Adventures in Yardwork

Hell ya! Some really nice purpling u got there!

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Those plants have been purple ever since they started flowering, but it was hard to see in photos.

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At the moment this season is looking to be largely a bust. It has rained such an insane amount this year… the septoria is off the charts. I thought two summers ago was bad, but this is that much worse.

I chopped/trashed 4 plants in the last two days and have been removing material here there and everywhere.

Truth be told I’ve really been down on myself the last few days… second-guessing why I didn’t plant more gear from Copa (historically his plants have finished early enough that I get some respite).

Today I had a minor epiphany… the reason I didn’t plant more Copa beans was because I had beans a kind member on here gifted me to try out, from another New England breeder, that had a similar background and were also supposed to finish quite early.

The problem being, they began flowering at the same time as other typical photoperiods and won’t be done for awhile.

Anyway, really sucks, but I don’t know that there’s a lot I can do about it other than accept this was a shit year.


Huh, well that was an interesting trip down memory lane. Wow was I down in September of last year. I think October was better, and while I did have to toss a ton of flower, I still brought in more than enough to keep me happy.

In the meantime I decided at some point last outdoor season that I should try to keep cuts over the winter. My one outdoor spot is so very far from ideal, i.e. in an outbuilding with no heat and no insulation. Well, I weighed my options and went with an expensive but easily removable option (foamboard insulating a small space) and seedling heat mats to provide a little heat.

It mostly worked. We had a relatively mild winter with only a few journeys into the land of the single digits, and all of the cuts from last year’s outdoor made it through.

Not sure whether I’ll put the larger cuts outdoors, or if I’ll flower some indoors. Weird already having plants, this is usually the time of year when I’m chomping at the bit to start seeds, but I don’t really have much space ATM.