Unique or interesting plants. (The runt)

Just wanted to share FWIW.

So I’d been saving seeds for years before I started growing again regularly.

-loads of bagseed going back to the 90s and early aughts, many attempts to germinate with only a handful ever making it through. much of it apparently unviable after so long. -

It was important before I started acquiring seeds from reputable breeders and capable chuckers because my paranoia at one point wouldn’t even consider purchase online.

It’s the only way I got my grows going. -old bag seed. I still have variants of the first few beans I managed to get germinated and part of me values the mystery of their unknown lineage.

I still try every now and then and will throw a mystery bean in a wet towel.

-Most recently with the example below.

This is 8-weeks from seedling. It’s tiny.

And it has these discoloring.

I topped it and have been nursing it without any real hope for a harvest of any size.

It will likely have the most mind-blowing smoke ever, and I’ll get 1/8th as a harvest. LOL

I’ve taken to thinking of it as a “pet.”

Any of you folks ever just saved a less than optimal plant, just because it struck you as unique? -Would enjoy reading about them.


I would tag for follow. :sunglasses: :metal:

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It depends. If my numbers are low I’ll give them a shot and see what they do. If my numbers are high no mercy.


Perfectly describes my current situation.

It’s funny because the others I started at the same time are way ahead of where they need to be right now.

Same here. I like to let the funky looking runts and mutants grow and see what they do as long as i have space. I have one now that i love. Crazy twisted leaves but as fate would have it its a male :sleepy:


Those serrations alone would be worthy of me watching her! If you could incorporate those into a line it would absolutely stand out! Very very cool


Agreed… I dig the weird.

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I made a cross a few years ago,
Chem Toffees x Soul Mate, I called it Stankonia.
One of them grew with this really weird, super thick stem. Which after about 2 weeks above ground, split and started to produce another main stem.
It then starred to put out nodes with 3 branches instead of 2.
It also produces mainly 3 blade leaves, with the occasional 5 blades, with 2 tiny blades and 3 huge ones.
It also flowered insanely quick! And was ridiculously greasy, like not so much sticky, but after handling it, my fingertips felt almost wet.
Aprox 1 week into flower

2 weeks into flower

4 weeks into flower

I wish I could have kept a cut, unfortunately wasn’t in the position to do so at the time.
I also no longer have any of the seeds I made if this cross.
I’m pretty sure some members on here have some of these Stankonia seeds, as I did send out a few packs a while ago.

I will say, the other plant I grew from this cross was very much a normal plant in comparison :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:

I’ve recently found a post over in ICMag where someone had a Soul Mate male which did the same stem splitting thing as mine. Could possibly be a rare phenotype somewhere in the mix.
I think I’ve mentioned this plant a few times now, so I’ll give a rest :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Thanks for sharing. Digging the structural-strangeness there.

Soul Mate is on my Bodhi to do list.. It was Old Soul on the latest run, and Purple Soul for the run before that. Gonna give it a shot!

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Ah very nice!
I have a pack of Old Soul in the fridge too.
I’m keen to see what they’re like.


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