Advice needed - new to all of this

I just found this site, and I understand the need to build the trust level. I like that. Thing is before finding this site, I thought the best thing to do would be 1 of each strain, then do a CS seed run for each, for more fem seeds. I did one CS run on an unknown bag seed. It didn’t go very well, but I got seeds from it that work. I would like to get involved with trading and seed runs, but I am not sure the best way to go about it. I assume the one seed I have a bunch of is worthless here, as I have no clue on the strain. Since a choice takes a few months to see through, I thought I would ask for some opinions before starting my next round.
I feel like there are so many layers, that I dont even know which questions to ask first, lol.
Disclaimer: Everything I have learned so far has been from GWE and r/microgrowery, so I am pretty sure I am doing some thing incorrectly.


First thing first, Welcome to OG!

Not necessarily. A lot of us started with bag seed - heck, I’m growing out some bag seeds at the moment.

If I could offer you one piece of advice : dont try to learn this so fast that you miss the nuances of growing. I really rushed into a lot, and, subsequently learned the hard way for some things.

All you gotta do is hang out here on OG, meet these amazing folks and build friendships. Its that easy.

Much love :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


If I could go back and start again the number 1 thing I would do differently is check my PH lol and maybe not try making seeds… cause now every plant I grow I want to make seeds from lol

Also if you’ve got pics of the plants that made the seeds someone in the trading section will probably make a deal


Best bet is start a grow log, that says you want to be an active member.

Read what you like, explore and ask questions. You will accumulate trust level and then take part in co-op seed runs. Inside a year you will have a great width on knowledge, a big stack of magic beans that could take you years to comb through…



just cause you don’t know what it is doesn’t make it not worth while, and all your seeds allow you to play learn and not be afraid of trying new things or say starting many seeds and picking the best couple looking ones to go through with.


Thanks for the welcomes, everyone :slight_smile: It just became legal to grow here, so I have to fight the paranoia, now that I can finally talk about it. (Not going to advertise it locally, don’t take it that way :stuck_out_tongue:)

At the moment I have 2 fem Tropicana Poison fast flower f1 from Sweet Seeds going. I was going to let them veg out a bit more, then CS a branch, maybe one on each, and let them have at each other. I know people collect the pollen, and then use that pollenate another round, but the bag seed pollenated fine last time. Not sure if I just got lucky.

Since I am allowed 6 plants at a time, my thought was I take one of the strains where I only have a single seed, start it, take 2 clones, finish out the first one. CS the clones and make seeds. I can basically have 2 strains cycling like that, at a time. I am open to any suggestions on ways to change/improve the process I am planning.


Welcome to OG…

Loads of awesome people, family & friends here.
Start yourself a journal for us all to follow along with your grow details.

Join conversations and get to know everyone.

I’m growing Unknown bag seeds too :wink: nothing wrong with it. Its a surprise bag of goodies.

See ya round


does not hurt as much when you kill bag seeds :slight_smile:

at 10 -15 dollars a beans the pain starts :wink:

be safe and stay free



Right now I have a failed seed of Charlotte’s web… paid $100.00 for 3 seeds. Only 1 ever actually grew. That suxks

But my cheapo or free seeds grow perfectly fine lol


Isn’t that the truth. Ugh.


go figure :slight_smile:


Is it cool to start a grow diary in the middle of veg? or is it preferred they are from start to finish? I could start one for the 2 Tropicana Poisons I have going atm


That works well especially if you have been taking photos and notes.
You can work on your layout, prep each ‘installment’ etc. Space them out every 2 or 3 days and you will be up to date by flower.
Otherwise just do an intro and start where you are.
My first grow log helped me ‘up my game’. I noticed deficiencies in my note taking etc. It’s a learning process, you become more aware of different approaches and adapt a few to your preferences.

Go for it! :sunglasses: :+1:



I was not good at documenting, I was just kinda winging it through my dirt runs. Here are a couple pictures of a bud from the bag seed I cracked to check out, and my last grow. the bag seed in dirt in the bottom left, and in DWC, but being dominated by the Trop Poison, up top


Everything is looking good! That’s a delicious looking bud you got there. Must have some great bag appeal

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Let the sun shine in …( .turn up the power to your LED )

Still watching.

MY grow is grow diaries …Maiden voyage.

Come on over the with more eyes better success will be achieved.

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Everything here looks amazing! I thought you have been around for awhile now, welcome to OG
Like everyone else is saying, move around, join a few discussions just jump in everyone’s very cordial. One thing I’d like to add, don’t try too much at once, looks like you already know how to finish. KISS and find your method and happy grows pal.

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Like the words.