92 days until Popping Day! :)

So up here in Maine, we’re getting ready for winter, guessing on when the first major storm will hit (Tday weekend?) and driving home from work at 4:30 in total darkness.

Thought I’d toss a ray of sunshine out there…

My Popping Day will be Feb 17th this year. That’s when I’ll start 6-8 plants for the first round. Want to have some good, strong plants for outdoors next year.

Going to go through my seeds soon and decide which ones I’ll pop in the first round.
Also putting my list together for soil, worm castings, etc.

C’mon folks!..only 92 days!!!


grow somethin indoor !!!


Yeah you could finish an auto in 92 days.


Oh…I just finished up 4 autos…so I’m down with that…just don’t need any more right now, so no need to run the lights/heat during the middle of winter.

I have a cross I did that should have produced some FAST plants, so we’ll see. I have some Maui Zaui too, which is a tough plant to grow up here in Maine. Probably pop a few of those for an early start and see if we can squeeze them in.


@Lobstah So as a fellow Mainer I do the same thing, my garden gets shut down from Jan-Mar because its pointless… too damn cold

So what are your secrets to keep it all warm? I had tents upstairs for a couple winters but the wifey was not too fond of that.

:rofl: The 92 days until popping caught my eye was thinking about the amount of days until I can pop the next round


You got anything on your “Wish List” you may want to run during our “Maine Hibernation Season”? If so, if I have it, won’t mind sending it “Downstate”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I had a good time growing Blackstrap Molasses this past year, but I never reversed a plant, so don’t have any seeds. It made a gorgeous dark purple bud:

If anyone has anything similar to that, I’d love to grow some more out. I had wanted to do a cross between that and some Widowmaker I’ve got hanging around, but it didn’t take, and I ran out of time.

On a diff note, I just came across a jar my neighbor gave me…Buhda’s Dream, from back in 21. Opened it up for a sniff, smelled great, but felt a bit damp. Tossed one of my hygrometers in the jar…78%. !!!
It’s airing out now. Will burp it twice daily for a few days.


I would disperse them in a newspaper sheet and let them dry for a while, just in case … beer3|nullxnull

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Count down :timer_clock: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :clock1:

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Im in Michigan counting down and preparing myself. Just ordered some early finishers from mendo 20/20 from GLG. GLG has BOGO goin on right now. First time seeing a photoperiod with a flower from sprout day time frame. So trying to plan accordingly. Good growing!

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That is a gorgeous deep purple for sure. Love to see it

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Got BS Molasses around here somewhere( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). Let me get through this “MINI AUTO GIVEAWAY” tomorrow, get a few requested searches accomplished, I’ll get back with ya to get some headed “Downstate”. As always, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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78 days 'til National Popping Day, folks! I’ve got 100 1gal pots, and enough potting mix built to fill most of them.
I’m going to rearrange some lighting in the basement, and close off what used to be an old kitchen with some poly to make it easier to keep the space warm.
I still need to pick up 1 or 2 kiddie swimming pools, which make watering a lot easier.
Then pick the seeds for the first round.
1st week of Dec looks to be snow-free in my neck of the woods…but no doubt it’s coming.
On a side note…the rats are back. Whole neighborhood had an issue with them about 2-3yrs ago. I bought a solution that sterilizes them. Took awhile to have the desired effect, like 2-3mos, but it worked.
Need to deal with this quickly before it gets out of hand. I mixed up some cornmeal/sugar/baking soda as a treat for them the other day, not sure it’s slowed them down yet. Might mix baking soda in some peanut butter, see if that’s more to their liking.
And on another side note, deer season is winding down. A processor up the road has had a busy season…always has 4-6 hanging outside of the garage, but I don’t think the hunters have put much of a dent in them. Seems like the deer population is healthier than the hunter population. Reminds me, I’ve got a few pieces of venison in the freezer that need to get used up.

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71 days…getting there.
Big coastal storm this weekend…1.5" of rain, temps in the 50s along the coast, and winds gusting to 65.
That’s going to be a treat!

There’s a fella tha grows 2-3 plants every summer, and they’re always good looking plants. Run about 6-7ft tall, and bushy, lush growth.
His method is about as simple as it can get. He digs a good sized hole, dumps one bag of “Maine Seafood Compost” in the hole, mixes in some soil, and then stuffs a plant in it.
That’s it. No nutes…nothing but some water once or twice a week. He thinks people make it harder than it needs to be :sunglasses:


@Lobstah Sounds like the weather report for Downeast this weekend. You near Bar Harbor? We’re gonna be ready to lose power…

Yep…about 30 miles west of you, as the eagles fly :wink:

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At least we don’t have to worry about plants getting blown over like last summer.

They’re still calling for gusts to 65mph, which is pretty beefy. And since the ground isn’t yet frozen and we’re getting 1-3" of rain along with the storm, could make for an interesting few days.

Or…maybe nothing happens but a few blustry breezes, and it’s all much about nothing. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


We can only hope :joy: we are right on the coast and get hammered often. Dang time to get the genny ready. :grimacing:

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Make that 3 - 5 Inches!!! Up here, the ground is frozen, but that much rain can bring it out quick. My friend in Bangor Area, already getting "Flood Warnings!! GOOD LUCK, Bro, all the best, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m 200yds from the water, so I get that. Won’t be as bad for us as it is sometimes due to winds out of the South. N-NW really sucks here. Top of a hill, with a long fetch up river to Bangor. Anything out of the NNW is really bad for us.