AK bean brains catalog

Lemon Star F2, It is a real smooth smoke already, light in the lungs, you can take really big inhales and hold them, and it has a nice clear almost cough free exhale. With it beging smooth and light you just want to keep hitting until you hit that point and your lungs explode.

It does have a somewhat lemon taste much less than I would have expected. Smell is muted as well some lemon but the rest I cant put the smell into words. I can say it has no fuel, diesel, chemical, musty, green, sour or earthy smells. It is a pleasant smell that I like. The smell kind of reminds me of those fun dip candies, the powder you would dip the sticks into for the different flavors.


After the first hit I start feeling up maybe a little bit more happy and content. I get a light feeling in the head, my eyes/mind seems to notice more details as well as my ears.


Im not getting any sleepy or down feelings after two bowls. Its not making me bouch off the walls or go to sleep. It is a nice mood booster for me.

I rate it 4.5 coughs out of 5

Edit- It might make you sweat a little bit.