Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

I lost my smell from covid for about 6 weeks. Was so damn weird. I was recommended this type of smell therapy and after a couple weeks of doing it i regained my smell. Hopefully you heal fast.


Well, it would depend on what your goal was to add a land race/heirloom line, just like it would be crossing any unrelated plants.

An example for me adding a Land race/heirloom variety would be this.

I was after an old Maui sativa line and a friend that lives in Maui sent me all that he could find of the old lines best being his uncles, but the problem was it was not like the old Maui sativa lines I remember from the early 80s.

This was the best Maui line I could find.

So I used a Thai male to increase the size to add more sativa but keep the Maui lineā€™s uniqueness and I achieved that.

Thai male.

That mating produced plants like this.


That looks nice, is the potency there?


Both the lines were very good to start with, but yes the cross was also good.


The most cerebral,high energy and potent Sativa I have


Exactly, which is why itā€™s worth pointing out your numerous erroneous claims. Itā€™s good we agree on something :slight_smile: .

I did tell you hempy. The last time you tried to pull this ā€˜back when I was a young whipper snapperā€™ shtick. What does that have to do with what a landrace is?


FFS @slain stop trolling!

This is a Haze thread!

If you want a debate about scientific jargon piss off to a Chimera thread somewhere!


I agree. This is going nowhere. Itā€™s just a debate on what is meant by true breeding. And that is completely relative because no two seedlings will ever be exactly the same in every way. And only the breeder can say for sure if the traits they are breeding for are locked in or not. The problem with trying to tame a strain like Haze is the fact that it gets big and takes a long time to grow. So growing hundreds or thousands of plants over several generations is a huge task. @hempy Looks likes heā€™s been growing in a small space so the numbers he would need to actually work with are not possible in that situation. Haze needs to be field or greenhouse grown with at least a thousand plants to choose from to actually make any breeding progress


Many people in this thread are speaking in absolutes; as if they are the authority on haze.


One of the issues is that we are all working with different Hazes. Tom knows Positronics Haze, Hempy knows Nevils Haze I know Dutch Passion Haze and so on. Iā€™m sure if we compared everything together we would see itā€™s all very different from each other.


It could also be that all three go back to the same polyhybrid and became distinct after being worked three different ways. I wish we had a public genome project for cannabis because isolating the genetic makeup of various landrace varietals would make identifying such things possible.


What did you do with that little girl? :sunglasses:

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Then why not just smoke something other than haze?

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Hey Chili,
Have you tried haze in the past? For me the effect of my current oh was a surprise, a very warm effect, not at all paranoid. (Iā€™m talking about seedsman oh, seedsman oh/goli oh and seedsman oh/tom hill haze) a total different animal from the neville haze or nl5/hazeA from the 90s.


Iā€™ll be starting the training once I get rid of the congestion and constant stream of foul colored mucous. Yes, for Covid (which this is not), the support cells of the olfactory nerve typically regenerate in around 4-6 weeks time. Unfortunately, if this virus has knocked out the actual nerve itself, thatā€™s a much longer slog. 6 months or longer is not unusual. In some cases, it doesnā€™t seem to regenerate at all, but Iā€™m staying hopeful that is not the case.


Why do you need to grow 1000s ?

Nevil germinated 7 plants from 1000s of old seed and ended up with some of the best Haze lines on the planet.


Neville only needed one or two because he was hybridizing them. If heā€™s was going to reproduce it pure to stabilize and improve the line he would need a lol more to go through like most of his other work. He probably also got lucky with the Haze A and C males. Also there is the possibility that something even better could have come from hybrids of Samā€™s Haze seeds if there was more plants to choose from.


No Nevil didnā€™t just hybridise Haze he also made pure Haze seed, and he also reversed HzC and made what he called Haze Square and that grew out both female and male plants.

Open pollination didnā€™t work, no oneā€™s brave enough to admit that how has it improved Haze or even kept it as it was when it landed in Holland. It once flowered 20 weeks or more it was coincided the strongest cannabis on the planet now itā€™s labelled as a social high that can flower anywhere from 14 weeks.


Neville was never a fan of open pollination. He was an old school line breeder that liked to pick out the best plant he could find out of as many plants as he could grow. Didnā€™t Jack, Mango, and SSH come out of a thousand plants? His pure haze line sucked according the him


When youā€™re dealing with hybrids and that is what Haze is you select for the best plants to go on with, why would you use inferior plants.

You could argue and say, but Itā€™s to maintain the over all health of the population thatā€™s a common excuse, right?

Well, I wouldnā€™t call a reduction in flowering time and an increase in numbers of plants people needing to search through to find a good plant a healthy population and a loss in vigor, would you ?