut” thing is a garbage, greedy attitude hiding behind a shield of false morality. At least this guy is honest with what he’s doing :joy:


That’s most likely from the Trainwreck side of the genetics. It’s nothing to worry about. Also looks like it might have started flowering and then reverted back to vegetative stage


What I see as the biggest sign that the person who we won’t name is a crook. Is that after all the shows and traveling to distant lands looking for landrace seeds.The haven’t released any of it in pure form. It’s a complete joke when you compare them to places like The Real Seed Co.


I think you are correct. Now that I put on my reading glasses it does look like it has reveged. And I did start them earlier than normal this year. Thanks! :grin:


Thailand has 4 national strains now.


I ended up sprouting 5 seeds of the Original Haze from Todd and all of the plants were varying degrees of narrow leaflet. Here’s a picture of the seedlings on 4/1.

All of the seedlings had variations on tropical fruit, incense, soapy, woody aromas in the stem rub. I kept two after a month, the #1 and #5 pheno. The #1 pheno smelled like sickly sweet mango, but took longer than the Mozambique Poison to flip on 11/13 (4 weeks and still just preflowers) so culled it knowing I would not be able to finish it outside. I would have kept it if the #5 pheno wasn’t such a standout. Stem rub of mango, guava, and woody incense. The most vigorous growth of the 5 phenos and very quick to flip under 11/13 after 1 week. It may be madness to try to flower this one outdoors at 42N but I am going to try. Original Haze #5 Pheno on 5/31:

In the photo below you can see the stem trichomes on the #5 pheno. Under bright light it catches the light and makes the plant glow and stand out from all the others visually.

In other Haze related seed updates: the first 4 plants of Nature Farm’s Sundial Haze (Blue Dream x '95 Silver Haze) were a mix of Afghan and Blueberry/Haze leaning stem rubs and structures. Two had some interesting mutant leaf variegation with narrower leaflets and those had more of a Blueberry smell. Unfortunately both were male but I’m glad one was since it was starting to take on a nauseating berry note. Culled those 4 and I am hunting through the rest of the pack for a more Blue Dream / Haze leaning keeper female since its clear just from these 4 seeds that the '95 Silver Haze male leans more towards the Afghan.


With all this talk about “Strain Hunters” and obvious neocolonialism, I have become depressed. I live in a very isolated area and only got access to the internet about 3 years ago so I am ignorant of many social media trends. Those poor pot farmers live and grow pot exactly like I do. Some of them have more than I do. I feel a distinct brotherhood with them and would like to see them get some benefit from the “green rush”. So what do you guys think about The Indian Landrace Exchange? Is it really “fairtrade?


Rip stoney love to see it!!

If you listen to their competitors ILE supposedly doesn’t pay the farmers much at all for their seeds and exploits the situation. But they say that they help the local farmers. I remember on one of the Strains Hunter videos in Africa. The locals figured out what was going on and got very upset they were stealing seeds from them without compensation. The Greenhouse guys just laughed and said that’s not how things work and they don’t pay for seeds. That was very upsetting to watch honestly


I see these attitudes even here on OG. A paternalism and sort of condescension to traditional cannabis farmers around the world. Colonial type mindtstate of take from those people because they can’t possibly know what to do with such resources. We’ll just take them and give them popcorn and spongebob.


Hey everyone. nice pics all around. I’ve been going through this thread cuz im trying to fond out whats making a plant haze…aside form someone saying this is Haze. I see nothing uniform or common among all your various plants. the only common thread i seem to see is you call your plant (whatever Haze) and they all seem to be mostly sativa plants.

whats making it haze other than your or someone elses say so? honest question no disrespect. i hear a lot of people refer to things as being like some other thing but they never really explain it in general terms everyone can understand…just cryptic gate keeper talk.

wtf is a haze…what makes it be haze exactly? in plain english.


It’s very simple. There is a variety of cannabis that was made in the late 60’s and early 70’s in California. It spread around the world and was mixed with a lot of different types of cannabis. It seems like some people name their Haze hybrids Haze and that causes confusion for people who don’t know what the original Haze is. To add to the confusion original Haze is itself a 3 or 4 way sativa hybrid and has several different variations and colors. It can be identified by the name OHaze or Original Haze.


There are a lot of Haze crosses being shown here. Haze has always been considered a good variety to cross with another line for improvements, though lots of crosses never get there. Hempy is about the best authority on Haze you’ll find in this thread. Occasionally Tom Hill will show up. There is disagreement in the community and the stories have changed over the years about the origins of Haze, but generally speaking it’s a pure Sativa poly-hybrid. Some say it’s different Colombian varietals, some say it is Colombian x Mexican x Indian x Thai.


I look at it as just a name now but I do think the strain must be very sativa dom or pure sativa to even be considered a haze.


Original Haze is mainly different types of Colombian cultivars, developed during the 1970s.


At this point, haze is whatever you want it to be.