Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

I don’t want to be a killjoy but the tale of pure colombian is the latest version of Sam, who knows what it really is…


The tales from the 90s said it was Colombians crossed to a Mexican. The next year the best females were crossed with a southern India varietal, and the year after that it was crossed to a Thai. Whoya gonna believe? I dunno, don’t ask me.


All you need is one bong rip from a good Haze bud and you’ll be good for hours. It’s the most economical weed I’ve ever had. It totally makes up for the long flowering time and low yield


If you look in the “cannabis encyclopedia” by Jorge Cervantes he gives a timeline of what was bred and when. I cant remember what that timeline was but I bet a google search would find it. :rainbow:

Pure sativa poly-hybrid pretty well sums it up . God only knows ( just in California alone ) how many versions as every grower had / has their own visions . Contrary to what some of NHz acolytes say true haze does NOT contain skunk , NL or any form of indica .


Nah you aint, but can understand the confusion from the last decades about Haze.
Oldschool Haze s1

Colombian from Mel Frank’s Grower’s Guide


That Colombian looks more like something out of the Congo… Maybe Malawi.


RSC got that Congo from a botanic garden from what i read

Ok well here’s one directly from there courtesy of Pure African Strains – East Africa Genes

What i’m getting at is that this whole exercise is BS. The only way to solve it is genetics. If someone has a haze, then how do we know they got the same high from it, even if they happened to get the same combination of parents first? The variables just equal bullshit. This would just be “shop talk” with no real outcome/answer.


We need multiple things here. We need the genome of the plants in question and we need, at the very least, the cannabinoid and terpene profiles to go with it.

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And to find some really old hippies who used to live in central California (as control group).

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A dry cent: right here in this thread, I saw a definition of Haze as a mix of pure Sativas. I find that valid. Following that line of thought, Kush would be the blend of pure Indicas. The rest are hybrids. A definition from the cannabis community would be useful and quite interesting in aiming to categorize the thousands of strains into some common groups. Cannabis classifications are very old and don’t reflect what we know nowadays.

The original Hazes are a kind of legend. Just like an OG Kush. Some claim to have a cut, many who’ve smoked a lot before, and others swear it doesn’t exist anymore. They’ll forever linger in people’s imagination as memories of a time when they’re young and could enjoy a stronger buzz with a much less tired soul.

Skywalker (not) Haze


The 1988 Hightimes
I see the Sativas, I see the Thai’s listed, but I dont see the word “Haze” anywhere on the page, I could have missed it. Notice the “Northern lights”, advertised as “1
hit, 1 hour high”.



Hell even they disagree . That’s why different yet similar variations of a central theme…the ultimate sativa powered space probe . Take this with a bushel of salt I’ve personally got half a dozen CA sourced hazes & I’m an old FL boy . Most are combos of Colombian , SE Asian & whatever sativa rocket fuel a particular grower felt might add to the stew . Pretty much personal stash as not what the Cookie Monsters want . The real deal you got to grow or know a grower as it aint fer sale . Tightly held but yet shared with kindred souls .


Deliverance - (Thai x NH) under 9/15 is just starting to show pre flower both are Girls.

Feeding them an EC of 1200 will drop it to 1100 EC.


Yeah I’m not so sure about that …

Nevil did document shorter flowering and even indicas types as well as pure sativas in some of the seven plants he grew out.

Also both Todd’s and Tom’s version seem to have a pinch of indica in them imho.

The only real line that seems pure Sativa is the Sam_S seedsman / flying dutch Haze lines.

Also interesting is how a NHz can flower for longer than any of the other Haze lines …

Very confusing to say the least!


1982 HT article about Haze


Nice!, good find. Thanks!!


You can also find a few plants that finish weeks before the others do, in the seedsman ohaze. And you can also find plants that never end. Depending on which plants the breeder uses, the offspring will take more or less time to finish (and they normally use the most attractive one…)


Does anyone know who “R” is in that article?

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