CerebralMed’s Cultivation Circus

Good morning OGers! For a while, many here on OG have encouraged me to do grow diaries. I’ve just started an Autoflower run to increase the flower stock and do a few test seeds for Night Owl, so I figured I’d document my efforts here. In this run, I’ve started:

(2) Dark Owl Marathon OG (Marathon OG (clone only) x Wizard’s Apprentice)

Gas Reaper’s Chem Cupcake (ChemMo x Bessie Cake)

Gas Reaper’s Chem Mintz (Kush Mintz x ChemMo)

Gas Reaper’s Key Lime Crush

Gas Reaper’s Lemon Star (South Bay Bessie x Lemon Tree S1)

Mephisto’s Jammy Dodgers (Forum Stomper x Strawberry Nuggets)

Mephisto’s Tinto de Virano (Pinot Noir x Mango Smile)

Night Owl Chem N’ Juice (Chem 91 Clone x Chemdogging) (Tester)

Night Owl Mangoes N’ Chem (Chem City Blues (Purple Pheno) x Mango Isle)

Night Owl Naptown ((Ripley’s OG F4 * Alien Tech Pheno x Tyrone Stomper F1)) x Strawberry Milk and Qookies F1)(Tester)

Night Owl Peanut Butter and Cracker Sandwich (Tyrone Stomper F6S1 * Peanutbutter Pheno) (Tester)

RocBud Project 51 (Project 4516 x Grape Dosi Auto)

Date of Birth:

August 26, 2023

Day 30: September 25, 2023

Day 60: October 25, 2023

Day 90: November 24, 2023

Day 100: December 4, 2023

Germination Method: 48 hours in moist paper towel at 80 degrees

Growing medium: 4 gallons of coco coir pre-buffered with 30% perlite and 1” of hyrdroton balls at the bottom

Growing System: 10 6.6 Gallon XL Autopots on 55 gallon reservoir

Growing room: 6x8 Room

Ventilation: Exhaust to outside

Lighting: Gavita 1930E

Environment: 78-82 degrees, 60% RH dropped to 50% for flower

Nutrients: Started them with Canna Start and Mykos - throughout their life, they will also receive: Canna Coco A&B, Cannazym, Rhizotonic, and Boost, with Silica, Recharge, Photosynthesis Plus, TPS Signal, Mammoth P, Hydroguard

I will keep everyone up to date with grow pictures and written updates. Hopefully we can become friends and share our journey together growing one of the most healing plants on the planet!


Looks like your gonna have one heck of a full grow area in no time! I’ve heard good things about those gavita lights but ive never been willing the dish out the money for them so I got growers choice instead. What do you think of them? Worth the money? Can’t wait to see how this grow area fills out in the next month!


This area will have full canopies when I’m done—I’m very excited.

The Gavita light is exceptional. I purchased them second hand from a commercial group leaving the market at 50% off cost. They had only used them one cycle and the lights have 5 year warranties on them. My last auto run I averaged 5.5oz a plant with a mix of auto genetics.

My only complaint—working under them at 100%. This fixture is so bright that at 100% you are still squinting behind your sunglasses.


Out of likes brother but that’s great! I love my growers choice but always wondered how the next step up was. I always turn my lights down to minimum intensity when in there so im not being blinded because I don’t like wearing the sunglasses lol


I hate the sunglasses, but I have a light sensitivity—so I can’t escape them. What are you growing these days?


YASSSSS!!! Up close and watching you grow-on growmie!!!


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I have the same problem with my Mars Hydro FC-6500; do you have a visor or baseball cap? I picked up a few visors from a dollar store and they cut the direct light. I have 3-4 ft dreads so baseball caps and I do not get along.

As of right now nothing. Bought a clone off a guy and he sent some mites with it had to eradicate the grow and now im allowing for a cool down period of 2 weeks as opposed to bug bombing my house

@CerebralMeds. I got 8 seeds planned for the next run. One tent will be an indica run with 4 plants and the other will be a sativa run with 4 plants.
Indica run
Banana daddy r1
Blackberry moonrocks
Trainwreck 14r x pistachio
Dj short blueberry

Sativa run
Hella jelly
Purple diesel
Golden tiger


I use baseball caps sometimes—but I should a lot more often. I should also just turn them down when working under them. Excited to see you here for the journey!


My last photo run was ruined by a bad clone buy, too. PM everywhere! I’ve since eradicated it and reset the garden.

I’m excited to see your next run. There are a couple of different strains you have there that I’m interested in. That said, I have too many seeds as is. My next photo run is going to be epic!


It’s a bummer but there’s a lesson to be learned from it that’s for sure! I unfortunately sent my buddy clones and he also had to kill all his grow so it sucks but take it with a grain of salt and don’t forget to regularly apply an IPM for prevention measure even when things are going good

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I’m always happy to see you along for the ride! I’m thinking about grabbing Mephisto’s Iced N’ Baked (gelato conversion) being released tomorrow to add to this run. It is supposed to be on the smaller side, so I’m tempted to add it to the room!


My lesson was simple—don’t mess with other people’s plants until you are in a space where you can quarantine and legally/affordable test the clones before they leave quarantine. That’s a pretty specific set of circumstances that I don’t know I’ll find in the future. I grew exceptional cannabis without clones—so I think I’ll be okay. But, I’m still trying to keep one of my clones because of how good the smoke was—so I’ll see if I can get her clean.


How were you thinking about testing your plants and what for? Hplvd?

You can test for almost anything these days. I’d like to test for yeasts, molds, and diseases.

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Oh, count me in on this one!
Great lineup!


Very interesting grow lined up @CerebralMeds, hope all goes to plan mate💚


Thanks @blowdout2269 and @Jango! All of the seeds have popped except for two. One has a tail starting today, so I have high hopes for at least one of them. As I said above, I’m very tempted to see Mephisto’s latest gelato push, so if a seed doesn’t make it—I’ll just have room for one or two of those in a single pot. Excited to have you two along for the journey!


Great lineup and love the BLD and NLD tents. Might copy that one day.

Grow on and Happy Harvests