Airy budz experiment šŸŒ

It could be !

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Yes, Moby Dick X Cheese.
I did it mostly as a joke


Pretty sure there are already some loose hashplants but I couldnā€™t say which.

Might save you some time.

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I have something with the structure but itā€™s a CBD landrace varietal and does not dank too much but leafy/airy as all hell!


Malana is a sativa hashplant. Itā€™s thin and airy and is famous in that village for the hash made from it.


Thatā€™s incredible! Wow


White widow ? I grew airy for me one time.

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That is funny.

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If thats a wedding cake i bet that at a good s4-5 or even past 6. Probably whats causing the issue.

Edit i just seen. Says its f2 auto. Autos usualy have alot of inbreeding done to them. Are you sure the ones you got are definatly f1. Ive seen quite a few coming out like that from autos.

Im on a similar quest, the perfect hash plant :slightly_smiling_face:
Giant airy buds do pop up in many lines, my most recent examples being bog sour strawberry#16, mosca raspberry boogie#1 and realgorillaseeds DFG(one pheno)

I was looking to cross ss16 to a leb27 but leb is now out of stock everywhere I lookedā€¦
So Iā€™m turning to kcbrains tnr and Dr greenthumb ultimate hashplantā€¦

Good luck :v:


@Mithridate are you looking for the perfect Hashplant or are you trying to breed one? Iā€™m just trying to start a fun project.


Iā€™m trying to breed one, I envision somekind of strawberry hashplant with columnar growth, big trichome heads, giant airy colas, drops heads on first wash and ridiculous returns.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll spend much time stabilizing that into a line, more like find a clone and keep it aroundā€¦

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Sounds delish :yum:!

I was thinking if you select for airy colas and just keep crossing with a high resin strainā€¦might find what youā€™re looking for.


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Jesus Oh is Larf Puddin!

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If Iā€™m remembering correctly I think there was a matanuska valley that was really airy. Might have been a greenhouse strain, I just remember seeing the major airy bud structure and thinking WTF, who the hell is gonna trim thatā€¦



Freakshow looks like it has some of the desired bud traits for this experiment.


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I wanted to reiterate here because I think it is important. Freakshow ā€œmayā€ have a trait in itā€™s genes, given the minimal leaf surface area, that is high chlorophyll meaning it can produce in low lightā€¦with larger leaf surface area.



Itā€™s just a drunk bump man :wink:.

Edit: I swear, while biking through the Appalachian Mountains, i saw freakshow growing in the woods. I thought to myself at the time that would be some stealthy weedā€¦lol, didnā€™t recognize it, if I did, untill they came out with this strain.

While Iā€™m at it. To those still paying attention marijuana is not tomatoes. Sure eyou can grow some big plants and get hash from the Lucas Method, but mj aint tomatoes. Your plants will always underperform and you wonā€™t get the results you want (pheno hunt, pheno hunt) unless you approach marijuana as marijuanaā€¦growing stellar pot takes a holistic organic approach. Then you will find those all so elusive cuts and you budz will all be super dank. Rememberā€¦all marijuana is decended from the landraces. These plant grow in a 100% organic environment and then recompost all the nutrients they aquired back into the soil. Life is simple.:grin:


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@THCeed do you have any pics of your Dick cheeseā€¦lol

That just sounds kinda wrongā€¦ lolā€¦seriously though I would like to check out the budz if you have pics.


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I will have a look. We have a lot of fun with that strain nameā€¦

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