Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Just got over one of those “other” viruses, whatever it was. Completely destroyed my sense of smell for about two months, couldn’t even smell ammonia smelling salts. Hope yours clears up soon.


“Haze” has escaped and will revert to some other shit if not selected for. Similar to most “landraces.”


just means u have been wrong for 4 decades if you think landraces breed true,
they are genetically diverse , meaning they are not true breeding,
this is what is important about them ,
myself and slain are not the only guys in this thread saying this either , i count quite a few more ,
it doesnt matter how old anyone is ,
its the science which has never changed , and no we are not doing this just to win ,
its about the truth and the science that you seem to want to ignore for some reason ,
we had this argument at mns many years ago ,
shanti came and agreed with what im saying now , and what i said then …
is he wrong too ??
nevil would also agree , would he be wrong also??
maybe u are just not seeing enough plants , how many can u fit in that little cupboard of yours ??
ive been growing hundreds and thousands for decades ,
and i can assure you landraces are quite diverse genetically ,

sure some traits remain constant , like fat , or thin leaf , tall and skinny ,
branching , not brancing , stuff like that , but other traits are varied and many …
also i have been growing since the early 80s , just incase that matters , lol …


If haze were a birthday cake, Nevil selected the flower/ bow from one of the pieces, and discarded the rest of the cake, forever. Neville created the best haze hybrids in my opinion, but he did nothing to conserve the genetic without hybridizing. Neville himself regretted discarding the Haze B female.
It may be that haze was a polyhybrid, but I don’t think the current haze lines are less than an f15.


Like I posted before, Mike Nevil did preserve Haze in pure form and grew a lot of those seed out and not 1 plant were close to that of the parent plants, that’s why he went to a different rout.

Nevil thought me something called ancestral memory that can only be pass down by Males from Father to son and so on, that was key.

Haze, going by Sam, was an F10+ over 20 years ago.


You might find this interesting, it’s a searchable genetic database.

It’s not trolling to point out that someone is speaking easily disproven shit, on the haze thread or any other.


Yes, arguing semantics for the last 2 days is definently good for the thread. Experience means nothing, being right and making sure everyone knows it is the whole point of this community.


Insulting people and trolling them don’t make any one right, we’re just lucky Wally can’t edit /remove our posts here or Ban us for not agreeing with them, lol.


i would draw folks attention to the second paragraph where it mentions genetic diversity in landraces …

forums are for sharing and learning ,
you cant have opinion about science , if you disagree with it , you are simply wrong ,
there is no ifs and buts about this ,
and if people on forums are sharing incorrect information , they need to be corrected ,
so others can learn the correct terms , or information …
its not about egos etc ,
can anyone show any scientific information where it says landraces breed true ??
good luck searching , because u wont find it … because , its wrong …
you cant have something genetically diverse , that also breeds true ,
modern cultivars and breeds are where you might look for that , certainly not landraces …


Hi gmike, no I haven’t tried those hazes and feel like I’m missing out. Nevils work is great but has a dark edge, fom the NL I assume. Stiil like it but I prefer the Nevils crossed with other pure sativas.

I have grown other pure sativas and sativa hybrids including OT haze and these are often great if cross with Nevils work. Tom put me off with the 5% thing. As a hobby grower I cant grow the numbers needed.


That is objectively wrong. Science simply means “the study of” and to argue that something that “is” cannot be disputed, will always be, and should not be questioned, is profoundly antithetical to the field of science.


wait so what are some of the best haze again hahaha


all of them!

sure ,
but wouldnt one need to submit some factual information , or study to dispute it ,
not just have an opinion …??


Tom scared so many people away from Haze with that 5% comment. It’s funny to see it happen like that. He’s such a trickster. I wouldn’t take him seriously on that if I were you.


Disputing established science is fine, as long as you have the data to back up your assertions.


Tom was being honest, that’s the sad part the 5% refers to the type of plant that gave Haze the title of the world’s strongest cannabis.

That don’t mean you’re not going to find a higher % of good plants you will, but you want to find the best example and those by Toms experience are found in 5%.


This didnt start with Hempy disputing your data, this started with hempy citing his lived experience in an open conversation, then people started arguing with him, and it escalated.

He said pre dutch lines bred true, that he would throw down seed, cull the males, and would know what he would have come harvest time

I have no right to speak for hempy, nor does hempy have any need for me to speak for him, but I think its absurd to argue with someone about their lived experiences using data sets. Colloquialisms are allowed here.

Most importantly, data doesnt grow weed, people do. If the data doesnt match the experience, thats a topic for further exploration. Argumentation is one means of exploration, and I for one have found this productive. It doesnt need to be adversarial, but some people find these moments as opportunities to exact some odd form of “gotcha vengeance”


Tom also said that purple haze isn’t any good. That might be his personal preference but it doesn’t mean it’s the ultimate word on the subject. Maybe his purple isn’t that great but it’s my favorite. I have learned to not take someone else’s opinion as a fact when my personal experience says otherwise