Adventures with autos Part 2

Well I tried my second run a week ago and only managed to keep 1/4 alive. Started a couple more seeds and they seem to be looking pretty good. I got 2 gorilla zskittle, one Hindu Kush and one Wedding Cake. All from Barney’s Seeds.


Looking good man! Second times the charm. I’ll pull up a chair and hang out :fire::star_struck::+1:


:four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers::eyes:

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You’ve got this!

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Having issues with temps getting up to 32c at the tops of the plants. If I moved the light too high the plants will stretch way too much to even get a decent harvest.

That’s still very reasonable, if they are still looking healthy then whatever. :slight_smile:

What’s the humidity? As long as you can keep it between about 66% and 76% you will still be good :+1:

Honestly I tried popping 3 fog dogs a couple weeks back, and only 1 made it above the soil!
I will say that this should help:
I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


The humidity was as low as 35% earlier. It’s at 61% there now.


As long as your VPD is on point, 32c will be fine :+1:


My humidity is going down to 30-35%. Do you guys recommend anything to get that a little higher? Would a small humidifier work? I have a few wet towels and tubs of water in their and it doesn’t seem to be working.

The wedding cake is looking burned. I flushed it last week and again yesterday after it dried out. Hoping it bounce back but being an auto I’m not sure. It’s little over 6 weeks from breaking soil. The other seedlings are looking good so far, way better than the last ones at this point. Again just trying to get he humidity up a little.

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Things all looking way better this go around. The big plant is 26 days from breaking soil and the smaller ones are 7-9 days. Started some low stress training on the Gorilla Zskittle. I also managed to get the humidity up to a decent number so I’m pretty happy so far with how things are turning out.

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And I will add you to my list of growers who will receive the GROW BLESSING during the next full moon.

Grow HARD,



I went through my solo cups this morning. I’ve already potted out about 70 plants for friends/family, and have another 24 cups going.
The last batch I popped hasn’t been doing anything. Thought maybe I had managed to kill them all somehow.
This morning I started gently poking around in the cups. There are sprouted seeds there, but many were too deep, I think. Plus, they were on the cold side.
I don’t have enough heated space right now to hold everything…but spent yesterday rearranging things, and hopefully some of these will be moving out soon :wink:

Every day’s a school day,


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